Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (05): 121-128.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190901308

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation and properties of antibacterial silk fabric modified with oxidized chitosan

ZHENG Hongfei, WANG Ruiqi, WANG Qing, ZHU Ying, XU Yunhui()   

  1. College of Light-Textile Engineering and Art, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui 230036, China
  • Received:2019-09-03 Revised:2020-02-03 Online:2020-05-15 Published:2020-06-02
  • Contact: XU Yunhui


In order to acquire durable antibacterial silk materials, the hydroxyl of C6 site in original chitosan (CS) was selectively oxidized to the carboxyl by HNO3/H3PO4-NaNO2 mediate system and obtained the water-soluble oxidized chitosan (OCS), and then the chemical bond was formed through the amide reaction between carboxyl groups in oxidized chitosan and amino groups of silk fibroin fabric (SFF) to get antimicrobial silk fibroin materials (OCSMSF). Nuclear magnetic resonance, Scanning electron microscopy, Infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to test the chemical structure of OCS and OCSMSF, moreover, the mechanics, hygroscopicity and antibacterial activity of OCSMSF materials were also measured. The results suggest that the carboxylic chitosan molecules are crosslinked into SFF by the amide reaction, and the degree of crystallinity for SFF materials grafted with OCS decrease. The oxidized chitosan weight gain of 9.17% for the modified silk fabric is achieved under the condition of optimized reaction parameters, the tensile strength of grafted silk fabrics reduces slightly, whereas the moisture adsorption of the modified SFF increases 42.92%. Furthermore, the antimicrobial ratio of the grafted SFF against the tested bacteria exceedes 94%, as well as still high antibacterial activity after washing; meanwhile, a good efficiency of sustained release cactus flavonoid extract using the OCSMSF is performed. The OCS grafted silk materials have potential application prospect in antibacterial materials or carrier materials of release drug.

Key words: silk fabric, oxidized chitosan, crosslink modification, antibacterial, release carrier

CLC Number: 

  • TS102.3


Solid-state 13C NMR spectra of original chitosan and oxidized chitosan"


FT-IR spectra of starting chitosan and oxidized chitosan"


Forming mechanism of selective oxidation of CS and crosslinking reaction between OCS and SFF"


Effec of reaction parameters of OCS on weight gain of SFF. (a)Effect of OCS mass fraction on weight gain of SFF; (b) Effect of graft time and temperature on weight gain of SFF; (c) Effect of pH value of reaction solution on weight gain of SFF"


SEM images of virgin SFF and OCSMSF samples (×1 000). (a) Pure SFF; (b) OCSMSF (grafted SFF with weight gain of 4.34%); (c) OCSMSF (grafted SFF with weight gain of 7.09%); (d) OCSMSF (grafted SFF with weight gain of 9.17%)"


ATR-FTIR spectra of SFF and OCSMSF materials"


XRD spectra of SFF, OCS and OCSMSF samples"


Mechanical strength and hygroscopic property of virgin SFF and OCSMSF materials"

Tab. 1

Absorbance of controlled release cactus extract from SFF and OCSMSF materials"

时间/d 吸光度
4 0.485 0.708
6 0.337 0.616
8 0.124 0.627
10 0.109 0.583
剩余仙人掌提取物 0.231 1.271


Antibacterial ratio of OCSMSF and SFF samples"

S. aureus 0 0 92.91 99.46
20 89.64 97.19
30 88.08 93.86
E. coli 0 0 86.78 94.08
20 84.37 91.72
30 79.36 90.75
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