Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (09): 83-89.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20201006608

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Ultrasonic-assisted chemical degumming process for making pineapple leaf fiber

HE Junyan1,2, LI Mingfu1,2(), LIAN Wenwei1,2, HUANG Tao1,2, ZHANG Jin1,2   

  1. 1. Agricultural Machinery Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524091, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment for Tropical Crops, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524091, China
  • Received:2020-10-28 Revised:2021-05-24 Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-09-27
  • Contact: LI Mingfu


In order to degumming pineapple leaves efficiently, ultrasonic cleaning technology and chemical degumming technology were used in conjuction, and the factors of ultrasonic frequency, ultrasonic treatment time and ultrasonic treatment temperature were optimized by the response surface methodology. The structure and properties of fiber were characterized by scanning electron microscope, fourier infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis during the degumming process. The results show that the optimal process conditions for the ultrasonic-assisted chemical degumming of pineapple leaf fibers are as follows: ultrasonic frequency of 53 kHz, ultrasonic treatment time of 35 min, and ultrasonic treatment temperature of 53 ℃. Under the optimized conditions, the fiber residual gum rate was 13.8%, and the fiber breaking strength was 4.2 cN/dtex, which is basically consistent with the theoretical value, meeting the spinning requirements. The order of the influence of each factor on the residual gum rate and breaking strength of the fiber is: ultrasonic frequency, ultrasonic treatment time, and ultrasonic treatment temperature. The ultrasonic treatment helps the removal of hemicellulose and ligninon, has little damage to the cellulose molecular chain, and has little effect on thermal performance.

Key words: pineapple leaf fiber, responsive surface methodology, ultrasonic, chemical degumming, residual gum rate, breaking strength

CLC Number: 

  • TS102.1


Box-Behnken's central combination factor level"

水平 A
-1 35 20 40
0 53 40 60
1 80 60 80


Effect of ultrasonic frequency on residual gum rate and breaking strength of degummed pineapple leaf fiber"

超声波频率/kHz 残胶率/% 断裂强度/(cN·dtex-1)
对照组 19.83±3.24 5.43±1.21
35 15.21±2.23 3.68±0.65
53 16.32±1.54 4.73±0.45
80 18.59±2.89 5.03±0.73


Effect of ultrasonic treatment time on residual gum rate and breaking strength of degummed pineapple leaf fiber"

超声波处理时间/min 残胶率/% 断裂强度/(cN·dtex-1)
对照组 19.83±3.24 5.43±1.21
20 16.21±1.55 5.05±1.03
40 15.32±2.28 4.56±0.57
60 15.59±1.76 3.66±0.73
80 15.62±2.24 3.78±0.42


Effect of ultrasonic treatment temperature on residual gum rate and breaking strength of degummed pineapple leaf fiber"

超声波处理温度/℃ 残胶率/% 断裂强度/(cN·dtex-1)
对照组 19.83±3.24 5.43±1.21
20 18.57±1.93 5.58±0.85
40 16.43±2.04 4.45±0.62
60 13.88±1.13 4.36±1.31
80 14.59±2.19 4.69±0.67


Response surface experimental design and results"

试验号 A B C 残胶率/% 断裂强度/(cN·dtex-1)
1 0 1 1 13.58 3.37
2 0 0 0 12.83 4.35
3 0 0 0 13.09 3.99
4 0 -1 1 15.62 4.82
5 1 0 -1 16.65 4.83
6 -1 1 0 12.38 2.85
7 1 1 0 15.85 3.65
8 0 1 -1 13.89 3.68
9 1 -1 0 17.86 5.18
10 0 0 0 12.67 4.61
11 1 0 1 15.85 4.47
12 0 0 0 12.85 4.06
13 0 -1 -1 16.23 5.07
14 -1 -1 0 13.06 3.23
15 -1 0 1 12.27 3.18
16 -1 0 -1 12.64 3.63
17 0 0 0 12.41 3.88


Model credibility analysis"

响应值 平均值 R2 校正后的R2 变异系数
残胶率 14.10 0.987 2 0.970 7 2.20
断裂强度 4.05 0.939 7 0.862 1 6.46


Analysis of variance for response surface results"

响应值 方差来源 平方和 自由度 均方 F P
残胶率 模型 51.87 9 5.76 59.80 <0.000 1
A 31.44 1 31.44 326.25 <0.000 1
B 6.25 1 6.25 64.83 <0.000 1
C 0.55 1 0.55 5.67 0.048 9
AB 0.44 1 0.44 4.59 0.069 4
AC 0.05 1 0.05 0.48 0.510 9
BC 0.02 1 0.02 0.23 0.643 7
A2 2.50 1 2.50 25.90 0.001 4
B2 6.55 1 6.55 67.99 <0.000 1
C2 2.78 1 2.78 28.84 0.001 0
残差 0.67 7 0.10
失拟项 0.42 3 0.14 2.24 0.226 3
纯误差 0.25 4 0.06
总离差 52.54 16
模型 7.46 9 0.83 12.12 0.001 7
断裂强度 A 3.43 1 3.43 50.19 0.000 2
B 2.82 1 2.82 41.25 0.000 4
C 0.23 1 0.23 3.43 0.106 4
AB 0.33 1 0.33 4.84 0.063 8
AC 0.00 1 0.00 0.03 0.868 2
BC 0.00 1 0.00 0.01 0.911 9
A2 0.46 1 0.46 6.67 0.036 4
B2 0.06 1 0.06 0.91 0.372 1
C2 0.13 1 0.13 1.96 0.204 0
残差 0.48 7 0.07
失拟项 0.12 3 0.04 0.47 0.720 5
纯误差 0.35 4 0.09
总离差 7.94 16


Effects of interaction of ultrasonic frequency, ultrasonic treatment time and ultrasonic treatment temperature on residual gum rate. (a)Ultrasonic frequency and ultrasonic treatment time;(b)Ultrasonic frequency and ultrasonic treatment temperature; (c)Ultrasonic treatment time and ultrasonic treatment temperature"


Effects of interaction between ultrasonic treatment frequency, ultrasonic treatment time and ultrasonic treatment temperature on breaking strength. (a)Ultrasonic frequency and ultrasonic treatment time;(b)Ultrasonic frequency and ultrasonic treatment temperature;(c)Ultrasonic treatment time and ultrasonic treatment temperature"


SEM images of different processed pineapple leaf fibers(×1 000). (a)Untread fiber;(b)Pretreated fiber by ultrasound and alkali;(c)Degummed fiber"


FT-IR spectra of different processed pineapple leaf fibers"


TG and DTG curves of different processed pineapple leaf fibers"


DSC curves of different processed pineapple leaf fibers"

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