Research progress in melt spinning technology for bicomponent microfibers
收稿日期: 2024-04-1 修回日期: 2024-04-26
基金资助: |
Received: 2024-04-1 Revised: 2024-04-26
作者简介 About authors
Significance Microfiber materials, as a strategic emerging material, play an indispensable role in national economic and social development, constituting a focal point of global competition within the textile industry. Exhibiting characteristics such as low fiber linear density, low bending stiffness, large specific surface area, adsorption capability, and strong capillary effects, microfibers find widespread applications in fields including medical hygiene, personal protection, environmental sustainability, energy conservation, clothing, and home textiles. In the fabrication processes of microfibers, nonwovens produced via methods such as melt blowing, flash evaporation, and electrospinning exhibit relatively low strength, limiting their usage to filtration and medical protective applications. While direct melt spinning offers lower production costs, stringent process requirements often hinder the attainment of high-quality microfibers. In the realm of composite spinning, the production of microfiber materials involves the utilization of physical or chemical methods to achieve the formation of bicomponent composite fibers. This method is characterized by its high speed, efficiency, and productivity, making it one of the most effective techniques for mass-producing high-strength microfiber materials. Progress This paper provides an overview of the forming processes, polymer properties, and technical requisites involved in the production of microfibers through composite spinning. It elaborates on the polymer selection, fiber formation mechanisms, and distinctive traits of sea-island and split composite fibers. Moreover, it delves into the principles of fiber precursor formation using chemical and physical methods, discussing the merits and drawbacks of the processes. Furthermore, based on these characteristics, it analyzes the selection of different composite fiber polymers and the trends in process development both domestically and internationally. It examines their impact on the production of microfibers and nonwoven materials. The application domains of melt composite fibers for microfibers material production are summarized, and future directions for the development of composite fiber production for microfibers are proposed. Conclusion and Prospect The preparation of microfibers nonwovens through biocomponent composite spinning holds vast potential applications in synthetic leather base, medical hygiene, precision filtration, apparel, and various other fields. These materials have been widely produced and employed in numerous applications. With the emergence of green concepts such as carbon neutrality and energy conservation, the development of efficient and eco-friendly fiber spinning technologies, such as low-energy consumption (split fiber easy-splitting technology) and chemical-free methods (thermoplastic polyvinyl alcohol, water-soluble polyester composite spinning), represents the future direction of composite fiber production for microfibers. Additionally, as nonwoven technology continues to advance and interdisciplinary concepts gain traction, composite fibers are poised to achieve further refinement in fiber morphology through shaping techniques, functionalization through advanced finishing technologies, and product greening through material-process integration, thus better serving society.
朵永超, 宋兵, 张如全, 许秋歌, 钱晓明.
DUO Yongchao, SONG Bing, ZHANG Ruquan, XU Qiuge, QIAN Xiaoming.
1 复合纺丝技术
1.1 共混纺丝
Schematic diagram of composite fiber cross-section.
(a) Indefinite-island-fiber cross-section; (b) Fixed-island- fiber cross-section; (c) Split-fiber cross-section
不定岛纤维制备过程中,岛组分纤维的细度、数量、分布及长度都在一定范围内存在随机性。岛相聚合物的黏度高于海相聚合物,其中海相主要以低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)为主[14]。当岛组分比例较少时,岛相在海相中的分布相对稀疏,牵伸后制备的纤维线密度较小,均匀度较好[15]。但是岛组分比例过少会导致超细纤维的生产效率过低,成本过高。当岛组分比例较高时,其在海组分的分布较为密集,岛组分间易发生无规则凝聚,生产的超细纤维均匀度降低。不定岛纤维海组分经溶剂萃取,岛组分纤维线密度最细可达0.000 1 dtex[16-17],一般在0.01~0.001 dtex之间。采用共混纺丝制备超细纤维的优点是对纺丝设备的要求不高,利用常规纺丝设备就能完成,其缺点是开纤后制备的纤维细度分布不均匀,纤维尺寸不可控。
1.2 共轭纺丝
共轭纺丝对纺丝组件要求极高,其工艺过程要求在一个尽可能小的空间内,并可向不同位置精确分送若干熔体流。传统喷丝板受限于钢材强度、加工精度(如研磨、钻孔、放电加工和激光处理等),导致熔体在纺丝组件内滞留时间较长(15~30 min),形成熔体流动死角,造成高聚物的热降解,导致不同纺丝温度窗口聚合物的复合纺丝难度大,易形成驻头丝并影响喷丝板的使用寿命[22]。目前美国Hills公司使用类似于制造印刷电路板的技术来制造熔体计量板和分配板,生产薄型纺丝组件,减少了因辐射和对流造成的热量损失,使得原料的范围更广、组分比例选择的范围更大,并可生产纤维截面更复杂的多组分纤维。美国Hill公司通过喷丝板的精密设计,纺制出含900个“岛”的海岛超细纤维,开纤后纤维的直径仅有300 nm。日本帝人以PET为“岛”组分,通过喷丝板设计和可形成超量“岛”断面的聚合物技术,生产的海岛纤维“岛”数量约为1 000,经开纤后得到高强度的PET纳米纤维NanofrontTM[23]。
2 复合纤维开纤技术
2.1 化学溶剂开纤法
2.1.1 苯萃取法
2.1.2 碱减量法
碱减量法是一种常用于复合纤维的开纤方式,在海岛纤维中常用于定岛复合纤维的开纤,其中海组分通常采用PET/COPET作为原料。Kang等[28]对COPET/PET海岛纤维的碱减量探究表明:随着碱液浓度的增加,所获得的岛组分纤维变得更细,但碱溶液对PET组分的溶解导致纤维强力下降。目前,随着COPET制备工艺的逐渐成熟,碱减量开纤工艺也逐渐工业化。通常情况下,在NaOH质量分数为5%,碱处理时间为30 min,COPET作为海组分的工艺条件下,其溶解率可达99%以上。
2.1.3 酸减量法
2.1.4 其它化学溶剂开纤法
使用化学溶剂开纤时,减量工序中产生的甲苯废水或高浓度碱减量废水,在后续处理过程中难以达标,严重污染环境,且纤维在溶剂浸泡、溶解、开纤过程中,其结构及物理性能也会受到不同程度影响。目前,在对甲苯废水的处理过程中,利用多次蒸发浓缩及降膜蒸发的方式分离甲苯和聚乙烯,大大降低苯减量废水中有毒组分的含量,且提取得到的甲苯和PE可回收利用。但碱减量废水处理涉及高含量的有机物,如对苯二甲酸钠、乙二醇,废水中化学需氧量(COD)值高达20 000 mg/L以上,生化需氧量(BOD)与COD的比值小于0.2,理论上属于不可生物降解范畴[33]。碱减量废水处理方法中,酸析法简单易行,对废水中对苯二甲酸盐(TA)的去除率在70%~99%之间,COD的去除率在50%~90%之间,但需消耗大量H2SO4且成本高[34]。碱析法虽提高了对苯二甲酸的去除率,得到的对苯二甲酸钙粒径较大,沉淀性能较好,便于分离回收,但其处置费用较高,且最终回收的对苯二甲酸钙没有利用价值[35]。膜分离技术能选择性地去除污染物,尤其是采用超滤-纳滤组合膜分离技术处理废水,能很好地达到回收利用对苯二甲酸、降低废水COD的目的,但对于高浓度废水处理效果有限[36]。目前企业常采用上流式厌氧污泥床法(UASB)[37],该方法具有高效去除有机物的优点,处理高浓度有机废水效果显著,但存在处理时间长、构筑物容积大、TA难以回收等问题,且对于沉淀物一般采用焚烧的方法处理。随着碱减量废水处理技术的持续改进,废水处理的重心应转向资源化回收和再利用,而非简单的废水净化,资源化回收的联合处理工艺将成为未来碱减量废水处理技术的主要发展趋势。
2.2 水溶开纤法
2.2.1 TPVA水溶开纤法
Micro-morphology of TPVA/PA composite fiber.
(a) 32-petal segmented-pie fiber; (b) 16-island sea-island fiber; (c) 32-petal segmented-pie water-soluble split fiber; (d) 16-island sea-island fiber water-soluble split fiber
Influence of water dissolution time and temperature on splitting of composite fiber
2.2.2 WSP水溶开纤法
日本东丽公司将WSP与PET复合纺丝制备了16、36岛的海岛型复合纤维。上海华峰超纤材料股份有限公司合成出具有常温(50 ℃以内)下溶胀率低、高温(80~100 ℃)下易溶解的水溶性共聚酯,通过与PET或PA6复合纺丝制备了定岛型复合纤维,该纤维具有常温下不易粘连、在高温下能够快速溶解于水的特性[46]。
2.3 机械开纤法
2.3.1 水刺开纤法
采用水刺工艺使裂离型复合纤维原纤化,既可使产品具有很好的物理力学性能和手感,又能极大简化生产工序,可使超细纤维特有的优异性能充分发挥,最大程度地降低产品的处理成本[47]。裂离型纤维主要以桔瓣型为主。自1999年德国Freudenberg公司开发了双组分纺黏水刺非织造布,并命名为“Evolon”以来,在纤维细旦化与复合化的发展趋势下,双组分纺黏技术再一次成为非织造领域的关注热点。美国Hills公司、德国Reifenhauser公司、美国Ason公司、荷兰Akzo公司先后开发出双组分纺黏法非织造生产技术,但Freudenberg公司采用二步法制备的桔瓣型复合纤维为实心(见图7(a)),纤维开纤过程中,单个水刺头的水刺压力在30~45 MPa之间,能耗大,仍存在不易开纤、产品均匀性差的问题,且采用二步法制备的生产效率低[48]。
SEM images of segmented-pie composite fibers.
(a) "Evolon" microscopic morphology; (b) 8+8 hollow segmented-pie; (c) 16+16 hollow segmented-pie
钱晓明团队[53]通过模拟聚合物分子链的规整度,探究其对溶解度参数以及两相间黏附强度的影响。研究表明:降低PET分子链规整度后,界面的吸附能从574.580 kJ/mol降低至341.807 kJ/mol;当增大两相间分子链规整度的差异时,两相间溶解度参数差异增大,这对纤维的裂离有着积极的作用。根据此模拟结果,选用PA6与低结晶度聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(LDPET)进行配伍纺丝,可获得易裂离的双组分复合纤维。实验结果表明:在相同的水刺压力下,LDPET/PA6纤维的开纤率高于PET/PA6纤维;在相同的开纤率下,水刺的能耗可降低15%以上(开纤率约为75%)。因此,基于裂离型复合纤维(尤其是桔瓣型复合纤维)生产超细纤维的技术中,降低聚合物双组分间的界面黏附力,制备易开纤的桔瓣型复合纤维,实现高效开纤和柔性缠结相统一是未来研究的趋势。
2.3.2 机械搓揉开纤法
开纤前后非织造布微观形貌(×1 000)
Microscopic morphology of nonwoven fabrics before (a) and after (b) fiber splitting (×1 000)
2.3.3 其它物理开纤法
3 熔融双组分超细纤维的应用
3.1 超细纤维合成革制备领域
3.2 过滤与分离领域
3.3 医用防护领域
3.4 卫生健康领域
4 结束语
Nanoval technology:an intermediate process between meltblown and spunbond
[J]. ,
High efficiency fabrication of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene submicron filaments/sheets by flash-spinning
[J]. ,
Nanofibrous membranes modified by zwitterionic polyelectrolyte brushes for effective adsorption of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride
[J]. ,
Melt spinning of poly(lactic acid) and hydroxyapatite composite fibers: influence of the filler content on the fiber properties
[J]. ,
Effect of wet spinning and stretching to enhance mechanical properties of cellulose nanofiber filament
[J]. ,
Mesoporous carbon soft-templated from lignin nanofiber networks: microphase separation boosts supercapacitance in conductive electrodes
[J]. ,
Cell environment-differentiated self-assembly of nanofibers
[J]. ,DOI:10.1021/jacs.6b06903 PMID:27532322 [本文引用: 2]
Employing cellular environment for the self-assembly of supramolecular nanofibers for biological applications has been widely explored. But using one precursor to differentiate the extra- and intracellular environments to self-assemble into two different nanofibers remains challenging. With the knowledge that the extracellualr environment of some cancer cells contains large amounts of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) while their intracellular environment is glutathione (GSH)-abundant in mind, we rationally designed a precursor Cys(SEt)-Glu-Tyr(H2PO3)-Phe-Phe-Gly-CBT (1) that can efficiently yield amphiphilic 2 and 2-D to self-assemble into two different nanofibers in hydrogels under the sequential treatment of ALP and GSH. We envision that, by employing a click condensation reaction, this work offers a platform for facilely postmodulation of supramolecular nanofibers, and the versatile precursor 1 could be used to kill two birds with one stone.
Free radical nanocopolymerization in AAO porous materials: kinetic, copolymer composition and monomer reactivity ratios
[J]. ,
Efficient production of copolymerized PA6-based polymer fibers: oligomer control and direct melt spinning
[J]. ,
A novel nano/micro-fibrous scaffold by melt-spinning method for bone tissue engineering
[J]. ,
Studies on melt spinning of sea-island fibers: I: morphology evolution of polypropylene/polystyrene blend fibers
[J]. ,
Studies on melt spinning of sea-island fibers: II: Dynamics of melt spinning of polypropylene/polystyrene blend fibers
[J]. ,
Degradable side-by-side fiber of poly(butylene succinate-co-terephthalate)/poly(L-lactic acid) with half-wrinkled surfaces and fully crimped structures
[J]. ,
Fabrication and properties of poly(L-lactide) nanofibers via blend sea-island melt spinning
[J]. ,
Current advances on sea-island microfiber nonwoven materials preparation technology and its applications: a review
[J]. ,
Fabrication and properties of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) nanofibres via sea-island spinning
[J]. ,
Fiber structure development in PS/PET sea-island conjugated fiber during continuous laser drawing
[J]. ,
Nanofiber and nanofiber powder of syndiotactic polystyrene fabricated by laser-heated drawing of sea-island-type conjugated-spun fiber
[J]. ,
Structure development in high-speed melt spinning of high-molecular weight poly(ethylene terephthalate)/polypropylene islands-in-the-sea bicomponent fibers
[J]. ,
Improved sensitivity of liquid sensing melt-spun polymer fibers filled with carbon nanoparticles by considering solvent-polymer solubility parameters
[J]. ,
Hydrophilic modification of polyester/polyamide 6 hollow segmented pie microfiber nonwovens by UV/TiO2/H2O2
[J]. ,
[J]. ,
PET/PBT double cross shaped composite fiber spinning module and spinneret plate design
[J]. ,
Hybrid mixed media nonwovens composed of macrofibers and microfibers. part I: three-layer segmented pie configuration
[J]. ,
Relationship between microstructure evolution and properties enhancement of carbon nanotubes-filled polybutylene terephthalate/polypropylene blends induced by thermal annealing
[J]. ,
The mechanics of forming ideal polymer-solvent combinations for open-loop chemical recycling of solvents and plastics
[J]. ,
Construction of a novel substrate of unfigured islands-in-sea microfiber synthetic leather based on waste collagen
[J]. ,DOI:10.1021/acsomega.1c03061 PMID:34660969 [本文引用: 1]
This study is to introduce waste collagen into an unfigured islands-in-sea microfiber nonwoven material, replacing the polyurethane impregnation section of the traditional manufacturing process with the collagen impregnation process. The modified collagen was first impregnated in polyamide/low-density polyethylene (PA/LDPE) fiber nonwoven to form a film. Then the low-density polyethylene component was extracted and dissolved in toluene, resulting in a collagen-based microfiber nonwoven substrate. Waste collagen was first modified to introduce C=C into the molecular chain to obtain vinyl collagen (CMA), and then the following film formation conditions for CMA were studied: 73% degree of substitution (DS), 3 h cross-linking time, and 0.005-0.01 wt % initiator concentration. Then, the preparation of CMA-PA/LDPE and toluene extraction processes were investigated. The optimum toluene extraction conditions were obtained as an extraction temperature of 85 °C and an extraction time of 110 min. The properties of the nonwoven materials were compared before (CMA-PA/LDPE) and after (PA-CMA) extraction. It was found that the homogeneity, tensile strength, and static moisture permeability of the PA-CMA materials prepared by CMA with 50 and 73% DS were all superior to those of PA/LDPE. In particular, the static moisture permeability of PA-CMA (691.6 mg/10 cm·24 h) increased by 36.2% compared to the microfiber synthetic leather substrate currently in the market. Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the continuity of a film of PA-CMA with 73% DS was observed to be better and the fibers were differentiated and relatively tighter fiber-to-fiber gap. The studied novel green process can eliminate the large amount of dimethylformamide (DMF) pollution caused by the current solvent-based polyurethane impregnation process.© 2021 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.
Alkaline hydrolysis and dyeing characteristics of sea-island-type ultraultra-fine fibers of PET tricot fabrics with black disperse dye
[J]. ,
Poly (glycolic acid) nanofibers via sea-island melt-spinning
[J]. ,
[J]. ,
Solvent cleavage of orange-flap PET/PA6 composite fibers
[J]. ,
Health hazards of child labor in the leather products and surgical instrument manufacturing industries of Sialkot, Pakistan
[J]. ,DOI:S0269-7491(16)32521-0 PMID:28432963 [本文引用: 1]
Child labor is a major challenge in the developing countries and comprehensive health hazard identification studies on this issue are still lacking. Therefore, the current study is an effort to highlight the health concerns of child labor exposed in the key small scale industries of Sialkot, Pakistan. Our findings revealed jolting levels of heavy metals in the urine, blood, serum, saliva, and hair samples collected from the exposed children. For example, in the urine samples, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb were measured at the respective concentrations of 39.17, 62.02, 11.94 and 10.53 μg/L in the surgical industries, and 2.10, 4.41, 1.04 and 5.35 μg/L in the leather industries. In addition, source apportionment revealed polishing, cutting, and welding sections in the surgical industries and surface coating, crusting, and stitching sections in the leather industries were the highest contributors of heavy metals in the bio-matrices of the exposed children, implying the dusty, unhygienic, and unhealthy indoor working conditions. Further, among all the bio-matrices, the hair samples expressed the highest bioaccumulation factor for heavy metals. In accordance with the heavy metal levels reported in the exposed children, higher oxidative stress was found in the children working in the surgical industries than those from the leather industries. Moreover, among heavy metals' exposure pathways, inhalation of industrial dust was identified as the primary route of exposure followed by the ingestion and dermal contact. Consequently, chemical daily intake (CDI), carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic hazard quotients (HQs) of heavy metals were also reported higher in the exposed children and were also alarmingly higher than the corresponding US EPA threshold limits. Taken all together, children were facing serious health implications in these industries and need immediate protective measures to remediate the current situation.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fabrication and properties of poly (L-lactide) nanofibers via blend sea-island melt spinning
[J]. ,
A hydrothermal process to turn waste biomass into artificial fulvic and hu mic acids for soil remediation
[J]. ,
A 3D paddle-wheel type Cu(II)-based MOF with pcu topology as an efficient photocatalyst for antibiotics photodegradation
[J]. ,
Continuous removal and recovery of tellurium in an upflow anaerobic granular sludge bed reactor
[J]. ,DOI:S0304-3894(16)31193-1 PMID:28043045 [本文引用: 1]
Continuous removal of tellurite (TeO) from synthetic wastewater and subsequent recovery in the form of elemental tellurium was studied in an upflow anaerobic granular sludge bed (UASB) reactor operated at 30°C. The UASB reactor was inoculated with anaerobic granular sludge and fed with lactate as carbon source and electron donor at an organic loading rate of 0.6g CODLd. After establishing efficient and stable COD removal, the reactor was fed with 10mg TeOL for 42 d before increasing the influent concentration to 20mg TeOL. Tellurite removal (98 and 92%, respectively, from 10 and 20mg TeL) was primarily mediated through bioreduction and most of the removed Te was retained in the bioreactor. Characterization using XRD, Raman spectroscopy, SEM-EDX and TEM confirmed association of tellurium with the granular sludge, typically in the form of elemental Te(0) deposits. Furthermore, application of an extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extraction method to the tellurite reducing sludge recovered up to 78% of the tellurium retained in the granular sludge. This study demonstrates for the first time the application of a UASB reactor for continuous tellurite removal from tellurite-containing wastewater coupled to elemental Te(0) recovery.Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Effects of molecular structure of aliphatic dicarboxylic ester on the properties of water-soluble polyester for warp sizing
[J]. ,
Poly(vinyl alcohol)/melamine phosphate composites prepared through thermal processing: thermal stability and flame retardancy
[J]. ,
Preparation and properties of PBAT/PLA composites modified by PVA and cellulose nanocrystals
[J]. ,
Rheological and physical properties of a nanocomposite of graphene oxide nanoribbons with polyvinyl alcohol
[J]. ,
Effect of silver nitrate on the thermal processability of poly(vinyl alcohol) modified by water
[J]. ,
Preparation of water-soluble electrical steel coating with SiO2 modified by glycine
[J]. ,
[J]. ,
Preparation and characterization of water-soluble polyester
[J]. ,<FONT face=Verdana>Water-soluble polyester(WSP) was prepared by adding modifying monomer with sulfonic group through copolymerization.And the WSP was characterized by FTIR、DSC and X-ray.The effects of modifying monomer on WSP′s water-solubility and crystallization and thermal property were studied.And the results show that the existence of SO in the molecular chain is confirmed by FTIR,thus proving that SIPE has participated in the copolymerization;and increasing modifying monomer improves the water-solubility of polyester effectively,but it is disadvantageous to its crystallization.</FONT>
[J]. ,
Rheological behavior of water-soluble polyesters
[J]. ,<FONT face=Verdana>The water-soluble polyester(WSP) was synthesized from PTA,EG and SIPE by copolycondensation.The rheological behavior of self-produced WSP was studied with Rosand RH7 capillary rheometer.The results show that the shear viscosity of WSP declines and the non-Newton index increases with rising of the temperature.Under the same conditions,the shear viscosity of WSP is higher than that of PET.The shear viscosity of WSP is more sensitive to shear rate than PET.The viscoflow activation energy declines with increase of shear rate.The influence of the third monomer SIPE and temperature on rheological behavior was also investigated.</FONT>
[J]. ,
Preparation and properties of bicomponent spunbond-spunlance nonwoven materials with gradient struc-ture
[J]. ,
Hollow segmented-pie PLA/PBS and PLA/PP bicomponent fibers: an investigation on fiber properties and splittability
[J]. ,
Effect of viscosity ratio of two immiscible polymers on morphology in bicomponent melt spinning fibers
[J]. ,
Spunbond nonwovens made from splittable bi-component filaments
[J]. ,
Easily splittable hollow segmented-pie microfiber nonwoven material with excellent filtration and thermal-wet comfort for energy savings
[J]. ,
Preparation and properties of a fluffy HSPET/PA6 hollow segmented pie microfiber nonwovens
[J]. ,
[J]. ,
Preparation and properties of microfiber synthetic leather base
[J]. ,
[J]. ,
Preparation and properties of hollow segmented-pie microfiber/waterborne polyurethane synthetic lea-ther
[J]. ,
[J]. ,DOI:10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2017.08.021 [本文引用: 1]
Experimental study on the new filter made from sea-islandfibers
[J]. ,
Dopamine intercalated polyelectrolyte multilayered nanofiltration membranes toward high permselectivity and ion-ion selectivity
[J]. ,
Facile preparation of PET/PA6 bicomponent microfilament fabrics with tunable porosity for comfortable medical protective clothing
[J]. ,DOI:10.1021/acsabm.2c00447 PMID:35793521 [本文引用: 1]
Medical protective materials have broadly drawn attention due to their ability to stop the spread of infectious diseases and protect the safety of medical staff. However, creating medical protective materials that combine excellent liquid shielding performance and outstanding mechanical properties with high breathability is still a challenging task. Herein, a polyester/polyamide 6 (PET/PA6) bicomponent microfilament fabric with tunable porosity for comfortable medical protective clothing was prepared via dip-coating technology and an easy and effective thermal-belt bonding process. The dip coating of the C-based fluorocarbon polymer endowed the samples with excellent hydrophobicity (alcohol contact angles, 130-128°); meanwhile, by adjusting the temperature and pressure of the thermal-belt bonding process, the porosity of the samples was adapted in the range of 64.19-88.64%. Furthermore, benefitting tunable porosity and surface hydrophobicity, the samples also demonstrated an excellent softness score (24.3-34.5), agreeable air permeability (46.3-27.8 mm/s), and high hydrostatic pressure (1176-4130 Pa). Significantly, the created textiles successfully filter aerosol from the air and display highly tensile strength. These excellent comprehensive performances indicate that the prepared PET/PA6 bicomponent microfilament fabrics would be an attractive choice for medical protective apparel.
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Research progress of nonwovens for medical protective gar-ment
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