Preparation and inkjet printing smoothness of monodisperse polystyrene and poly (styrene-co-styrene sulfonate) latex particles
收稿日期: 2022-12-27 修回日期: 2023-02-20
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Received: 2022-12-27 Revised: 2023-02-20
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为探究颜料墨水中固体颗粒粒径与喷墨流畅性之间的关系,制备了不同粒径的单分散球形聚苯乙烯(PSt)和聚(苯乙烯-co-苯乙烯磺酸钠)(P(St-co-SS))乳胶粒,探究了乳胶粒大小与分散液储存稳定性和喷墨流畅性的关系,并结合有限元与密度泛函计算,从理论角度解释乳胶粒大小与电荷对其喷墨流畅性的影响。结果表明:通过控制引发剂、乳化剂或水溶性单体的加入量,成功制备不同粒径的单分散球形PSt和P(St-co-SS)乳胶粒;固含量为10%的PSt和P(St-co-SS)乳胶粒分散液在4~50 ℃温度范围内储存4个月后分散稳定性均大于96%;随着分散液中乳胶粒粒径的增大,分散液的抽滤流速逐渐降低,且相同粒径下P(St-co-SS)较PSt分散体系的抽滤流速更高;粒孔比的增大会导致分散液在孔道内的流动体积降低,最终造成滤孔的堵塞,而微粒上表面活性剂的脱吸附是造成相同粒径下PSt体系抽滤流畅性低于P(St-co-SS)体系的原因。
Objective The smoothness of digital inkjet printing depends on the pigment ink's particle size, but at the moment, research on the relationship between particle size and flow primarily focuses on the suspension system of large particles, and the choice of pigment ink particle size is largely determined by engineering expertise. Consequently, it is crucial to develop a realistic particle size range appropriate for inkjet. However, most convenitional pigments are prepared by grinding or other physical methods, and their size and morphology distribution is relatively random, making quantitative research impossible. Method As a new polymer, latex particle size is easy to control and the performance is stable, making it a suitable choice for the study of particle size and inkjet fluidity. Monodisperse spherical polystyrene (PSt) and poly(styrene-co-styrene sulfonate) (P(St-co-SS)) latex particles of different sizes were prepared by mini-emulsion polymerization and soap-free emulsion polymerization, respectively, which were configured into PSt latex particle dispersions and P(St-co-SS) latex particle dispersions. The relationships among latex particle size, storage stability and inkjet fluidity of the dispersions were investigated. Results In this research, monodisperse spherical PSt and P(St-co-SS) latex particles with controllable particle size of 50-250 nm were successfully prepared by changing the addition of potassium persulfate (KPS), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and sodium p-styrene sulfonate (SS) in the reaction components. The prepared latex particles were uniform in size and had a spherical structure (Fig.2). The results of storage stability tests suggested the temperature range of 4-50 ℃ for PSt latex particle dispersion and P(St-co-SS) latex particle dispersion, respectively (Fig.4). It was seen that the storage stability of both PSt and P(St-co-SS) latex particle dispersions was higher than 96% in this temperature range, and that the smaller the particle size of latex particles, the better the storage stability of the dispersions. Subsequently, the dispersion was filtered using a filter membrane with an absolute pore size of 1 μm, and the results of the filtration rate reals that the filtration flow rate of the dispersion became higher as the particle porosity ratio decreased (Fig.5). When the particle porosity of the PSt and P(St-co-SS) systems was smaller than 8.5% and 9.5%, respectively, the filtration flow rate of the dispersion appeared to be higher than 2 mL/s. DFT simulation was carried out using the finite element analysis method. The results from the simulations showed that the increase of the particle porosity ratio led to the decrease of the actual dispersion flow radius (Fig.6), which eventually resulted in blockage of the filter membrane pores. Direct grafting of sulfonic acid groups on the particle surface provided more effective mutual repulsion between particles than adding dispersant, thus better hindering the agglomeration and sinking of particles in high-speed flow and increasing the flow of the dispersion (Fig.7). Conclusion In the case of particles dispersed by dispersant alone at a solid content of 8.5%, the dispersion is essentially unable to flow when the particle porosity ratio exceeds 10%, while P(St-co-SS) latex particle has a fixed sulfonic acid group on its surface, that the particle porosity ratio threshold can rise to about 9.5%. Meanwhile, grafting or modifying the surface of the particles with hydrophilic functional groups enables better cold or hot storage stability of the particles as opposed to adding surfactants to the dispersion. Therefore, an appropriate reduction in solid particle size together with an increase in the number of particles with hydrophilic functional groups can improve the dispersion storage and the inkjet printing smoothness.
苏婧, 关玉, 付少海.
SU Jing, GUAN Yu, FU Shaohai.
1 实验部分
1.1 实验材料与仪器
材料:苯乙烯(St,化学纯)、十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS,分析纯)、四氢呋喃(THF,分析纯),国药集团化学试剂有限公司;过硫酸钾(KPS,分析纯),上海泰坦科技股份有限公司;对苯乙烯磺酸钠(SS,分析纯),北京伊诺凯科技有限公司;透析袋(MD25,截留相对分子质量为8 000~14 000),美国Viskase公司;聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)滤膜(绝对孔径为1 μm),杭州科百特过滤器材有限公司。
仪器:Regulus8100型场发射扫描电子显微镜(日本株式会社日立高新技术公司);Zetasizer Nano-ZS90型电位及粒径分析仪(英国马尔文仪器有限公司);XZ-1型无油隔膜真空泵(苏州智达盛通科学仪器有限公司);XY-MRT型金相显微镜(宁波舜宇仪器有限公司);HAAKE型旋转流变仪(美国赛默飞世尔科技有限公司)。
1.2 乳胶粒分散液的制备
1.2.1 乳胶粒浓缩液的制备
通过细乳液聚合法控制SDS以及KPS的用量制备不同粒径的单分散PSt乳胶粒。首先,称取0.1~1.25 g表面活性剂SDS置于四颈烧瓶中,加入150 mL去离子水使其充分溶解,瓶内通入氮气10 min后,再加入25 g聚合单体St。然后,保持260~320 r/min的搅拌转速和氮气氛围,升温至70 ℃后将0.1~0.25 g KPS溶于1.5 mL去离子水中,作为聚合引发剂加入上述反应体系,在70 ℃条件下搅拌8 h使其充分反应。反应结束后继续保持搅拌并自然冷却至室温,将反应所得分散液使用中速定性滤纸抽滤3遍,收集得到的滤液中含有所需PSt乳胶粒。基于无皂乳液聚合法改变单体SS和KPS的用量可对P(St-co-SS)乳胶粒的大小进行调控,P(St-co-SS)乳胶粒制备流程与PSt相似,仅将上述流程中表面活性剂SDS更换为聚合单体SS。
将所得滤液分别加入已预处理活化的透析袋内透析,袋外为100倍透析袋体积的去离子水。透析第1天每隔4 h更换1次去离子水,第2天每隔12 h更换1次,第3天开始每隔24 h更换1次,直至被透析组分在金相显微镜放大1 000倍下无可见油性液滴,再透析48 h。在干燥无尘的环境下对透析后组分蒸发浓缩,得到PSt或P(St-co-SS)乳胶粒浓缩液,测定并标记乳胶粒浓缩液的固含量,密封备用,制备流程如图1所示。
Preparation process of latex particle concentrated solution
1.2.2 乳胶粒分散液的配制
1.3 测试与表征
1.3.1 乳胶粒粒径与粒度分布测试
将乳胶粒分散液稀释500倍后,在25 ℃温度下使用电位及粒径分析仪测试分散液中乳胶粒平均粒径及其粒度分布(PDI)。
1.3.2 乳胶粒表面形貌观察
1.3.3 固含量测试
将洁净称量瓶放置在80 ℃的烘箱中干燥一段时间后取出,称量后再次干燥,直至前后质量差小于0.1%,得到完全干燥的称量瓶的质量m(g)。称取3~5 g浓缩样品液加入到完全干燥的称量瓶中,准确记录其质量为m0(g),并按照上述干燥称量瓶的步骤对其进行干燥。称量干燥后的称量瓶和乳胶粒总质量m1(g),按照下式计算固含量(C)。
1.3.4 喷墨流畅性测试
本文以墨水抽滤流速作为喷墨流畅性指标:取100 mL乳胶粒分散液,使用直径为50 mm、绝对孔径为1 μm的PVDF滤膜,对分散液在真空度为0.8 kPa的条件下进行抽滤,记录抽取100 mL分散液所需时间并进行流速换算。每种乳胶粒分散液抽滤3次,取其平均值。由于实验中墨水抽滤流速在低于2 mL/s时难以从喷头中喷出,因此,以2 mL/s作为界定标准。
1.3.5 粒孔比计算
1.3.6 流体参数计算
式中:Rec为临界雷诺数(圆形管道约为2 300);v为墨水的实际流速,m/s;μ为墨水的动力黏性系数,Pa·s;ρ为墨水的密度,kg/m3;d为喷嘴的管径,m。
1.3.7 黏度测试
取约2 mL乳胶粒分散液,使用旋转流变仪在25 ℃的条件下,测试分散液在5 000 r/min转速下的黏度。
1.3.8 储存稳定性测定
1.4 模拟计算
1.4.1 有限元计算
从微观角度探究分散液抽滤过程中乳胶颗粒的分布情况,使用有限元分析软件对乳胶粒分散液流通滤膜孔道的过程进行模拟。以系统默认聚苯乙烯固体的参数定义颗粒性质,流体方程形式选用研究控制,假设方程为稳态方程,流体定义为不可压缩流动,体系中颗粒均具有唯一粒径。管道壁条件为黏附,使用斯托克斯曳力定律[11],考虑带电颗粒间库仑力作用,从孔道入口开始对颗粒进行均匀释放。在初始速度为3 m/s,孔道宽度为1 μm,长度为80 μm的情况下,通过改变颗粒粒径以及表面电荷,对分散液流经滤膜孔道时乳胶粒在50 μs内的运动轨迹进行跟踪。
1.4.2 密度泛函计算
2 结果与讨论
2.1 乳胶粒形貌分析
表1 乳胶粒粒径大小与粒度分布
乳胶粒名称 | 粒径/nm | PDI值 |
PSt | 55 | 0.037 |
73 | 0.022 | |
117 | 0.007 | |
159 | 0.050 | |
238 | 0.035 | |
P(St-co-SS) | 53 | 0.050 |
73 | 0.019 | |
97 | 0.006 | |
157 | 0.029 | |
244 | 0.050 |
FE-SEM images of PSt and P(St-co-SS) latex particles with different size
2.2 乳胶粒分散液的黏度分析
Viscosity of PSt and P(St-co-SS) latex particle dispersions
2.3 乳胶粒分散液储存稳定性分析
对各乳胶粒分散液的储存稳定性进行探究,结果如图4所示。结果表明,分散液分别在4、25以及50 ℃条件下储存4个月[18]后,储存稳定性均在96%以上,且乳胶粒的粒径越小,稳定性越佳。这是由于分散液中乳胶粒表面具有表面活性剂SDS或者SS单元所提供的磺酸阴离子基团,依据经典排斥稳定理论,由于乳胶粒间具有较强的静电排斥作用,该分散体系中的乳胶粒具有一定的空间稳定性。粒径越小,体系中颗粒碰撞粘连后总体自然沉积速率不及大粒径颗粒,最终呈现出较好的稳定性。但无论是何种体系,乳胶粒分散液在25 ℃条件下的储存性能均优于4或50 ℃条件下。这是由于乳胶粒在较高温度下的运动速度较快,相互碰撞并聚沉的可能性提高;当温度较低时,分子运动速度降低,乳胶粒之间一旦靠近便难以摆脱势阱,从而发生聚沉。
Storage stability of PSt and P(St-co-SS) latex particle dispersions
2.4 乳胶粒分散液的喷墨流畅性分析
Filtration flow rates of latex particle dispersion at different particle porosity ratios
表2 乳胶粒粒径与滤膜孔径比
PSt粒径/nm | 粒孔比/% | P(St-co-SS) 粒径/nm | 粒孔比/% |
55 | 5.5 | 53 | 5.3 |
73 | 7.3 | 73 | 7.3 |
117 | 11.7 | 97 | 9.7 |
159 | 15.9 | 157 | 15.7 |
238 | 23.8 | 244 | 24.4 |
此外,当乳胶粒大小相同时,P(St-co-SS) 乳胶粒分散液的喷墨流畅性略优于PSt乳胶粒分散液。
2.5 有限元与密度泛函计算
为最大程度还原抽滤过程中分散液的流动情况,根据动态黏度测试结果,将模拟液体黏度设置为2 mPa·s,对乳胶粒分散液进行层流分析与颗粒追踪。图6分别示出不同乳胶粒分散液流经滤膜孔道的有限元模拟结果,其中纵向线条为颗粒运动轨迹,线条颜色越深说明乳胶粒分散液中乳胶粒流经该位置的可能性越大。
Particle trajectory of latex particle dispersion flowing from bottom to top through filter membrane pores
由于有限元计算未能解释表面活性剂或表面电荷对乳胶粒分散液流畅性的影响,对乳胶粒分散液中的有机组分进行进一步的DFT计算,结果如图7所示。可以看出,当分散液静止时,SDS和SS单元的磺酸基之间距离均在0.419 nm左右,St单元间距离仅有0.236 nm,约为SDS与SS单元的五分之三。这表明理论上静止时吸附在颗粒表面的SDS和SS单元的磺酸基可使得乳胶粒间具有更远的平衡距离,因此,均可减少苯乙烯微球聚沉。又由于SDS与SS单元所带有的静电势以及平衡间距相似,因此,2种体系具有相近的储存稳定性。在高速流动时,虽然理论上SDS之间靠近所需能量更高,但附着在PSt颗粒表面的SDS易发生脱吸附,使得裸露的St单元在自然条件下发生自发聚集,进一步引发聚沉,增大PSt乳胶粒分散液在滤膜微孔道中的流通难度。而SS键合于P(St-co-SS)微球表面,磺酸基之间的斥力阻碍颗粒子聚沉,降低了由于粒子间聚沉导致孔道堵塞的可能。
Binding energy and electrostatic potential of components in latex particle dispersion
3 结论
1)分别使用细乳液聚合法和无皂乳液聚合法成功制备了系列粒径在50~250 nm之间的球形单分散聚苯乙烯(PSt)和聚(苯乙烯-co-苯乙烯磺酸钠)(P(St-co-SS) )乳胶粒,并将其配制为固含量为10%的分散液。其中P(St-co-SS)乳胶粒分散液的黏度随着其粒径减小而略微增大,PSt乳胶粒分散液的黏度随着其粒径增大略微增加。
2)P(St-co-SS)和PSt乳胶粒分散液分别在4、25、50 ℃下储存4个月后均能保持不低于96%的储存稳定性,且乳胶粒的粒径越小,储存稳定性越佳。
3)粒孔比越小,分散液的喷墨流畅性越佳。其中,P(St-co-SS)乳胶粒的粒孔比小于9.5%时,该乳胶粒分散液的抽滤流速大于2 mL/s,而PSt体系粒孔比需要小于8.5%才能保持在2 mL/s以上的抽滤流速。有限元计算结果表明粒径增大会使得实际流动半径减小,且密度泛函(DFT)的计算印证了P(St-co-SS)体系喷墨流畅性略优于PSt体系的原因:对苯乙烯磺酸钠(SS)组分表面磺酸基能够使其相互之间保持一定距离,而十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)分子在高速剪切下一旦脱离PSt乳胶粒表面,裸露的苯乙烯(St)组分直接接触并聚集,最终造成孔道堵塞。
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