Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (04): 1-8.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190705208

• Fiber Materials •     Next Articles

Developing black high-tenacity polyester yarns based on dynamic characteristics

JI Hong1, ZHANG Yang1, CHEN Kang1, SONG Minggen2, JIANG Quan2, FAN Yonggui2, ZHANG Yumei1(), WANG Huaping1   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University,Shanghai 201620, China
    2. Zhejiang Unifull Industrial Fiber Co., Ltd., Huzhou, Zhejiang 313017, China
  • Received:2019-07-18 Revised:2020-01-03 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-27
  • Contact: ZHANG Yumei


In order to overcome the unstable problems in dope dyeing technology due to the high spinning temperature and disperse of colorant in high viscosity melts, the material properties including the rheological properties, thermal stability, crystallization kinetics related to spinning kinetics of high intrinsic viscosity polyester with carbon black were studied. The key procedures including drying, melting, spinning extrusion, cooling, hot drawing and heat setting were designed based on the above achieved results. The black polyester industrial yarn with high strength (tenacity of 8.20 cN/dtex) and good color fastness to washing and rubbing (4-5 grade) has been achieved. The research outcome is not only helpful to produce dope dyed polyester industrial yarns with clear design directions and with cost, but also provide reference for the development of other functional fibers.

Key words: dope dyeing, polyester industrial yarn, carbon black, rheology performance, color fastness

CLC Number: 

  • TS102


TG curves of UF-PET and BMB"


DSC curves of UF-PET (a) and BMB (b)"


Rheological curves of UF-PET (a) and B-PET (b) at different temperatures"


lnη0 as a function of 1 000/T of melt UF-PET and B-PET"


Crystallization and crystallization rate curves of UF-PET and B-PET at different cooling rates. (a) Cooling crystallization curve of UF-PET; (b) Cooling crystallization curve of B-PET;(c)Cooling crystallization rate curve of UF-PET;(d)Cooling crystallization rate curve of B-PET"


Crystallization and crystallization rate of UF-PET and B-PET at different heating rates. (a)Heating crystallization curve of UF-PET; (b)Heating crystallization curve of B-PET;(c)Heating crystallization rate curve of UF-PET;(d)Heating crystallization rate curve of B-PET"


Basic properties of HT and BHT"

HT 1 121 8.06 14.12 6.20
BHT 1 119 8.20 13.30 13.30


Surface SEM images of HT(a)and BHT(b)fibers"


Two-dimensional WAXD patterns of HT(a) and BHT(b)fibers"


Crystallization and orientation structure of HT and BHT"

样品名称 结晶度/% 晶粒尺寸/nm 取向因子
DSC 法 WAXD法 (0ˉ11) (010) 声速取向 晶区取向 非晶区取向
HT 43 62 5.51 3.82 0.942 0.98 0.85
BHT 44 62 4.98 3.48 0.945 0.95 0.88
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