Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 109-116.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180504908

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Influence of graphene oxide/polyaniline functional film on electromagnetic shielding property of cotton fabrics

ZOU Lihua1(), XU Zhenzhen1, SUN Yanyan1, WANG Tairan1, QIU Yiping2   

  1. 1. International Cooperation Research Center of Textile Structure Composite Materials, Anhui Polytechnic University,Wuhu, Anhui 241000, China
    2. College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2018-05-21 Revised:2019-05-03 Online:2019-08-15 Published:2019-08-16


In order to prepare lightweight and efficient electromagnetic shielding fabric of absorption-type, a graphene oxide (GO)/polyaniline (PANI) functional film was coated on cotton fabric using layer-by-layer assembling method. The influences of the concentration of aniline (AN) monomer, the concentration of GO and the number of assembly layers on the electrical properties and electromagnetic shielding properties of cotton fabrics were studied. The absorptivity, reflectivity, and shielding effectiveness due to absorption and reflection were analyzed. The results show that the increase of AN concentration and the number of assembling bilayer improve the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of the fabric, but with the increase of GO concentration, the shielding effectiveness value of the fabric increases first and then decreases, the shielding effectiveness of fabric with 4 bilayers of GO/PANI reaches 19.91 dB, which could shield 98.98% of electromagnetic energy, the absorptivity of the fabric is 57.63%, and the reflectivity is 41.35%, the main shielding mechanism is absorption.

Key words: polyaniline, graphene oxide, layer-by-layer assembly, cotton fabric, electromagnetic shielding property, functional film

CLC Number: 

  • TS101.8


FT-IR spectra of cotton, PANI-cotton and GO/PANI-cotton fabrics"


SEM images of cotton fiber with and without GO/PANI under various AN concentration,GO concentration and BL(×5 000). (a) Raw cotton; (b) AN-0.5; (c) AN-0.7; (d) AN-0.9; (e) GO-0.4; (f) GO-0.8; (g) 2 layers; (h) 4 layers"


Effect of AN concentration on loading, thickness and surface resistance for cotton fabric with GO/PANI coating"

0.3 1.67±0.09 0.439±0.023 1 237.5±92.3
0.5 2.94±0.08 0.457±0.029 414.7±23.7
0.7 3.81±0.13 0.478±0.031 310.4±18.5
0.9 4.06±0.16 0.513±0.038 197.9±11.3


Effect of GO concentration on loading, thickness and surface resistance for cotton fabric with GO/PANI coating"

0.2 0.87±0.09 0.437±0.021 356.8±19.8
0.4 2.19±0.08 0.461±0.028 216.7±13.7
0.6 3.81±0.13 0.478±0.031 310.4±18.5
0.8 4.36±0.16 0.496±0.035 874.5±45.9


Effect of bilayer number on loading, thickness and surface resistance for cotton fabric with GO/PANI film"

1 2.19±0.08 0.461±0.028 216.7±13.7
2 4.44±0.11 0.506±0.051 175.9±9.1
3 6.56±0.17 0.558±0.059 115.3±7.6
4 8.77±0.21 0.607±0.053 66.1±4.8


Relationship between AN concentration and SSE value of cotton fabric with GO/PANI coating"


Relationship between GO concentration and SSE value of cotton fabric with GO/PANI coating"


Relationship between number of assembling and index of electromagnetic shielding of cotton fabric with GO/PANI coating"


Relationship between absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity of cotton fabric with different number of bilayer GO/PANI"


Durability of electromagnetic shielding for cotton fabric with GO/PANI functional film under different conditions"

样品名称 屏蔽效能/dB
未洗涤参照样 19.91±2.00
去离子水中浸泡24 h 19.35±1.92
去离子水中超声30 min 19.05±2.11
洗衣液中超声30 min 18.91±2.04
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