In orer to develop artificial vascular prosthesis (AVP) with good biocompatibility, safety, effectiveness and long-term stability by using biomedical textiles forming technologies, the incidence of vascular diseases, research background and significance, safety, performance requirements, disadvantages and merits of various materials for AVPs were reviewed. Properties, structural characteristics of endovascular stents and AVPs for replacement purpose were compared and analyzed. Three kinds of fabrication methods including fibrous-jointing, cell culture based tissue engineering and 3-D printing were introduced, and their properties, applications and state of the art research progress were illustrated in details. In conclusion, the AVPs using biomedical textiles forming technologies needs the cooperation of multi disciplinary teams in the fields of biomaterials, mathematic, textiles and medical science. With combined innovation of raw materials, preparation methods, post-treatment processes, tissue engineering and clinical research, the satisfied AVPs with good performance can be diagnosed with vascular diseases can be therefore improved.