Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (03): 161-168.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20200700808

• Machinery & Accessories • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Electrostatic adsorption model based on characteristics of weft knitted fabrics

LIU Lidong1,2, LI Xinrong1,2(), LIU Hanbang1,2, LI Dandan1,2   

  1. 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Modern Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Technology, Tianjin 300387, China
  • Received:2020-07-03 Revised:2020-11-23 Online:2021-03-15 Published:2021-03-17
  • Contact: LI Xinrong


In order to improve the utilization rate of industrial robots in textile and garment industry, and to expand the application range of electrostatic adsorption end-effector, this research worked to solve the problem in automatic fabric grasping and transferring during garment processing, taking weft knitted fabrics as example. Through analyzing the structural characteristics of weft knitted fabrics, the influence of fiber composition on the adsorption capacity, the three-dimensional structure simulation model of fabric element and the calculation model of fabric relative dielectric constant were established respectively, on the basis of which the electrostatic adsorption model of weft knitted fabrics was built. The adsorption force model was verified by simulation software. The results show that the model can calculate the adsorption capacity of electrostatic plate to weft knitted fabric. This research provides a new idea for realizing automatic grasping and transferring of cloth.

Key words: garment processing, electrostatic adsorption, fabric modeling, weft knitted fabric, cloth graping, manipulator, industrial robot

CLC Number: 

  • TS183.92


Schematic drawing of weft knitted fabric"


Geometric model of a weft knitted fabric coil. (a) Front; (b) Side"


BC segment value point coordinates"


Three-dimensional model of weft knitted fabric"


Structure of weft knitted fabric with different volume fraction"


Equivalent dielectric constant varies with volume fraction of one fiber"

实验序号 不同纤维体积分数下的等效介电常数
10% 30% 50% 70% 90%
1 4.444 3.430 2.519 1.797 1.211
2 4.440 3.423 2.516 1.794 1.217
3 4.463 3.454 2.532 1.781 1.206
4 4.450 3.440 2.551 1.795 1.217
5 4.445 3.407 2.523 1.772 1.215
6 4.456 3.437 2.524 1.782 1.209
7 4.455 3.425 2.518 1.770 1.213
8 4.457 3.439 2.517 1.757 1.216
9 4.468 3.434 2.538 1.807 1.218
10 4.452 3.436 2.534 1.773 1.208
平均值 4.453 3.432 5 2.527 2 1.784 8 1.213
最大偏差/% 0.34 0.74 0.44 0.72 0.33


Electrostatic adsorption model"


Field strength distribution of parallel plate capacitor"


ΔE magnitude varies with h'"


Simplified unit of weft knitted fabric"


Geometric parameter configuration table"

0.7 0.11 0.6 π/3 0.9


Mesh division (a)and simulation model (b) of weft knitted fabric units"


Curves of electrostatic adsorption force"

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