Journal of Textile Research ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (07): 78-85.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230307301

• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design and properties of solar water-electricity synergistic generator based on viscose nonwoven fabric

LU Yingke1, JING Bingqi1, XU Tao1, GAO Yilei1, DENG Bingyao1, LI Haoxuan1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Textile Science and Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Textile and Flexible Interconnection of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
  • Received:2023-03-31 Revised:2023-12-13 Online:2024-07-15 Published:2024-07-15
  • Contact: LI Haoxuan


Objective Interfacial solar steam generation (ISSG) has emerged as a promising eco-friendly and low-carbon emission technology to address the global water scarcity. However, most current studies have focused too much on evaporation materials, ignoring the real bottlenecks are in the low-cost, scalable production and low fresh water yield in seawater desalination. In order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes a novel strategy to construct a water-electricity synergistic generator (WESG) by combining interfacial evaporation technology with photovoltaic generation.

Method The WESG containing a solar cell, thermoelectric generator, viscose fiber based nonwoven fabric and a copper condenser from top to bottom. The device skillfully uses the waste heat generated during the work of photovoltaic cells to facilitate interface evaporation, and solves the problem of low power generation efficiency caused by high temperature generated during the operation of the photovoltaic cells. The structure and wicking effect of the viscose fiber based nonwoven fabric, evaporation and electricity performance of the WESG was characterized.

Results The viscose nonwoven fabric is twisted, staggered, and interconnected to form a porous structure, resulting in good air permeability. The water droplets on the surface of viscose nonwovens fabric completely is diffused within 0.2 s, indicating that the water quickly reaches the gas-liquid interface and continuously supplies water to the evaporation interface. Assisted with evaporation process, the temperature of the photovoltaic cell is decreased from 62 ℃ to 48 ℃ under the simulated irradiation of 1 kW/m2, and the evaporation rate reaches 1.36 kg/(m2·h). According to the voltammetry characteristic curve of the photovoltaic cell, the photovoltaic conversion efficiency is increased from 8.8% to 9.6% after cooling. The results show that the combination of photovoltaic power generation and interfacial water evaporation technology can effectively reduce the working temperature of photovoltaic cells and improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells. The thermoelectric generator sheet can release 84 mV voltage, and the maximum power density is 28.12 μW/cm2during evaporation. The outdoor performance experiment of the WESG is able to generate 2.23 kg/m2 of water and 37.3 (kW·h) /m2electricity in one day. The photoelectricity conversion efficiency and solar to vapor conversion efficiency are maintained at 9.5% and 82%, respectively during 144 h of cycle operation, suggesting that the excellent working stability of WESG. After purification, the ion concentration of salt water is decreased by 2-4 orders of magnitude, reaching the drinking water standards of the World Health Organization and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, implying that the WESG has a good water purification effect.

Conclusion In summary, this work provides a WESG with minimized energy loss and passive cooling condensation. The WESG cleverly uses the waste heat generated during the work of photovoltaic cells to realize interface evaporation, and solves the problem of low power generation efficiency caused by high temperature generated during the operation of the photovoltaic cells. The results show that the evaporation of water transported by viscose nonwoven fabric can effectively decrease the temperature of photovoltaic cells, and improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells. This paper preliminary verifies the potential of utilizing traditional nonwoven materials and photovoltaic power generation to realize water-electricity synergistic generation and large-scale application.

Key words: interfacial steam generation, photovoltaic power, nonwoven material, viscose, desalination, synergistic water-electricity generation.

CLC Number: 

  • TK519


Schematic diagram of working principle of solar water-electricity synergistic generator.(a) Energy flows; (b) Optical photograph"


SEM images (a) and diameter distribution (b) of viscose nonwoven fabric"


Hydrophilic performance of viscose nonwoven fabric. (a) Water contact angles; (b) Wicking effect"


Evaporation performance of solar water-electricity synergistic generator. (a) Temperature change curves; (b) Mass change curves"


Electricity generation performance of solar water-electricity synergistic generator. (a) Current-voltage (J-U) curves of photovoltaic cell; (b) Current-voltage (I-U) and output power density-voltage (P-U) of thermoelectric plate"


Outdoor performance of solar water-electricity synergistic generator. (a) Water collection; (b) Outdoor electricity production"


Performance comparsion of water-electricity synergistic generator"

光热材料 水运输材料 发电模块 蒸发速率/
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多晶硅光伏电池 亲水石英玻璃纤维膜 多晶硅光伏电池 1.88 115.0 [14]
生物炭材料 滤纸 温差发电片 1.26 0.4 [15]
半透明光伏电池,聚吡咯 负载聚吡咯的纤维膜 半透明光伏电池 1.30 122.0 [16]
碳纳米管 聚丙烯胺/碳纳米管水凝胶 温差发电片 1.42 4.8 [17]
多晶硅光伏电池 粘胶纤维非织造材料 多晶硅光伏电池及温差发电片 1.36 95.8 本文


Cycle work efficiency of solar water-electricity synergistic generator"


Desalination capacity of solar water-electricity synergistic generator"

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