Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (07): 31-37.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180708107

• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on mixing uniformity of fibers in rotor-spun mixed yarns

DENG Qianqian, YANG Ruihua(), XU Yaya, GAO Weidong   

  1. Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles(Jiangnan University), Ministry of Education, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
  • Received:2018-07-30 Revised:2019-03-29 Online:2019-07-15 Published:2019-07-25
  • Contact: YANG Ruihua


In order to investigate the effect of fiber mixing on the degree of fiber mixing in the rotor mix cotton yarn,the radial distribution characteristics of cotton fiber with different colors in rotor spinning blended cotton yarn were analyzed by studying the cross section sample of two-component blending rotor spun cotton yarn and three-component blended rotor spun cotton yarn with different blending modes (mixed by two-slivers, by three-slivers and by roving). The Hamilton transfer index method was adopted to characterize the uniformity of the radial distribution of cotton fibers in the blended cotton yarn, and the influence of the fiber blending methods on the radial uniformity of the rotor spinning cotton yarn was discussed. The experimental results show that for the above mentioned combination modes, color fiber distribution of different mixed-color cotton yarn is uniform, and the real ratio of fiber is consistent to the designed ratio. The mixing methods have no obvious influence on the radial uniformity of the rotor spinning cotton yarns, and the three-channel rotor spinning can achieve good blending effect of the fibers.

Key words: rotor spinning, color blended yarn, cotton fiber, Hamilton transfer index, uniformity

CLC Number: 

  • TS104


Forming system of three-channel rotor spinning yarn"


粗纱 1.67 2.20 2.13
条子 22.64 21.50 21.32


Color mixing scheme of two-component blending cotton yarn"

编号 条子配比 纤维占比/% 混合方式
1# 1∶5 16.78 83.22 一并
2# 1∶5 16.78 83.22 三并
3# 2∶4 33.52 66.48 一并
4# 2∶4 33.52 66.48 三并
5# 3∶3 50.21 49.79 一并
6# 3∶3 50.21 49.79 三并
7# 4∶2 66.85 33.15 一并
8# 5∶1 83.45 16.55 一并


Slice samples of two-component colored cotton yarn"


Color mixing scheme of three-component blending cotton yarn"

编号 条子配比 纤维占比/% 混合
14# 1∶1∶4 16.91 16.37 66.72 一并
15# 1∶1∶4 16.91 16.37 66.72 三并
16# 1∶2∶3 16.96 32.85 50.19 一并
17# 1∶2∶3 16.96 32.85 50.19 三并
18# 1∶3∶2 17.01 49.42 33.57 一并
19# 1∶3∶2 17.01 49.42 33.57 三并
20# 1∶4∶1 17.07 66.1 16.83 一并
21# 1∶4∶1 17.07 66.1 16.83 三并
22# 2∶1∶3 33.74 16.33 49.93 一并
23# 2∶2∶2 33.85 32.77 33.38 一并
24# 2∶3∶1 33.95 49.31 16.74 一并
25# 3∶1∶2 50.50 16.30 33.20 一并
26# 3∶2∶1 50.56 32.69 16.65 一并
27# 4∶1∶1 67.90 16.12 15.98 一并


Spinning parameters of two-component mixed color cotton yarn blending by two rovings"

编号 纤维占比/% 喂入速度/(m·min-1)
9# 16.78 83.22 0.51 1.41
10# 33.52 66.48 1.03 2.10
11# 50.21 49.79 1.54 1.57
12# 66.85 33.15 2.04 1.05
13# 83.45 16.55 2.55 0.52


Spinning parameters of three-component mixed color cotton yarn blending by three rovings"

编号 纤维占比/% 喂入速度/(m·min-1)
28# 16.91 16.37 66.72 0.52 0.50 2.11
29# 16.96 32.85 50.19 0.53 1.00 1.59
30# 17.01 49.42 33.57 0.53 1.51 1.06
31# 17.07 66.10 16.83 0.53 2.02 0.53
32# 33.74 16.33 49.93 1.05 0.50 1.58
33# 33.85 32.77 33.38 1.05 1.00 1.05
34# 33.95 49.31 16.74 1.05 1.51 0.53
35# 50.50 16.30 33.20 1.57 0.50 1.05
36# 50.56 32.69 16.65 1.57 1.00 0.53
37# 67.90 16.12 15.98 2.11 0.49 0.50


Slice samples of two-component roving blended cotton yarn"


Slice samples of three-component colored cotton yarn"


Slice samples of three-component roving blended cotton yarn"


Two-component mixed-color cotton yarn slice sample divided into concentric circles"


Hamilton transfer indexes for various samples of two-component blending cotton yarn"

样本编号 汉密尔顿转移指数/%
黄色纤维 蓝色纤维
1# -3.44 3.44
2# 4.41 -4.41
3# -2.46 2.46
4# -2.70 2.70
5# 1.39 -1.39
6# 1.81 -1.81
7# -4.48 4.48
8# 11.47 -11.47
9# 8.24 -8.24
10# -5.66 5.66
11# -0.85 0.85
12# -2.30 2.30
13# -5.43 5.43


Hamilton transfer index for various samples of three-component blending cotton yarn"

黄色纤维 蓝色纤维 红色纤维
14# 1.19 4.61 3.50
15# -0.38 5.68 -9.50
16# 0.78 0.69 -2.07
17# -6.16 -2.49 -6.60
18# -5.09 -1.62 7.35
19# -3.26 -1.69 1.23
20# -6.47 5.88 2.93
21# 1.11 -2.73 0.64
22# -5.64 4.09 -0.08
23# -6.73 3.69 3.77
24# 6.03 0.12 -7.13
25# 0.2 6.78 -5.08
26# -3.65 -7.16 6.09
27# 8.97 -2.99 -3.06
28# 5.47 -5.74 9.57
29# 0.61 -2.66 2.99
30# 11.85 -3.04 -7.86
31# -8.33 14.24 -2.92
32# 6.62 -3.47 -0.73
33# 4.03 0.60 -4.46
34# 12.10 3.84 -14.63
35# 2.33 -4.43 1.96
36# -5.79 -11.03 3.01
37# 8.98 -9.31 0.12


Hamilton transfer index of three-component colored cotton yarn"


Hamilton transfer index of two-component colored cotton yarn"

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