Journal of Textile Research ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (08): 234-240.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230806202

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Research progress of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation technology in China

XI Lifeng1, MA Pibo1, JIA Wei2, WANG Jiamian2, ZHANG Hongbin2, PENG Xiaoquan2, XIA Fenglin1, JIANG Gaoming1()   

  1. 1. Engineering Research Center for Knitting Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. National Innovation Center for Advanced Medical Devices, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518100, China
  • Received:2023-08-29 Revised:2024-04-25 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-21
  • Contact: JIANG Gaoming


Significance Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) is an extracorporeal life support method. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, ECMO has achieved remarkable clinical results despite the high cost of consumables. On the other hand, the shortage of ECMO equipment and technical reserves in China becomes increasingly prominent, making it urgent to breakthrough the core technology for domestic ECMO production.In March 2021, the national "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan and 2035 Vision and Goals Outline" was released, calling for breakthroughs in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine and other core technologies, and the innovation research and development of domestic ECMO technology has been upgraded to the height of the national strategy since then. As part of the national effort, this paper reviews the research progress of ECMO in China and and tries to point out the future research directions.

Progress The working principle of ECMO extracorporeal membrane pulmonary oxygenation device was introduced in this review, and the centrifugal pump, control system, and oxygenator have been highlighted as the three key technologies for ECMO development. The progress of domestic research on the current technical difficulties was reviewed. Since the national policy was put forward, various medical research organizations have joined forces and overcome many key technologies of ECMO. The centrifugal pump in ECMO has been successively developed in China. The preparation technology of PMP (polymethylpentene)has been broken through, and the control system of ECMO equipment has been developed with the help of domestic leading aerospace technology. Since 2023, three ECMO products have been released domestically. The centrifugal pump product has a pump body speed of 7 000 r/min, which is better than that of 3M's 5 000 r/min; the maximum flow rate can reach 8 L/min, which is on a par with the performance of 3M's products. The porosity of domestic PMP membrane material can reach 60%, and the strength is more than 60 cN, which is the same as that of 3M products. Aiming at the development of manufacturing technology of PMP membrane, the organizational structure of 3M samples were studied and analyzed, and it was learnt that the structure of PMP membrane is warp knitting with pillar stitches. Through the trial experiment on the machine, it was found that the technical difficulties of the PMP membrane manufacturing process were mainly the selection of equipment and the control of weaving tension.

Conclusion and Prospect Through the study of ECMO key technologies, it was found that the focus of breakthrough oxygenator technology should be driven by the policy of frequent outbreaks and localization of ECMO technology, and PMP membrane preparation based on warp knitting technology is one of the important challenges in China for the future. It was found that the focus of breakthrough oxygenator technology should be the cross-fertilization of multidisciplinary collaborations. It is necessary to continuously optimize the physical properties of PMP membrane according to the requirements of knitting equipment, and it is necessary to develop special knitting equipment according to the mechanical properties of the PMP membrane to realize the complete localization of ECMO technology. In the future, the focus of ECMO technology development should be shifted from localized technology to international leading technology. Scientific researchers from various fields, such as textile technology, membrane technology, clinical medicine, and electromechanical engineering should work together to overcome the technological difficulties in different fields. The working efficiency of the ECMO equipment should be further optimized and improved in order to make advancement in the oxygenated membrane technology, and to promote the development of China's high-end medical equipment.

Key words: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation technology, oxygenation equipment, polymethylpentene hollow fiber membrane, braiding technology

CLC Number: 

  • TS186.1


Working diagram of ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation equipment"


Domestic and imported pumphead parameters"

类型 预充量/
轴承座 离心泵
迈柯唯 32 0~5 000 10 单轴承 径向泵
理诺法 57 0~3 500 8 单轴承 径向泵
索林 17 0~10 000 8 单轴承 对角泵
国产产品 16 0~7 000 8 单轴承 对角泵


PMP hollow fiber membrane cross-section and oxygenation principle diagram. (a) SEM image of PMP film;(b) Blood oxygenation diagram"


Preparation of PMP membrane by TIPS method"


Technical parameters of PMP membrane from 3M company and China"

3M公司 380±30 200±50 0.4 61 >0.4 >60
清华大学 580±30 350±50 60~70 >0.4 110~115
400±30 200±30 ≥ 55 ≥ 70
深圳国家高性能医疗器械创新中心 400±30 200±30 60 ≥60


PMP film woven structure. (a)Knitting diagram PMP film by 3M company;(b) PMP knitting structure simulation diagram"


PMP hollow fiber test knitting diagram on machine"

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