Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (06): 160-165.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20201102906

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Dynamic analyses on nipper pendulum shaft in cotton combers

LI Jinjian1, REN Jiazhi1(), LIANG Zhuo1, JIA Guoxin2   

  1. 1. College of Textiles, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan 450007, China
    2. School of Textiles, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou, Henan 451191, China
  • Received:2020-11-13 Revised:2021-01-27 Online:2021-06-15 Published:2021-06-28
  • Contact: REN Jiazhi


In order to understand driving torque of the nipper pendulum shaft of the cotton spinning comber, the carding force, separate drafting force, inertia force of the nipper mechanism, inertia force of the nipper pendulum shaft were analyzed and their relationships with the driving torque of the nipper pendulum shaft was investigated. Mathematical models for the drag torque and the driving torque in the nipper pendulum shaft were established, and the ADAMS software was used to simulate the variation mechanisms of the drag torque and driving torque of the nipper pendulum shaft during a working cycle. The results show that the driving torque of the nipper pendulum is mainly determined by the torque of inertial force in the nipper mechanism for the nipper pendulum shaft. The peak and valley values of the driving torque curve of the nipper pendulum shaft are increased rapidly with the increase of comber speed, and the influence of the inertial force in the nipper mechanism on the driving torque of the nipper pendulum shaft becomes more significant. When the speed of the comber is increased from 300 to 500 nippers/min, the peak value of the driving torque curve is increased by 211%, and the ratio of the peak inertia torque of the nipper mechanism to the peak driving torque of the nipper pendulum shaft is increased from 63% to 74.1%.

Key words: comber, nipper pendulum shaft, nipper mechanism, carding force, dynamics

CLC Number: 

  • TS112.2


Nipper mechanism of comber"


Cylinder carding stage"


Separation and combination stage"


Torque of carding force on nipper pendulum shaft"


Torque of drafting force on nipper pendulum shaft"


Variation curve of drag torque for nipper pendulum shaft"


Torque model of driving torque on nipper"


Characteristic parameters of drag torque of nipper pendulum shaft of a working unit of a comber"

力矩 谷值/(N·m) 谷值/分度 峰值/(N·m) 峰值/分度
M1 0 24~35/5~24 0.87 38
M2 0 30~18 2.76 23.8
M3 -7.12 27.4 4.97 37
M4 -1.98 27.4 1.98 37
M -8.9 28.4 7.80 37


Effect of velocity on driving torque"


Characteristic parameters of total driving torque and drag torque of comber nipper pendulum shaft"

力矩 谷值/
300 M0 -71.23 28.4 62.40 37
M11 0 24~35/5~24 6.96 38
M21 0 30~18 22.03 23.8
M31 -56.92 27.4 39.78 37
M41 -15.85 27.4 15.85 37
400 M0 -118.18 28.4 119.25 37
M11 0 24~35/5~24 6.96 38
M21 0 30~18 22.03 23.8
M31 -91.92 27.4 84.36 37
M41 -28.17 27.4 28.17 37
500 M0 -173.75 28.4 194.04 37
M11 0 24~35/5~24 6.96 38
M21 0 30~18 22.03 23.8
M31 -132.08 27.4 143.71 37
M41 -44.02 27.4 44.02 37


Ratio of peak torque of drag to peak torque of drive%"

速度/(钳次·min-1) M11/M0 M21/M0 M31/M0 M41/M0
300 11.2 35.3 63.8 25.4
400 5.8 18.5 70.8 23.6
500 3.6 11.4 74.1 22.7
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