Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (05): 143-149.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210506507

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Classification and recognition of young males' neck-shoulder shape based on 2-D photos

ZHANG Jian1, XU Kaiyi1, ZHAO Songling1, GU Bingfei1,2,3()   

  1. 1. School of Fashion Design & Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
    2. Clothing Engineering Research Center of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
    3. Key Laboratory of Silk Culture Heritage and Products Design Digital Technology, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
  • Received:2021-05-25 Revised:2022-01-07 Online:2022-05-15 Published:2022-05-30
  • Contact: GU Bingfei


In order to explore the classification of the neck and shoulder shape of young men and to facilitate the automatic recognition based on 2-D photos, this study obtained the point cloud data of 180 male college students using a three-dimensional body scanner, and measured 22 characteristic parameters relating to the male neck and shoulder shape. According to the analysis of the coefficient of variation, the forward angle, back angle, shoulder oblique angle, neck-to-shoulder width ratio, and neck transverse sagittal diameter ratio were selected as cluster analysis variables to classify the neck and shoulder shapes for establishing the discriminant rules. Combining the 2-D photos of the human body to extract the parameters required for body type classification, an automatic recognition system for the shape of the neck-shoulders was constructed. The results show that the neck-shoulder shape of young men can be divided into three types, namely round-neck-drop-shoulder, forward-round-neck and wide-neck-straight-body. The discrimination accuracy rate of the constructed form automatic recognition system reached 93.33%, indicating that this method is effective and feasible, and can meet the needs of consumers' personalized customization.

Key words: neck-shoulder shape, body classification, 2-D photographs, automatic body identification, clothing personalized customization

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.17


Schematic diagram of measurement of morphological parameters of neck-shoulder"


Specific definition of morphological parameters of neck-shoulder"

序号 测量项目 测量及计算方法 序号 测量项目 测量及计算方法
1 身高(H) 头顶点至地面的垂直距离 12 腋下宽(WA) 左腋点(PLA)与右腋点(PRA)的水平距离
2 肩腋角(ANA) 肩端点(PLS)和腋下点(PLA)的连线与水平线的夹角 13 腋下厚(TA) 腋下部截面中心厚度
3 肩斜角(AST) 侧颈点(PSN)和肩端点(PLS)的连线与水平线的夹角 14 颈横矢径比(RN) 颈宽(WN)/颈厚(TN)
4 背入角(ADE) 侧面背部最凸点(PB)和下后颈点(PDBN)(第7颈椎点)的连线与垂直线的夹角 15 肩横矢径比(RS) 肩宽(WS)/肩厚(TS)
5 前倾角(AFL) 侧视图中颈部线条与垂直线的夹角 16 腋下横矢径比(RA) 腋下宽(WA)/腋下厚(TA)
6 肩弓角(ASA) 肩部截面曲线前后中点与左肩端点所成夹角 17 颈肩宽比(RWNS) 颈宽(WN)/肩宽(WS)
7 颈宽(WN) 左颈点(PLN)与右颈点(PRN)的水平距离 18 颈腋宽比(RWNA) 颈宽(WN)/腋下宽(WA)
8 颈厚(TN) 上前颈点(PUFN)与上后颈点(PUBN)的水平距离 19 肩腋宽比(RWSA) 肩宽(WS)/腋下宽(WA)
9 前颈角(AFN) 侧视图中颈部与上身的夹角 20 颈肩厚比(RTNS) 颈厚(TN)/肩厚(TS)
10 肩宽(WS) 左肩端点(PLS)与右肩端点(PRS)的水平距离 21 颈腋厚比(RTNA) 颈厚(TN)/腋下厚(TA)
11 肩厚(TS) 肩部截面中心厚度 22 肩腋厚比(RTSA) 肩厚(TS)/腋下厚(TA)


Descriptive statistical analysis of related parameters"

指标 AFL/(°) ADE/(°) AST/(°) RWNS RN WN/cm RS TS/cm RWNA TN/cm RTNS
最大值 38.00 28.40 34.95 0.52 1.60 18.90 3.40 18.00 0.57 17.26 1.07
最小值 8.90 9.41 14.32 0.28 0.82 10.70 1.98 10.40 0.34 9.90 0.69
平均值 23.66 18.96 24.43 0.39 1.17 14.16 2.68 13.81 0.42 12.14 0.88
标准差 5.52 3.90 4.52 0.05 0.14 1.62 0.28 1.43 0.04 1.18 0.08
变异系数/% 23.34 20.57 18.51 13.14 12.28 11.46 10.45 10.35 9.52 9.72 9.09
指标 TA/cm RA RTNA RTSA ASA/(°) WS/cm ANA/(°) RWSA WA/cm AFN/(°) H/cm
最大值 25.50 2.21 0.74 0.89 88.50 43.70 98.10 1.28 40.10 147.33 180
最小值 15.60 1.32 0.47 0.58 57.18 29.93 64.50 0.91 29.00 114.20 162
平均值 19.58 1.75 0.62 0.71 71.41 36.69 83.91 1.08 34.12 131.92 173.85
标准差 1.87 0.15 0.05 0.06 5.95 2.56 5.49 0.07 2.00 7.35 5.765
变异系数/% 9.55 8.57 8.06 8.43 8.33 6.97 6.55 6.48 5.86 5.57 3.32


Method for determining optimal number of clusters. (a) Elbow method; (b) Silhouette coefficient"


Cluster analysis results"

变量 聚类均方 组间自由度 误差均方 组内自由度 F Sig. 聚类中心
1 2 3
前倾角AFL 1 544.572 2 10.958 171 140.958 0.000 20.584 0 29.325 3 20.533 6
背入角ADE 229.870 2 13.872 171 16.571 0.000 20.662 1 20.341 7 17.037 5
肩斜角AST 877.361 2 9.885 171 88.760 0.000 29.178 9 25.545 0 21.241 8
颈肩宽比RWNS 0.014 2 0.003 171 5.190 0.006 0.362 9 0.383 3 0.394 0
颈横矢径比RN 0.090 2 0.020 171 4.390 0.014 1.148 5 1.135 8 1.209 1
各类人数 54 63 57
各类占比/% 31.03 36.21 32.76


Comparison of 3 different types of neck-shoulder. (a) Side morphology; (b) Front morphology"


Discriminant rule"

聚类类别 判别规则
1 F1>F2F1>F3
2 F2>F1F2>F3
3 F3>F1F3>F2


Image acquisition and contour extraction. (a) Photo pose; (b) Image binary processing; (c) Image contour extraction"


Coordinate point marking of neck-shoulder"


Parameter calculation formula"

参数 相关特征点 计算方法
前倾角AFL 前上颈点PUFN、前下颈点PDFN AFL=arctan{abs[(yPUFN-yPDFN)/(xPUFN-xPDFN)]}×180°/π
背入角ADE 背凸点PD、后下颈点PDBN ADE=arctan{abs[(yPDBN-yPB)/(xPDBN-xPB)]}×180°/π
肩斜角AST 侧颈点PSN、左肩点PLS AST=arctan{abs[(xPSN-xPLS)/(yPSN-yPLS)]}×180°/π
颈肩宽比RWNS 左颈点PLN、右颈点PRN、左肩点PLS、右肩点PRS RWNS=abs[(yPRN-yPLN)/(yPRS-yPLS)]
颈横矢径比RN 左颈点PLN、右颈点PRN、上后颈点PUBN、上前颈点PUFN RN=abs[(yPRN-yPLN)/(yPUFN-yPUBN)]


Automatic recognition result of neck and shoulder shape"


Error analysis table"

参数 取值方式 均值 标准差 平均误差 误差范围 配对样本T检验显著性
肩斜角 照片提取值 28.760 5° 3.119 9° 0.860 1° -1.877 1°~1.895 6° 0.937
点云测量值 28.775 5° 2.899 1°
背入角 照片提取值 21.821 3° 4.040 8° 0.837 6° -1.807 7°~1.730 7° 0.616
点云测量值 21.727 3° 4.181 6°
前倾角 照片提取值 23.070 2° 4.655 9° 0.628 2° -1.235 6°~1.707 5° 0.713
点云测量值 23.019 4° 4.686 1°
颈横矢径比 照片提取值 0.947 7 0.110 7 0.146 5 -0.137 0~0.071 1 0.398
点云测量值 1.081 4 0.105 9
颈肩宽比 照片提取值 0.323 9 0.020 7 0.025 9 -0.097 8~0.046 6 0.581
点云测量值 0.327 2 0.034 3
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