Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (09): 137-143.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20201102208

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Determination and application of air gap parameters in coverall fit analysis

WANG Shitan1, WANG Xiuhua1, WANG Yunyi1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Clothing Design & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
  • Received:2020-11-11 Revised:2021-02-25 Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-09-27
  • Contact: WANG Yunyi


This study was to quantify the interaction between human body and coverall garments, aiming to create a quantitative index for clothing fit analysis. Naked and clothed human bodies were scanned with 7 postures using a 3-D body scanner. 22 air gap parameters were extracted by 3-D scanned image analysis, from which 9 typical parameters were determined. An evaluation equation of clothing fit based on the typical air gap parameters was finally built using factor analysis. The results indicate that the newly proposed fit evaluation equation offers satisfactory evaluation effect. In addition, it is observed that arm lifting and bending postures would significantly reduce the air gap compared to the standing posture. In particular, the more complex the postures, the wider the range of influence; for instance for arm lifting and bending postures the crotch length decreased about 64%. Chest and back, hip and crotch and leg were identified as the primary regions influencing coverall fit.

Key words: air gap, clothing fit analysis, coverall, parameter, 3-D scanning

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.16


Test sample. (a) Front; (b) Back"


Detailed sizes of the test coverall cm"

衣长 胸围 腰围 臀围 肩宽 袖长 裆长
134.5 104 104 104 39 56 35


Basic information about the subjects"

年龄/岁 身高/cm 体重/kg 胸围/cm 腰围/cm 臀围/cm
25±3 160±2 50±2 82±3 60±2 88±4


Scanning postures. (a) Standing; (b) Arm lifting; (c) Bending"


Posture fixing device. (a) Arm position; (b) Bending position; (c) Foot position"


Diagram of air gap parameters. (a) Crotch length; (b) Thickness of air gap; (c) Area of air gap; (d) Volume of air gap"


Aligned images. (a) Standing; (b) Arm lifting 105°; (c) Arm lifting 135°; (d) Arm lifting 155°; (e) Bending action 1; (f) Bending action 2; (g) Bending action 3"


Division of the body into individual body parts"


Correlation between perceived fit rating and air gap parameters"

裆长差 整体厚度 腿部厚度 整体面积差 腰围截面
r -0.892 -0.828 -0.898 -0.861 -0.834 -0.861 -0.868 -0.836 -0.908
P 0.003 0.010 0.003 0.006 0.010 0.006 0.006 0.009 0.002


Air gap size at different scanning postures"

扫描姿势 裆长差/
站姿 11.75 1.56 1.34 3 411.51 316.42 57.96 71 244.37 2 296.61 7 988.69
抬臂105° 8.36 1.63 1.06 3 432.04 309.63 47.51 71 267.32 2 172.57 5 898.66
抬臂135° 8.09 1.54 0.95 3 068.06 316.67 45.48 70 301.27 2 216.54 5 180.62
抬臂155° 7.56 1.474 0.88 2 908.03 288.64 43.74 69 487.95 2 116.46 4 911.12
弯腰动作1 6.01 1.17 0.75 2 276.60 318.20 43.90 65 741.81 2 268.68 4 604.49
弯腰动作2 4.34 1.14 0.58 1 799.98 257.25 39.61 64 185.68 2 168.90 3 107.19
弯腰动作3 4.23 0.99 0.57 1 639.71 238.21 39.42 62 228.11 2 003.06 3 030.31


Factor score coefficient matrix"

因子 裆长差 整体厚度 腿部厚度 整体面积差 腰围截面面积差 膝围截面面积差 整体体积差 手臂体积差 腿部体积差
1 0.159 0.291 0.166 0.25 -0.149 0.084 0.260 -0.378 0.100
2 -0.011 -0.240 -0.021 -0.162 0.450 0.094 -0.179 0.782 0.082


Total factor score and ranking"

姿势 F1 F2 F 排序
站姿 0.827 0.253 1.080 1
抬臂105° 0.786 -0.086 0.700 2
抬臂135° 0.276 0.068 0.344 3
抬臂155° 0.422 -0.196 0.226 4
弯腰动作1 -0.885 0.353 -0.532 5
弯腰动作2 -0.846 -0.032 -0.878 6
弯腰动作3 -0.580 -0.360 -0.940 7


Regression analysis result between representative indicators and other indicators"

指标 Y X a b R2 P
厚度 裆长差 整体厚度 8.383 -4.80 0.727 0.015
腿部厚度 0.945 -0.40 0.736 0.014
面积 腰围截面面积差 整体面积差 0.035 199.46 0.644 0.030
膝围截面面积差 0.007 27.16 0.646 0.029
体积 手臂体积差 整体体积差 0.013 1 946.54 0.540 0.022
腿部体积差 0.362 -1 529.95 0.878 0.009
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