Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (06): 107-114.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210304108

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation and performance of flame retardant and hydrophobic cotton fabric

LI Pingyang1,2,3,4(), FU Can1, DONG Lingling1,2,3,4   

  1. 1. Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200062, China
    2. State Key Laboratory of Polyolefins and Catalysis, Shanghai 200062, China
    3. Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Functional Flame Retardant Materials, Shanghai 200062, China
    4. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Catalysis Technology for Polyolefins, Shanghai 200062, China
  • Received:2021-03-11 Revised:2022-03-20 Online:2022-06-15 Published:2022-07-15


In order to address high flammability and poor hydrophobic performance of cotton fabrics, the coating consisting of phenylphosphonic acid (PA) and (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) were synthesized through one-pot method, in which functional cotton fabrics embraced with excellent flame retardant and hydrophobic properties, simultaneously. The thermal stability,flammability, hydrophobicity, and washing resistance of the prepared cotton fabrics were tested. Moreover, the flame-retardant mechanism was further investigated. The results showed that APTES and PA were successfully loaded on cotton fabrics. The weight loading was 15.3%. Limiting oxygen index value of functional cotton fabrics reached as high as 29.4%. The obtained fabrics extinguished immediately after removed from the ignitor. The damage length was 10.4 cm. The thermal stability was remarkably improved. Meanwhile, the release of flammable species obviously decreased. Char layer with higher graphitization degree formed during the fire. On the other hand, the water contact angle of functional cotton increased to 139°, which could not be wetted by several different liquid droplets. Based on the above results, the prepared cotton fabric exhibited excellent flame retardancy and good hydrophobicity indeed. This one-pot approach is convenient and eco-friendly.Besides, this finishing process showed few influences on feel and whiteness of cotton. The enhanced washing fastness was also achieved in this work.

Key words: cotton fabrics, flame retardant, hydrophobicity, extinguished immediately after removing the ignitor, flame-retardant mechanism

CLC Number: 

  • TS195.5


Coating compositions and weight loading of coated cotton fabrics"

质量分数/% pH值 质量增
C1 0 0 0 0
C2 0 9 91 10.9 11.8
C3 6 0 94 1.5 10.9
C4 6 9 85 5.4 15.3


Schematic diagram of experiment"


SEM images of C1 and C4 samples and their EDS mapping.(a)SEM image of C1 sample;(b)SEM imageof C4 sample;(c) EDS of C1 sample;(d)EDS of C4 sample"


FT-IR spectra of C1 and C4 samples"


TGA(a) and DTG(b) curves of C1 and C4 samples in N2"


TGA(a) and DTG(b) curves of C1 and C4 samples in air"


Results of vertical flame test and LOI value of different cotton fabrics"

样品编号 LOI值/% 损毁长度/cm
C1 17.4 30.0
C2 21.1 30.0
C3 26.5 30.0
C4 29.4 10.4


Images of C1,C2,C3 and C4 samples during vertical flame test at 5 and 12 s after ignition"


Water contact angle of C1 and C4 samples"


Image of various liquid droples on C4 samples"


LOI value and contact angle of C4 cotton samples after washing"

洗涤次数 LOI值/% 接触角/(°)
1 21.4 133.5
5 21.4 135.4
30 18.8 131.7


Whiteness and handle on cotton fabrics"

样品编号 白度/% 手感/级
C1 61.72 5
C2 57.57 4
C3 4~5
C4 57.28 4


Absorption spectral map of main gaseous volatiles of C1 and C4 samples"


SEM images of residue chars"


Raman spectra of residue chars"


High resolution of residue chares"


FT-IR spectrum of residue chares of C4 samples"

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