Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (03): 130-135.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190403506

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect of sports bra on breast displacement amplitude during running

ZHENG Jingjing1,2(), ZHAO Qingyao1, YAN Yuxiu1,2   

  1. 1. College of Fashion, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
    2. Engineering Research Center of Clothing of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
  • Received:2019-04-10 Revised:2019-12-22 Online:2020-03-15 Published:2020-03-27


Aimed to investigate the shock-proof effect of women's sports bra and its wearing comfort, this study experimented on 7 types of sports bras made from the same fabric with similar size and thickness. With the help of 3-D motion capturing instrument, data on chest movements in bare chest as well as in running wearing of different sports bra were collected. According to the extreme difference of displacement amplitude of the breast relative to the trunk along with the percentage reduction in breast displacement before and after wearing, SPSS software was used for mathematical statistics to compare the shock-proof effect of sports bras, along with the subjective experiments to make comprehensive analysis. Suggestions are put forward to improve the modeling design of sports bra, which provides reference to the bra manufacturers for the development and production of sports bras. The result shows that the bras with crossover back design has the best shock-proof effect. On the other hand,widening the shoulder belts can reduce the pressure on the shoulder and improve the level of comfort.

Key words: sports bra, breast amplitude, shockproof effect, style of bra, 3-D motion capture

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.1


Questionnaire analysis"

穿着问题方面 功能性需求方面 不适部位方面 款式分类方面
问题 选择占比/% 功能 选择占比/% 部位 选择占比/% 款式 选择占比/%
胸部晃动、防震性低 76 透气排汗 81 胸部 61 压力固定式 74
胸部有压迫感 63 防震 72 肩部 39 简单固定式 49
闷热有黏感、透气性差 58 穿脱方便 46 背部 29 复合结构式 13
穿脱不便 51 防止肌肉拉伤 18 腋下 25 其他 4
有勒痕 46 其他 0 其他 17
刺痒、皮肤产生炎症 16
肌肉拉伤 6
其他 0


Seven kinds of sports bra styles. (a) 1# X crossover; (b) 2# cascade I-font; (c) 3# net font;(d) 4#I-shaped; (e) 5# horizontal bar; (f) 6# composite cross; (g) 7# straight back"


Experimental sample"

文胸编号 款式特点 厚度/mm
1# 无钢圈一片式、窄肩带、背心式无搭扣,单层,背部交叉式,肩带不易滑落 0.90
2# 无钢圈、可拆卸胸垫、后背双层透气网纱,背部部分面积的厚度增加 0.84
3# 无钢圈、可拆卸胸垫、拼纱设计、交叉细背带,背部网状结构,肩带受力分散 0.87
4# 无钢圈一片式、可拆卸海绵胸垫、固定双肩带、单层,工字背部设计,受力均匀 0.91
5# 无钢圈、可拆卸胸垫、后背3条透气网眼平行宽弹力带,横向受力分散,增强透气 0.85
6# 无钢圈、可拆卸胸垫、弹力交叉后背,受力均匀分散,稳定性加强 0.89
7# 无钢圈一片式、宽肩带、背心式无搭扣,单层,基础款式,背部覆盖面广 0.91


Experimenter's basic information"

A 160 50 19 86.3 73.1 13.2
B 161 52 19 85.4 72.7 12.7
C 159 49 20 86.8 74.0 12.8
D 162 54 20 87.2 72.3 14.9
F 160 52 20 86.6 73.5 13.1
G 158 46 21 86.5 73.0 13.5
H 160 46 21 88.0 74.3 13.7
I 164 48 21 87.2 72.9 14.3
J 156 53 21 86.4 73.2 13.2


Reflective marker"


Subjective steps"


Extreme displacement difference in X, Y and Z directions"

X方向 位移极差/mm Y方向 位移极差/mm Z方向 位移极差/mm
均值 标准差 均值 标准差 均值 标准差
X7-X1 13.063 90 0.885 897 Y7-Y1 10.012 52 1.335 479 Z7-Z1 25.050 69 1.442 155
X6-X1 12.779 45 0.807 880 Y6-Y1 12.779 45 0.807 880 Z6-Z1 20.669 40 2.263 916
X5-X1 13.815 95 1.759 416 Y5-Y1 6.212 60 1.672 701 Z5-Z1 25.358 57 1.294 466
X4-X1 9.519 90 1.440 125 Y4-Y1 13.371 51 1.357 111 Z4-Z1 25.029 52 1.287 408
X3-X1 10.744 88 1.084 966 Y3-Y1 9.257 00 1.310 200 Z3-Z1 29.298 00 0.889 600


Relevance of X, Y and Z directions"

位移方向 X3-X1相关性 显著性 位移方向 Y3-Y1相关性 显著性 位移方向 Z3-Z1相关性 显著性
X7-X1 0.728** 0.000 Y7-Y1 0.934** 0.000 Z7-Z1 0.597** 0.000
X6-X1 0.574** 0.000 Y6-Y1 -0.577** 0.000 Z6-Z1 0.777** 0.000
X5-X1 0.403** 0.000 Y5-Y1 0.378** 0.000 Z5-Z1 0.844** 0.000
X4-X1 0.550** 0.000 Y4-Y1 0.776** 0.000 Z4-Z1 0.457** 0.000
X3-X1 1 Y3-Y1 1 Z3-Z1 1


Seven sports bra in X, Y, Z direction BP point range displacement reduction percentage"

X方向 Y方向 Z方向
1# 53.82 55.07 68.13
2# 36.45 33.76 47.53
3# 33.83 34.65 50.98
3# 33.48 33.87 51.37
5# 38.30 36.91 53.46
6# 42.59 41.50 57.99
7# 54.57 56.13 69.18


Subjective ratings of each style in three states"

压迫感评分均值 防震感评分均值 舒适感评分均值
5 min后
跑步时 跑步
5 min后
5 min后
跑步时 跑步
5 min后
5 min后
跑步时 跑步
5 min后
1# 2.95 2.85 2.95 1.75 2.45 2.25 1.65 1.55 1.30
2# 2.50 2.55 2.50 1.25 1.20 1.00 1.75 1.95 1.30
3# 2.35 2.40 2.35 1.25 1.75 1.55 1.55 1.65 1.40
4# 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.25 1.50 1.45 2.00 2.15 1.55
5# 2.15 2.20 2.15 1.25 1.50 1.35 1.85 2.00 1.50
6# 2.25 2.15 2.25 1.75 2.45 2.20 1.95 2.05 1.50
7# 2.75 2.70 2.75 1.75 2.35 2.10 1.75 1.80 1.30


Modified design of sports bra. (a) Front; (b) Back"

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