Journal of Textile Research ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (08): 18-25.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20240400101

• Academic Salon Column for New Insight of Textile Science and Technology: Advanced Nonwovens and Technology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation and performance of electrospun sodium alginate composite nanofiber membranes

QIAN Yang, ZHANG Lu, LI Chenyang, WANG Rongwu()   

  1. College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2024-04-01 Revised:2024-05-12 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-21
  • Contact: WANG Rongwu


Objective This study aimed to harness the biocompatibility, biodegradability, and anti-adhesion properties of sodium alginate (SA) for potential use in wound dressings. Utilizing environmentally friendly deionized water as a solvent, a composite nanofiber membrane of SA, polyethylene oxide (PEO), and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was fabricated through a modified small linear trough electrospinning device. The research focused on optimizing the solution's conductivity, fiber morphology, and diameter distribution of the spinning solution to enhance the spinnability of the SA solution and improve the functional properties of the final membrane.

Method The optimal solution mixture was determined through the analysis of solution conductivity, fiber morphology, and diameter distribution. The prepared nanofiber membranes were crosslinked by 3.0% anhydrous ethanol solution of calcium chloride (CaCl2) for varying durations (0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 h). After post-treatment, the samples were systematically analyzed for microscopic morphology, chemical structure, swelling behavior, and structural stability to evaluate the effects of cross-linking on membrane properties.

Results With a mass ratio of 1∶ 4 between SA and PEO, 4% total solute mass fraction, and PVP constituting 10% of the total solute mass, the SA/PEO/PVP composite nanofiber membranes exhibited uniform morphology with fibers averaging 240 nm in diameter and forming a three-dimensional interwoven network. This network structure was crucial for achieving significant mechanical strength and durability. Cross-linking for 24 h resulted in enhanced water resistance and structural stability, with a swelling ratio of 1 050.80% and a mass loss rate of 40.63%, indicating superior physical properties.

Conclusion The study successfully developed SA/PEO/PVP composite nanofiber membranes with excellent morphology and enhanced performance after CaCl2 cross-linking. The introduction of PEO and PVP not only improved the spinnability of SA but also contributed to the compatibility within the composite, underscoring the potential of these membranes as substrates for wound healing applications. This research emphasizes the innovation of using deionized water as a solvent in a non-toxic spinning process, addressing environmental concerns related to organic solvents. This provides strong evidence for promoting wound healing in accordance with the principles of moist wound healing and offers new insights and directions for the development of advanced wound care solutions.

Key words: electrospinning, sodium alginate, polyethylene oxide, polyvinylpyrrolidone, nanofiber membrane, cross-linking modification, wound dressing

CLC Number: 

  • TQ340


Three-dimensional image of electrospinning machine"


SEM images and diameter distribution graphs of electrospun nanofibers prepared from SA/PEO solutions at different volume ratios"


Diameter distribution parameters of different proportions of SA/PEO electro-spinning fibers"

SA与PEO体积比 平均直径/nm 极差/μm CV值/%
30∶70 300 0.64 49.94
40∶60 320 0.67 47.39
50∶50 300 0.59 46.41
60∶40 300 0.62 50.64
70∶30 300 0.74 50.61


Influence of PVP mass fraction on conductivity of spinning fluid"


SEM image and diameter distribution of SA/PEO/PVP composite nanofibers prepared by optimal process"


Microscopic morphology of SA/PEO/PVP composite nanofiber membranes after cross-linking treatment with CaCl2 for different durations"


Swelling ratio(a) and mass loss percentage(b) of composite nanofiber membranes after 24 h of treatment in PBS solution at different cross-linking times"


Infrared spectroscopy images of SA and composite nanofiber membranes before and after cross-linking modification"


Influence of temperatures and soaking times on stability of SA/PEO/PVP composite nanofiber membranes"

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