Journal of Textile Research ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (07): 223-229.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20221204702

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Research progress in macrofungi and mycelia composites

YUAN Jiugang1(), WANG Yingxue1, ZHOU Aihui2, XU Jin1, TANG Ying1, FAN Xuerong1   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles(Jiangnan University), Ministry of Education, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. Fujian Province Fiber Inspection Center, Fuzhou, Fujian 350008, China
  • Received:2023-02-03 Revised:2023-08-07 Online:2024-07-15 Published:2024-07-15


Significance Fungi are neither plants nor animals, which are one of the first life forms on Earth. Fungi are widely distributed in nature, with millions of species. In recent years, with the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection and the progress of cultivation technology, the application of fungi is also expanded. Fungi are rich in dextran and chitin, and have unique physical and chemical properties. Besides food and medicine, fungi are also widely used in material engineering. Fungal composite materials are a new type of environment-friendly material, which has the characteristics of simple production, complete degradation, durability and wide application scenarios which attracted much research interest. In order to promote the development of sustainable materials and advocate the concept of environmental protection, it is of great significance to review and summarize the current research status of fungi and mycelium composites.

Progress In order to better promote the development of fungal composites, this paper makes a comprehensive review of the current fungal materials covering the composition, fermentation mode and application status. The main structure, composition, active substances and application value of large fungi such as oyster mushroom, Flammulina mushroom and Ganoderma lucidum were first introduced respectively. In order to make the explanation clearer and more concise, some detailed data about fungi materials were collected. Fermentation methods also have a great influence on the properties of raw fungal materials. Fermentation products could have different thickness and density, requiring different processing routes. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of solid fermentation and liquid fermentation were compared and analyzed, and their effects on the processing properties of raw fungal materials were summarized. In addition, the research progress of pure mycelia materials and mycelium composites was comprehensively reviewed. At present, the research and development of fungal materials still show rapid growth. Mycelia composite materials have applications in sound insulation materials, building boards, packaging materials, textile leather and medical dressings, and so on. Fungal materials are rich in chitin, polysaccharide and other active ingredients, which provide unique material characteristics and medical value, and are expected to be further developed in the future to broaden applications. There are, however, problems in fungal materials, such as production pollution, pathogenicity, service life and future development direction, calling for further study. This paper makes an objective analysis and prospect of fungal materials, hoping to introduce the characteristics of fungal materials comprehensively and help researchers broaden their thinking.

Conclusion and Prospect Fungal materials, with good biocompatibility and no residue after degradation, have great potential to replace fossil-based materials, and their production is not limited by seasons. Particular problems to be solved have been identified as follows. 1) Conditions for fermentation needs to be optimized and suitable fermentation equipment needs to be devised to reduce pollution, as pollution and other problems increase the cost to a large extent. 2) Research on the service life of fungal materials is emperative. 3) The pathogenicity of the selected fungi materials and the possibility of insect colonization in fungi materials to become invasive species needs careful consideration. In a word, there is still a long way to go to use fungal composites on a large scale and the research and development of new fungal materials remain to be attractive.

Key words: fungus, mycelia, chitin, biomass, composite material

CLC Number: 

  • TS959.9


Chemical composition analysis of fungal cell wall"

类别 占比/% 参考

壶菌纲 16 58 10 [12]
卵菌纲 54 36 0 10 <1 5 3 [12]
接合菌纲 0 0 9 33 2 6 8 [12]
子囊/半知菌门 43 0 19 2 11 5 [12]
酵母(子囊菌) 29 0 1 0 31 13 9 [13]
担子菌门 61 0 10 <3 7 3 [13]


Analysis of specific gravity of dry substance between fruiting body and mycelium"

种类 组成
占比/% 参考
灰分 总糖 粗蛋白 粗脂肪 粗纤维
平菇 菌丝体 2.58 0.87 18.07 3.25 15.83 [14]
子实体 5.79 2.10 25.46 2.13 13.58 [14]
金针菇 菌丝体 10.99 40.40 14.80 2.83 22.13 [15]
子实体 6.40 28.50 20.74 0.71 13.54 [15]
桑黄 菌丝体 7.00 33.08 36.46 13.35 [16]
子实体 6.40 17.47 5.48 9.52 [16]


Several typical macrofungi and their active components and functions"

种类 活性成分 作用
香菇 多糖、氨基酸、维生素(B1、B2、C、D)、膳食纤维 抗肿瘤、抗衰老、抗氧化、抗肝炎、免疫增强
平菇 多糖、多肽、氨基酸、酚类、萜类、甾醇、脂肪酸酯 抗炎、免疫调节、抗高胆固醇、抗高血压、抗糖尿病、抗肥胖、抗衰老、抗菌、抗氧化、保肝
金针菇 多糖、多肽、甾醇、麦角硫醚、铜芳烃倍半萜、地尔松、半胱氨酸 免疫调节、抑菌消炎、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、肝保护、抗高脂血症
桑黄 多糖、脂肪酸、氨基酸、黄酮、萜类化合物 免疫调节、抗肿瘤、消炎抗菌、降血糖、抗氧化
灵芝 多糖、三萜(主要是灵芝酸)、蛋白质、类固醇、甾醇、核苷酸、脂肪酸、维生素 免疫调节、抗癌、降糖、抗氧化、抗动脉粥样硬化、抗纤维化、镇痛、抗炎、抗菌、降血脂、保肝、抗性激素过剩、抗疱疹、抗关节炎、抗骨质疏松、抗衰老、抗溃疡


Fermentation methods of macrofungi"

项目 液态发酵法 固态发酵法
生产优势 生长速度快、成品厚度均匀、产物易与营养液分离 生长速度快、污染风险较低、成本较低、设施技术含量较低
生产劣势 污染风险高、成本较高 厚度不均匀、不易与底物分离
产物种类 菌丝体 菌丝体、子实体
成品形态 类纸状、类皮革状 类皮革状、泡沫状、砖板状
加工方向 类纸状材料、服装材料、医用材料 真菌皮革、隔音泡沫、缓冲包装、菌丝体复合生物质材料


Mycelia biocomposites"


Foam mycelia. (a) Solid matter for mycelia colonization; (b) Final product"


Fungal leather material. (a) Hat and handbag made by Amadou; (b) Fungal derived leather"

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