Journal of Textile Research ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (09): 168-174.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20220703701

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Parametric design modeling and implementation of patterns for knit sweaters

LI Yuxian, WU Xiaowen, WU Guangjun, CONG Honglian()   

  1. Engineering Research Center for Knitting Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
  • Received:2022-07-12 Revised:2022-11-05 Online:2023-09-15 Published:2023-10-30


Objective Parametric platemaking is widely used in the rapid construction of clothing patterns, and the rapid design process is becoming more and more mature, but the forming process of knitted sweater is complex, and the parametric platemaking methods of existing patterns are difficult to apply. Based on the principles and methods of conventional clothing pattern design, the design of the basic patterns of knit sweaters was carried out in combination with the forming process, and the parametric platemaking method in the design process was discussed for improvement of the digital design of knit sweaters.

Method The basic patterns of knit sweaters were made based on the clothing pattern design method, the relationship between the patterns and the human body parameters was discussed, and the key points of each part were determined. The fitting constraints of the neckline curve, armhole curve and sleeve mountain curve were then carried out, the mathematical relationship existing in the fitting process was discussed, and the key data in the curve fitting process were determined. The parametric design software was utilized to constrain the basic patterns and to determine the constraint data and user parameters of the fit sweater. The feasibility of the parametric design method was verified by making the finished product on the computerized flat knitting machine.

Results Based on the principle of woven garment plate making, the data of length, bust, sleeve length and sleeve width were used as the basis to construct the basic plate of knitted sweater, taking into consideration of the sweater forming process. The curve part of the sweater needed to be set flat and retracted needle segment, and the correction factor was adopted to finely adjust the local size (Fig. 1). In the process of parametric design, the sweater curve was further decomposed by arc, and in order to match the shape of the neckline and the change trend of curvature, the curve mostly adopted a three-stage retracting needle process. For the neckline and the armhole, the curves were divided into three segments, and the formula was converted after setting the key point data of each part, and the complex spline curve was converted into a multi-terminal single arc. The arc length of the front neckline curve was related to x1, y1 and the angle θ1 (Fig. 4). The arc length of the front armhole curve was related to y2, x2 and the angle δ1 (Fig. 6(a)), and the arc length of the rear armhole curve is related to y3, x3 and the angle φ1 (Fig. 6(b)). For the sleeve top curve, the Bezier curve model was used for parametric design, generating the required curve according to the specification of the control point coordinates (Fig. 8). Using the parametric platemaking software, the geometric constraints and annotation constraints of the basic plates of sweaters were carried out, and the expressions of each constraint object were obtained according to the platemaking principle (Tab. 2), and then the user parameters were generated according to the variable parameters, and finally the complex plate change principle was converted into simple user language. An example fitted sweater using the parametric platemaking method of sweater was used, and the size specifications of the knit sweater was shown to meet the design requirements and the loop has no bad stretching state (Fig. 13).

Conclusion In the design process of knit sweater, the arc fitting model is proved useful to constrain the neckline curve and the armhole curve, and the Bezier curve model can be adopted to constrain the sleeve curve. Based on the mathematical and position relationship between parts, the parametric variant design of knitted sweaters is carried out, and then the machine process is quickly generated in combination with dimensional data. After data processing and transformation, the size specifications of each part of the knitted sweater plate meet the requirements, and it is feasible to be produced on the computerized flat knitting machine, which can reduce repeated calculation and proofing time, and improve the digital design level of sweaters.

Key words: knitting, sweater, basic pattern, digital design method, parametric constraint, arc constraint

CLC Number: 

  • TS184.5

Tab. 1

Finished specifications for women's sweaters"

尺寸指标 成品规格/cm 尺寸指标 成品规格/cm
衣长L 55.0 袖口E 10.0
胸围B 84.0 袖罗H 4.0
肩宽S 34.0 后领宽N 15.8
肩斜J 3.0 前领深F 7.0
腰高Y 34.0 后领深D 2.0
腰围W 68.0 夹深A 19.0
脚高R 5.0 袖尾M 7.4
袖长C 50.0 袖山高T 15.67
袖宽K 15.5

Fig. 1

Basic pattern of knitted sweater. (a)Body piece;(b)Sleeve piece"

Fig. 2

Tensile deformation of armhole curve"

Fig. 3

Design of neckline curve. (a)Neckline shape;(b)Neckline forming process; (c)Finished neckline"

Fig. 4

Parametric model of front neckline arc"

Fig. 5

Design of armhole curve. (a) Armhole shape;(b) Armhole forming process; (c) Finished armhole"

Fig. 6

Parametric model of front (a) and back (b) armhole curves"

Fig. 7

Design of sleeve top curve. (a) Sleeve top skin plane; (b) Shaped sweater sleeve top curve; (c) Finished sleeve top"

Fig. 8

Parametric model of sleeve top curve"

Fig. 9

Sweater pieces of constraints. (a) Back piece; (b) Front piece; (c) Sleeve piece"

Fig. 10

Forming sweater piece constraint points. (a) Front piece; (b) Back piece;(c) Sleeve piece"

Tab. 2

Forming sweater patch annotation constrain data"

约束对象 参数名称 表达式
F0F1B0B1 半胸宽 B/2
F2F3B2B3 直位 (L-Y-R-1.5)/5
F3F5B3B5 腰部收针行数 4(L-Y-R-1.5)/5
F4F5B4B5 腰部收针针数 B/2-W/4
F6F7B6B7 胸部加针针数 B/2-W/4
F7F8B7B8 胸部加针行数 Y-A-J-4
F10F12B10B11 夹直位 2A/3
F12F13B11B14 肩部收针行数 J
F13F14B14B15 肩部收针针数 0.95S/2-N/2
F1F11 前中长 L-F
B0B12 后中长 L-D
S0S1 总袖口宽 2K
S2S4 袖加针针数 K-E
S4S6 袖加针行数 C-T-H-2.5
S10S11 袖尾 B/10-1

Fig. 11

Fitting sweater style"

Fig. 12

Sample of fitting sweater. (a) Back piece; (b) Front piece; (c) Sleeve piece"

Fig. 13

Finished fitting sweater"

Tab. 3

Size specifications of finished fitting sweater"

部位名称 样板
衣长 48.0 48.45 0.94
脚高 5.0 5.07 1.40
胸围 86.0 85.28 -0.84
腰围 78.0 76.55 -1.66
前领深 13.0 13.15 1.15
后领深 2.0 2.02 1.00
后领宽 18.0 17.53 -2.61
肩宽 30.4 31.24 2.76
袖长 24.0 24.21 0.88
袖宽 16.0 15.63 -2.31
袖口 15.0 14.76 -1.60
袖罗 5.0 5.08 1.60
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