Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (01): 28-35.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210901708

• Fiber Materials • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation and properties of sound absorbing composites based on use of waste straw/polycaprolactone

LÜ Lihua(), LI Zhen, ZHANG Duoduo   

  1. School of Textile and Material Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, Liaoning 116034, China
  • Received:2021-09-06 Revised:2021-10-21 Online:2022-01-15 Published:2022-01-28


In order to improve the utilization rate of waste straws and broaden its application field, waste straw/polycaprolactone sound absorption composites were prepared by hot pressing with waste straw as reinforcement material and polycaprolactone as matrix material. Under the hot pressing temperature of 120 ℃, pressure of 10 MPa and hot pressing time of 20 min, the influences of straw mass fraction, composite density, composite thickness and thickness of rear air layer on sound absorption performance of the composite were investigated by experiment. The results shows that when the straw mass fraction was 30%, the composite density was 0.450 g/cm3, the composite thickness was 1.5 cm, and the thickness of the rear air layer was 3.0 cm, the waste straw/polycaprolactone sound absorption composite demonstrates excellent sound absorption performance for 100-6 300 Hz frequency, with the average sound absorption coefficient of 0.50, the noise reduction coefficient of 0.50, and the maximum sound absorption coefficient 0.71, which indicate grade Ⅲ of sound absorption performance. The research revealed that the sound absorption mechanism is based on porous structure of the composites.

Key words: waste straw, polycaprolactone, sound absorption performance, composite material, sound absorption mechanism

CLC Number: 

  • TS102.9


Process parameters of composite materials to be optimized"

( g·cm-3)
30 0.450 1.0 0.0
40 0.500 1.5 1.0
50 0.550 2.0 2.0
60 0.600 2.5 3.0


Waste straw/polycaprolactone sound absorption composite"


Sound absorption performance grade"

降噪系数NRC 吸声性能等级


SEM images of morphological structure of waste corn straw. (a) Hollow structure of abandoned corn straw core (×200);(b) Hollow structure of abandoned corn straw skin (×300);(c) Microstructure of inner surface of abandoned corn straw skin (×600);(d) Microstructure of outer surface of abandoned corn straw skin (×300)"


Effect of straw mass fraction on sound absorption property of waste straw/polycaprolactone sound absorption composites. (a) Influence on sound absorption coefficient;(b) Influence on average sound absorption coefficient and noise reduction coefficient"


Effect of composite density on sound absorption property of waste straw/polycaprolactone sound absorption composites. (a) Influence on sound absorption coefficient;(b) Influence on average sound absorption coefficient and noise reduction coefficient"


Effect of composite thickness on sound absorption coefficient of sound absorption composites"


Pore variation of composite before(a)and after (b)cross-section pores thickness change"


Effect of composite thickness on average sound absorption coefficient and noise reduction coefficient"


Effect of air layer thickness on sound absorption property of waste straw/polycaprolactone sound absorption composite. (a) Influence on sound absorption coefficient;(b) Influence on average sound absorption coefficient and noise reduction coefficient"


Sound absorption coefficient curve of waste straw/polycaprolactone sound absorption composite"


SEM images of waste straw/polycaprolactone sound absorption composite. (a) Surface(×60);(b) Surface (×300); (c) Cross section(×60);(d) Cross section (×300)"

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