Journal of Textile Research ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (05): 213-219.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20211101502

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Research progress in zinc and copper containing wound dressings

QIN Yimin1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Material and Textile Engineering, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314001, China
    2. State Key Laboratory of Bioactive Seaweed Substances, Qingdao, Shandong 266400, China
  • Received:2021-11-03 Revised:2022-06-30 Online:2023-05-15 Published:2023-06-09


Significance In order to develop the applications of functional zinc and copper containing fibers and wound dressings in the management of chronic wounds, this paper introduced the bioactivities of zinc and copper ions and their roles in the wound healing process, and summarized the types and production methods of zinc and copper containing wound dressings in the domestic and international market, in particular zinc and copper containing alginate fibers, chitosan fibers, and the various types of zinc and copper containing wound dressings and their ion releasing properties obtained by electrospinning, polymeric composites, nano technologies and other advanced processing methods. Both zinc and copper ions possess antimicrobial efficacy and are known to be able to promote wound healing. The incorporation of these two metal ions by the techniques reviewed in this paper can help manufacturers and medical practitioners in the wound management industry to fully utilize the novel health benefitting properties of zinc and copper ions.

Progress Both zinc and copper ions have been used in the wound management industry for a long time by many forms of applications. Recent progresses are mainly focused in the sustainable release of zinc and copper ions by combining these two ions with alginate, chitosan and other novel substrate materials, and also by the use of nanoparticles of zinc oxide and copper oxide. The incorporation of zinc ions into alginate fibers and the subsequent release of zinc ions when in contact with aqueous solutions containing different levels of protein were summarized. The composition and properties of many types of zinc containing wound dressings reported in the documents were summarized. Regarding copper containing wound dressings, important progress has been made by incorporating copper oxide into fibers by blending and the subsequent extrusion to form copper containing fibers. In addition, copper ions can be absorbed into various types of alginate fibers that can be released when these fibers are in contact with aqueous solutions similar to wound exudate. Many other methods have been used in the documents to load and release copper ions from the base materials of wound dressings. The combination of zinc and copper ions with wound dressings have demonstrated important clinical benefits by accelerating the healing of burns and chronic wounds. Zinc and copper containing fibers and wound dressings possess antimicrobial properties similar to silver containing fibers and wound dressings.

Conclusion and Prospect Zinc and copper ions are minor metal ions present in the human body and are closely involved in the function of many enzymes during the wound healing process. The loss of zinc ions are well known for the delayed healing of burn wounds. Copper ions are also shown to be able to promote the healing of chronic wounds such as leg ulcers and pressure sores. The overall results of this review showed that zinc and copper ions have excellent antimicrobial properties and can promote wound healing. Experimental results have confirmed that zinc and copper containing wound dressings have strong antibactenal effect against the various types of bacteria commonly present in wounds, and these dressings are highly useful in the management of leg ulcer, pressure sore, diabetic foot ulcer, burn and other types of wounds. Looking into the future, much research and development work is still needed to clarify the wound healing mechanism of these two metal ions. In addition, clinical research and formal clinical trials are also required to validate the clinical efficacy of zinc and copper containing wound dressings before these products can be commercialized. Regulatory approval procedures are also needed through the collaborative efforts of researchers, manufacturers, regulatory bodies and medical practioners around the world.

Key words: zinc ion, copper ion, functional fiber, wound dressing, medical textile material, wound management

CLC Number: 

  • TS131.9


Influence of ZnSO4·7H2O concentration on zinc ion content of zinc alginate fibers"

0.5 0.595 53.1
1.0 0.873 70.3
3.0 0.521 109.0
10.0 0.839 128.5


Zinc releasing properties of zinc alginate fibers in aqueous solutions with different protein concentrations"


Preparation conditions for zinc containing chitosan fibers"

样品编号 纤维干态
1 6.922 0.692 4.26
2 7.647 1.912 9.95
3 9.164 4.582 14.17
4 10.853 21.706 18.67


Compositions and properties of some zinc containing wound dressings"

基础材料 锌化合物 主要性能
含海藻超细粉体的纤维素 锌离子 与伤口渗出液接触后,通过离子交换释放出锌离子[20]
海藻酸气凝胶 锌离子 海藻酸与锌结合形成的气凝胶释放的锌,在RAW 264.7巨噬细胞中有高利用率和抗炎活性[21]
壳聚糖和聚乙烯醇 肝素化纳米氧化锌颗粒 有效加速伤口闭合和再上皮化,显著促进急性创面愈合[22]
芦荟-海藻酸薄膜 锌离子 促进皮肤切口愈合[23]
聚氧化乙烯(PEO)纳米纤维 纳米氧化锌颗粒 比表面积高、亲水性好,适用于作为组织工程支架改善创面愈合[24]
水凝胶与丝素纤维的复合物 氧化锌 使营养物质、生长因子、代谢物和气体的交换更容易,有利于受损组织的成功再生[25]
卡拉胶 纳米氧化锌/L-谷氨酸 复合水凝胶可用于喷洒伤口,消除创面感染、加速伤口愈合[26]
静电纺海藻酸盐基垫 纳米氧化锌粒子 纳米氧化锌粒子具有很强的抗菌性能[27]
海藻酸钙水凝胶+细菌纤维素 锌离子 良好的抑菌性能[28]
50%氯化锌溶液 氯化锌对黑色素瘤切除伤口上组织的杀伤使伤口变得更深更宽[29]


Composition and properties of some copper containing wound dressings"

基础材料 铜化合物 主要性能
含海藻超细粉体的纤维素纤维 铜离子 与伤口渗出液接触后,通过离子交换释放出铜离子[20]
醋酸纤维素 纳米氧化铜 细胞活力和抗菌性能显著提高[36]
常规伤口愈合敷料 氧化铜微粒 在伤口上应用氧化铜浸渍的敷料可显著促进伤口愈合[37]
静电纺纳米纤维素纤维 纳米氧化铜 对革兰氏阴性和革兰氏阳性菌均有显著的抗菌性能[38]
细菌纳米纤维素+海藻酸盐 铜离子 具有pH值响应性抗菌活性,加快创面愈合[39]
聚己内酯 纳米氧化铜 抑制耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)生长[40]
常规伤口敷料 铜离子 在不使用抗生素的情况下减少医院获得性感染及其相关的抗生素耐药性风险[41]
静电纺聚氨酯 硫酸铜 具有良好的理化性能和血液相容性,促进创面愈合[42]


Turdity of solutions in control sample and in suspensions of Escherichia coli with chitosan fibers containing different metal ions"

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