Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (04): 181-187.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190304807

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Research progress in structurally colored fabrics using photonic crystals

CHEN Jiaying1, XIN Binjie1, XIN Sanfa1, DU Weiping1,2, XU Yingqi1, GAO Weihong1()   

  1. 1. School of Textiles and Fashion, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China
    2. Shanghai Textile (Group) Corporation, Shanghai 200336, China
  • Received:2019-03-18 Revised:2019-12-29 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-27
  • Contact: GAO Weihong


Aiming at high pollution and high energy consumption in traditional printing and dyeing industry, this paper reviewed a new green and environmentally friendly method, i.e. the structurally coloration method. Chromogenic principle of the photonic crystal structure was introduced and the preparation of structured color fabrics based on photonic crystal was systematically reviewed, including the one-step method (photonic crystal was directly coated on fabrics) and the two-step method (fiber to fabric). The literature shows that the gravity sedimentation and the vertical deposition were simple and the thickness of the structurally colored film obtained by electrostatic self-assembled could be controlled. Inkjet printing was found able to achieve precise printing on fabrics. Atomization deposition might be applied to irregular surfaces, and magnetron sputtering could be wildly used in fabrics of various materials. Structurally colored fabrics prepared by the two-step process were firm in color but complicated in fabrication. Future work in developing structurally colored fabrics was discussed.

Key words: photonic crystal, opals, structural color, structurally colored fabric, angle-independent

CLC Number: 

  • TS193.5


Structural coloring principle of photonic crystal (a) and amorphous photonic crystal (b)"


Principle of gravity sedimentation and its dyed fabrics. (a) Principle of gravity settlement method; (b) Photonic crystal assembled on surface of cotton woven fabric; (c) Photonic crystal assembled on suface of cotton knitted fabric; (d) Photonic crystal assembled on suface of polyester woven fabric"


Principle (a) of vertical deposition and its dyed fabrics (b)"


Principle (a) of electrostatic self-assembled photonic crystal film and its dyed fabrics (b)"


Ink jet printing structure yarn dyed fabric. (a) Different particle size photonic crystal; (b)Different viewing angles"


Images of colored fabric coating prepared by atomization deposition before and after different treatment and stretching. (a)Colored fabric coating prepared by atomization deposition; (b)Images of fabrics before and after rubbing and laundering treatments; (c)Color rending stretching of fabric with 15% elongation"


Structurally colored fabrics prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. (a) Fiber area before sputtering (× 500); (b) Fiber area after sputtering (× 500); (c) Scallops area before sputtering(×500); (d) Scallops area after sputtering (×2 000); (e) Beforesputtering(× 500); (f) After sputtering(× 500)"


Structurally colored textiles produced by bare colloidal particles. (a) Knitted fabric; (b) Braided fabric; (c) Braided patterned fabric; (d) Electrospun fibrous mem-brance (green); (e) Electrospun fibrous membrance(red); (f) Electrospun fibrous membrance(purple)"

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