Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (06): 38-43.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180704006

• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Numerical simulation of heat transfer of carbon fiber fabric under impact of heat flux

ZHENG Zhenrong1,2(), ZHI Wei1, HAN Chenchen1, ZHAO Xiaoming1, PEI Xiaoyuan1   

  1. 1. School of Textile Science and Engieering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Composites of Ministry of Education, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387, China
  • Received:2018-07-16 Revised:2019-03-11 Online:2019-06-15 Published:2019-06-25


In order to study the heat transfer performance of textile materials under the impact of convective heat flux, taking the carbon fiber plain weave fabric as an example, the geometric parameters of yarn, the weaving path and cross-section shape of warp and weft yarns were obtained by scanning electron microscopy. Then a 3-D structural model of carbon fiber fabric was established. Based on the basic equation of heat transfer, the temperature variation curve in the direction of fabric thickness was solved numerically by finite element method. The results show that the heat transfer numerical model can be adopted to predict the temperature of the fabric back changing with time. It is found by experiments that the variation trend of fabric back temperature obtained with the numerical model is correlated with the experimental results. When heat flux is 1 319 W/m2 and 1 103 W/m2, respectively, the average relative errors of simulated and experimental values of fabric back temperature are 6.64% and 3.28%. It is indicated that the numerical model can better reflect the dynamic heat transfer process of carbon fiber fabric, which can provide an effective theoretical reference for the development of heat protective fabrics under high heat flux in the future.

Key words: carbon fiber fabric, heat transfer, 3-D geometric model, numerical simulation, heat flux density

CLC Number: 

  • TS101.3


Carbon fiber fabric. (a)SEM of fabric;(b)Geometry model of fabric; (c) SEM and geometry model of warp cross-section;(d) SEM and geometry model of weft yarn cross-section"


Principle of heat transfer with carban fiber fabric under heat flux"


Thermophysical parameters of materials"

材料 质量密度/
空气 1.06 0.029 1 005
碳纤纱 1 798.90 0.528 1 318


Meshed of carbon fiber fabric model. (a)Fabric mesh model;(b)Air domain mesh"


Convective load"


Radiation load"


Schematic diagram of verified experiment"


Temperature distribution in thickness direction of fabric model"


Yarn temperature distribution in fabric model"


Temperature distribution on back of fabric"

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