Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (06): 97-105.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20201001809


• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Comparison of filtration efficiency standards for COVID-19 protective masks

PAN Hongjie1,2, YANG Xiaobing1,3(), ZHOU Chuan1,3, ZHANG Shouxin1,3, CHANG Suqin4, LUO Hongsen2   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of NBC Protection for Civilian, Beijing 100191, China
    2. Institute of Technology, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610101, China
    3. Beijing Key Laboratory of Ambient Particles Health Effects and Prevention Techniques, Beijing 100191, China
    4. Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2020-10-18 Revised:2021-02-01 Online:2021-06-15 Published:2021-06-28
  • Contact: YANG Xiaobing


Masks from different countries satisfying different standards entered the Chinese market during the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to the public misunderstanding of the concepts relating to mask filtration efficiency. This paper introduced comprehensively the highly recognized multi-national standards, including GB 2626—2019, GB 19083—2010, US 42 CFR 84 Part K, EN 149:2001+A1:2009, and EN 13274—7:2019, focusing particularly on the filtration efficiency performance requirements and testing methods. This paper compared the performance requirements and markings of the particulate filtration efficiency in these standards, as well as the similarities and differences in the pretreatment, test conditions, and test procedures in the testing methods. Three types of masks were tested against different standard methods. Through standard comparative research and analysis, together with sample test, it will help to clarify the basic concepts in the filtration efficiency performance requirements and test methods of filtering half masks to protect against particles, promote all sectors of China to comprehensively understanding the performance and test method requirements of the main mask standards at home and abroad, and help the enterprises, testing agencies and governments to better control and supervise product quality.

Key words: COVID-19, protective mask, filtration efficiency, standard comparison, pre-conditioning

CLC Number: 

  • C976.2


Comparison of filtration efficiency requirement in main domestic and foreign standards for protective masks"

标准号 颗粒物 过滤效率/% 测试流量/
一级 二级 三级
中国 GB 19083—2010 非油性颗粒物 1级≥95 2级≥99 3级≥99.97 85
GB 2626—2019 KN非油性颗粒物 KN90≥90 KN95≥95 KN100≥99.97 85
KP油性颗粒物 KP90≥90 KP95≥95 KP100≥99.97 85
美国 42 CFR 84第K部分 N非油性颗粒物 N95≥95 N99≥99 N100≥99.97 85
P油性颗粒物 P95≥95 P99≥99 P100≥99.97 85
R油性颗粒物 R95≥95 R99≥99 R100≥99.97 85
欧盟 EN 149:2001+A1:2009 油性和非油性颗粒物 FFP1≥80 FFP2≥94 FFP3≥99 95


Comparison of pre-conditioning requirement in main domestic and foreign standards for protective masks"

标准 样品 预处理要求 预处理条件
中国 GB 2626—2019 共20个
温度湿度预处理;若适用,应进行机械强度预处理;对满足5.14.1的产品,还应经清洗和/或消毒预处理 a)(38±2.5) ℃、相对湿度(85±5)%环境放置(24±1) h,(70±3) ℃干燥环境放置(24±1) h,(-30±3) ℃环境放置(24±1) h;
b)将样品侧放在钢制箱体内,振动持续时间20 min;
GB 19083—2010 共6个
温度预处理 (70±3) ℃环境试验箱中放置24 h,(-30±3) ℃环境试验箱中放置24 h,经温度预处理后应在室温下恢复至少4 h再测试。
美国 42 CFR 84第K部分 共20个
(38±2.5) ℃、相对湿度(85±5)%环境放置(25±1) h。
欧盟 EN 149:2001+
温度预处理 a)(70±3) ℃干燥环境下放置24 h,室温下恢复至少4 h,(-30±3) ℃环境下放置24 h,经温度预处理后应在室温下恢复至少4 h再测试;
机械强度预处理 b)参照EN 143;
模拟穿戴预处理 c)呼吸机呼吸频率25次/min,潮气量2 L/次,20 min 测试1次,共10次;
清洁消毒预处理 d)按制造商说明进行一次清洁消毒处理。


Comparison of test conditions in main domestic and foreign standards for protective masks"

标准号 气溶胶种类 质量浓度/(mg·m-3) 计数中位径/μm 几何标准差 温度/℃ 相对湿度/%
中国 GB 19083—2010 NaCl颗粒物 ≤200 0.075±0.020 ≤1.86
GB 2626—2019 NaCl颗粒物 ≤200 0.075±0.020 ≤1.86 25±5 30±10
油性颗粒物 50~200 0.185±0.020 ≤1.60 25±5
美国 42 CFR 84第K部分 NaCl颗粒物 ≤200 0.075±0.020 ≤1.86 25±5 30±10
DOP气溶胶 ≤200 0.185±0.020 ≤1.60 25±5
欧盟 EN 13274—7:2019 NaCl颗粒物 4~12 0.06~0.10 2~3 22±3 40
石蜡油气溶胶 15~25 0.29~0.45 1.6~2.2 24±8 20~80


Filtration efficiency under different flow rates for different masks %"

30 60 85 95
1 KN95口罩 99.79 99.22 98.63 98.25
2 FFP2口罩 99.94 99.87 99.82 99.88
3 一次性医用普通口罩 93.07 85.08 82.72 80.89


Ventilation resistance under different flow rates for different masks Pa"

30 60 85 95
1 KN95口罩 27 58 81 94
2 FFP2口罩 42 88 126 146
3 一次性医用普通口罩 29 52 79 90
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