Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (09): 143-149.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180908607

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Development of personalized female prototype based on three-dimensional measurement data

WANG Zhaohui, WU Yuxi, YANG Min   

  1. College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
  • Received:2018-09-30 Revised:2019-06-13 Online:2019-09-15 Published:2019-09-23


In order to solve the problem of fitness in personalized pattern technology, a new method to generate personalized female's prototype based on three-dimensional measurement was proposed. Firstly, a female with standard stature was randomly selected and the body size was scanned. Then, the three-dimensional body model was fitted with digital mannequin based on the rule of the body feature points to obtain the personalized digital mannequin. The digital mannequin was from Creacompo Ⅱ Torso in TORAY software system. Next, the TORAY software was adopted to divide and flatten the digital human mannequin referring to the feature lines and the flattening vector graph was obtained later. Finally the rules of the personalized female prototype was established according to two-dimensional flattening vector graphs. The personalized prototype was tested well display and verified the feasibility of this prototype generation method. This study provides an effective measure for the generation of personalized female's pattern, which also enrich the theory of the two-dimensional prototype generation from three-dimensional human model.

Key words: personaliztion, female prototype, 3-D human model, digital mannequin, surface flattening

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.2


Procession of point cloud data. (a) Noise reducing and simplifying; (b) Hole filling; (c) Smoothing"


Measurement of point cloud process"

部位 处理前
胸围 85.16 85.85 86.50 1.55 0.08
腰围 66.40 67.22 67.40 1.49 0.27
臀围 93.68 94.46 94.40 0.76 0.07
背长 39.79 39.37 39.50 0.74 0.34
腰围高 98.49 98.12 97.60 0.91 0.53
身高 163.50 166.09 165.20 1.03 0. 54


47 landmarks of 3-D human model"

部位 特征点数 特征点
头部 1 头顶点
颈部 4 喉结点、颈椎点、左颈点、右颈点
肩部 5 左肩中央点、右肩中央点、左肩点、右肩点、颈窝点
手臂 4 左肘外侧点、右肘外侧点、左腕关节外点、右腕关节外点
臂根部 6 左前方手臂肩点与前腋点连线中点、右前方手臂肩点与前腋点连线中点、左后方手臂肩点与后腋点连线中点、右后方手臂肩点与后腋点连线中点、左腋点、右腋点
胸部 5 中央前方胸围点、中央后方胸围点、左BP点、右BP、中央前方下方胸围点
腰部 6 中央前腰点、中央后腰点、左侧腰身点、右侧腰身点、肚脐点、腹部突出点
臀部 5 臀部突出点(左或右)、左侧缝线与臀围线交点、右侧缝线与臀围线交点、会阴点
大腿 2 左大腿中央点、右大腿中央点
膝盖 5 左膝内侧点、右膝内侧点、左膝中央点、右膝中央点、左膝关节外侧点、
小腿 2 左下腿中央点、右下腿中央点
脚部 2 左外踝点、右外踝点


3-D coordinate adjustment of body model and digital mannequin. (a) Overlapping; (b) Adjustting coordinates"


Fitted personalized digital mannequin. (a) Front view; (b) Side view; (c) Back view"


Size table between human body and fitted mannequin"

部位 人体尺寸/
前长 42.3 42.3 0.0 0.00
背长 39.5 40.1 0.5 1.24
颈围 43.8 43.5 0.3 0.69
胸围 86.5 86.9 0.4 0.46
背宽 36.0 35.8 0.2 0.56
腰围 67.4 68.0 0.6 0.89
臀围 94.4 94.0 0.4 0.42


Flat surface flattening of digital mannequin. (a) Division wire of digital mannequin; (b) 12 initial pieces of prototype"


Prototype adjustment of loose volume"


Dart volume adjustment of prototype. (a) Dart adjustment in front and back; (b) Final personalized female prototype"


Sample views of prototype. (a) Front view;(b) Side view; (c) Back view"


Sizes of prototype garment and human body"

部位 人体尺寸/
衣长 58.8 58.8 0.0
颈围 43.8 43.8 0.0
胸围 86.5 92.5 6.0
背长 39.5 40.0 0.5
腰围 67.4 67.8 0.4
臀围 94.4 96.0 1.6
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