Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 101-108.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180401208

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Low-temperature bleaching of cotton knitted fabrics using hydrogen peroxide in presence of copper complex catalysts

ZHANG Fan1, ZHANG Ru1, ZHOU Wenchang1, ZHOU Hui2, WANG Nanfang1()   

  1. 1. Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Environmental Catalysis & Waste Recycling, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Xiangtan, Hunan 411104, China;
    2. Esquel Group, Gaoming, Guangdong 528500, China
  • Received:2018-04-04 Revised:2019-04-18 Online:2019-08-15 Published:2019-08-16
  • Contact: WANG Nanfang


In order to overcome the shortcomings of high energy consumption and great damage on cotton knitted fabrics in the conventional high-temperature bleaching, copper complex CuM and CuN for the cotton fabric low-temperature bleaching process were prepared by reacting N,N'-bis(3-aminopropyl)ethylenediamine and tris(aminoethyl)amine with salicylaldehyde, respectively to produce Schiff base ligands M and N, and reacting with copper salt. The compounds were characterized by infrared spectrometer and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. The influence of CuM and CuN on catalytic decomposition characteristics of hydrogen peroxide and the copper complex-hydrogen peroxide low temperature bleaching process factors on the fabric whiteness were studied. The comparison experiments between low-temperature and conventional bleaching processes were carried out. The order of H2O2 decomposition reaction is one and their kinetics of CuM and CuN are 0.055 and 0.042 min -1, respectively, much higher than that of the pristine. The whiteness of cotton fabrics bleached by CuN-H2O2 system is 80.0% comparable with the conventional process, and the former capillary and strength retention are superior to the later.

Key words: copper complex, catalytic decomposition, low-temperature bleaching, cotton knitted fabric, hydrogen peroxide

CLC Number: 

  • TS195.5


Synthetic route for complex CuM"


Synthetic route for complex CuM"


1H nudear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of M"


FT-IR spectrum of M and CuM"


1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of N"


FT-IR spectrum of N and CuN"


Relationship between concentration and time of hydrogen peroxide catalyzed CuM and CuN"

Tab. 1

Reaction kinetics and half lives of decomposition for hydrogen peroxide"

体系 拟合方程 R2 速率常数k/min-1 半衰期 τ/min
空白 Y=4.304 + 4.08×10-4X 0.946 4.08×10-4 1 698.89
CuN Y=4.461 + 0.055X 0.956 5.50×10-2 12.60
CuM Y=4.507 + 0.042X 0.951 4.20×10-2 16.50


Relationship between whiteness and time at various bleach temperatures"


Whiteness of fabrics at various bleach temperatures"


Relationship between concentration of catalysts and whiteness"


Relationship between scouring agent concentration and whiteness"


Relationship between H2O2 concentration and fabric whiteness"


Effect of various processes on bleached properties of fabrics"

试样 白度/% 毛效(30 min)/cm 强力/N 强力保留率/%
练漂前 45.0 3.0 390.1
CuM 76.8 13.0 366.5 93.97
CuN 80.0 16.0 368.0 94.36
空白工艺 72.9 8.6 370.2 94.87
传统工艺 81.0 10.0 358.8 92.00
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