纺织学报, 2024, 45(04): 1-7 doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230907201



刘懿德1, 李凯1, 姚久勇1, 成芳芳2, 夏延致,1,3

1.青岛大学 材料科学与工程学院, 山东 青岛 266071

2.青岛源海新材料科技有限公司, 山东 青岛 266000

3.青岛大学 省部共建生物多糖纤维成形与生态纺织国家重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266071

Preparation of cellulose hydrogel fiber and its flame retardancy and sensing property

LIU Yide1, LI Kai1, YAO Jiuyong1, CHENG Fangfang2, XIA Yanzhi,1,3

1. College of Materials Science and Engineering, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China

2. Qingdao YuanhaiNew Material Technology Co., Ltd., Qingdao, Shandong 266000, China

3. State Key Laboratory of Bio-Fibers and Eco-Textiles, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China

通讯作者: 夏延致(1961—),男,教授,博士。主要研究方向为功能纤维材料。E-mail:xiayz@qdu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2023-09-29   修回日期: 2023-12-25  

基金资助: 泰山学者攀登计划项目(tspd20181208)

Received: 2023-09-29   Revised: 2023-12-25  

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 纤维素纤维; 羧甲基化; 水凝胶纤维; 阻燃; 传感性能


Objective Lyocell fiber is a novel eco-friendly fiber produced through solvent spinning techniques with excellent flexibility and mechanical strength. Due to the outstanding performance, Lyocell fiber is extensively utilized in the textile, household, and medical sectors, rendering it an ideal substrate for fabricating functional fibers. However, Lyocell fiber is composed entirely of cellulose, poses a significant flammability risk. Simultaneously, its inherent insulating properties also impede the advancement of Lyocell fiber in the realm of flexible electronics. Therefore, enhancing the flame retardancy and electrical conductivity of Lyocell fiber is imperative to expand their functional applications.

Method In order to address the issues of flammability and limited functionality in cellulose fiber, this study utilized Lyocell fiber as the primary research material and employed a typically etherification reaction strategy to modify. By introducing carboxyl groups and metal ions (Na+), flame retardancy and water absorption properties were imparted, resulted in the formation of an ionic conductive hydrogel fiber upon water absorption. The surface morphology of the modified fiber was characterized, and flame retardancy of the carboxymethylated fiber as well as the sensing performance of the hydrogel fiber were investigated.

Results The carboxymethylation modification of Lyocell fiber had excellent flame retardancy and water absorption properties. The morphology of modified fiber remains similar to original fiber, exhibited a smooth outer surface. In thermogravimetric analysis, due to the introduction of carboxyl and Na+, the residual carbon content of the modified fiber was significantly increased from 17.0% to 24.4%. The limiting oxygen index (LOI) of original Lyocell fiber was merely 17.8%. However, the LOI of fiber can be significantly enhanced to reach an impressive 35.3% through carboxymethylation modification, thereby ensuring its non-ignitability even over prolonged periods in fire. The presence of metal ions exerted a flame retardant effect, resulting in a significant reduction in the peak heat release rate (PHRR) of Lyocell-Na from 184.4 W/g to 55.2 W/g. Moreover, the total heat release (THR) and heat release capacity (HRC) also decreased by 49.4% and 40.7%, respectively. It is noteworthy that Lyocell-Na exhibited a characteristic double heat release peak. This phenomenon arose from the promotion of carbonization in the fiber matrix by Na+, resulting in the formation of a dense barrier carbon layer on the fiber surface during the initial stage of combustion. Once sufficient heat accumulated within this carbon layer, it eventually breaches, leading to the second heat release peak. Compared to pure Lyocell fiber, the tensile strength of the fiber slightly decreased after carboxymethylation, from 3.9 cN/dtex to 3.2 cN/dtex. This could be attributed to that the reaction was carried out in an alkaline environment, and NaOH would decrease the crystallinity of Lyocell fiber, consequently impacted its mechanical strength. The hydrogel fiber showed a sensitive cyclic response to changes in finger bending angle. When the hydrogel fiber was attached to the finger joint for bending cycle action, it underwent deformation to yield and exhibited varying rates of current change corresponding to different bending angles.

Conclusion Cellulose-based hydrogel fiber was successfully prepared from Lyocell fiber by etherification reaction. By introducing carboxyl groups and metal ions into the molecular chain, the flame retardancy and water absorption of Lyocell fibers were significantly improved. Moreover, the gelled fiber exhibits a certain level of ionic conductivity upon water absorption. By considering the flame retardant performance, different degrees of deformation can generate corresponding changes in current signals, enabling identification of the operational state. Therefore, this work holds promising prospects for advancement in the field of flexible sensing.

Keywords: cellulose fiber; carboxymethylation; hydrogel fiber; flame retardancy; sensitivity

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刘懿德, 李凯, 姚久勇, 成芳芳, 夏延致. 纤维素水凝胶纤维的制备及其阻燃传感性能[J]. 纺织学报, 2024, 45(04): 1-7 doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20230907201

LIU Yide, LI Kai, YAO Jiuyong, CHENG Fangfang, XIA Yanzhi. Preparation of cellulose hydrogel fiber and its flame retardancy and sensing property[J]. Journal of Textile Research, 2024, 45(04): 1-7 doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20230907201

随着 “双碳”战略的实施,纺织行业坚持以绿色发展为导向,传统石油基纤维已不能满足人们现阶段对环保健康生活的要求。以植物为来源的纤维素纤维具有可再生、可降解以及良好的生物相容性[1-2],被广泛应用于纺织服装、生物医学、食品包装和智能材料等领域[3-5]。纤维素纤维一直是制备柔性材料的理想基材,其内部强烈的分子间和分子内氢键使之具有较高的力学强度和高结晶度[6]。另外,纤维素分子链上大量的羟基活性位点可与多种官能团进行酯化[7]、醚化[8]和接枝共聚[9]等多类型反应,从而表现出优越的化学和物理性能。尽管纤维素纤维在生活中得到广泛应用,但自身的易燃属性严重限制了其在阻燃领域(阻燃防护服、汽车内饰、家居用品等)的实际运用和发展。



1 实验部分

1.1 实验材料

莱赛尔纤维(Lyocell,线密度为1.3 dtex),山东英利实业有限公司;氯乙酸(MCA,纯度99%),上海阿拉丁生化科技股份有限公司;氢氧化钠(NaOH,纯度≥96%)、乙醇(EtOH,纯度95%),国药集团化学试剂有限公司;去离子水,实验室自制。

1.2 样品制备

将氯乙酸和氢氧化钠按照一定比例置于 100 mL 乙醇溶液中,在磁力搅拌器(上海力辰仪器科技有限公司)上于室温下搅拌1 h,直至完全溶解。将莱赛尔纤维清洁干燥处理后放入氯乙酸酒精溶液中,缓慢搅拌反应2 h。待反应结束后取出纤维,用70%的酒精溶液浸泡清洗3次以上,以去除纤维表面残留杂质。在烘箱(60 ℃)中干燥30 min,得到具有高吸水性的羧甲基化莱赛尔纤维(Lyocell-Na),其吸水后得到纤维素基水凝胶纤维。

1.3 测试与表征

1.3.1 形貌观察

采用Quanta250 FEG型场发射扫描电子显微镜(美国FEI公司)对改性前后的纤维表面进行形貌表征。测试前,采用离子溅射仪对样品进行喷金处理(120 s),测试电压为10 kV。

1.3.2 化学结构表征

采用Nicolet 5700型FT-IR光谱仪测试样品的傅里叶变换红外光谱,分析样品的化学结构。扫描范围为4 000~400 cm-1

1.3.3 热稳定性测试

热重分析(TGA)使用SDT Q600型热分析仪(美国TA 仪器公司)进行。氮气气氛,氮气流量为50 mL/min, 从30 ℃升温到700 ℃,线性升温速率为10 ℃/min。

1.3.4 极限氧指数测试


1.3.5 燃烧性能测试

参照ASTM D7309—2013《用微型燃烧量热法测定塑料和其他固体材料易燃性特性的标准试验规范》,采用PCFC型微型量热计(英国FTT公司)测试纤维的燃烧性能,记录样品真实燃烧过程中的热释放速率、总热释放量等数据。

1.3.6 力学性能测试

参照GB/T 14337—2022《化学纤维 短纤维拉伸性能试验方法》,采用Favimat-airobot型自动单纤维测试仪(德国TEXTECHNO公司)对单根纤维进行拉伸强度测试。试样间隔为20 mm,拉伸速度为10 mm/min。

1.3.7 传感性能测试


2 结果与讨论

2.1 纤维微观形貌分析

原始莱赛尔纤维和羧甲基化改性后的纤维表面形貌如图1所示。可以看出,纤维改性前后表面无明显差别,均呈光滑平直形貌,且未产生原纤化现象。从纤维直径来看,改性前莱赛尔纤维的直径约为10.3 μm,但改性后纤维直径略有增加(约为11.6 μm),这可能是由于反应过程是在碱性环境中进行,NaOH进入到纤维中的部分无定形区,使得纤维发生轻微润胀。该实验条件下的醚化反应不会对纤维造成过度损伤,反应过程相对温和,有利于较好地保持原始纤维的形貌和力学强度。


图1   莱赛尔纤维羧甲基化改性前后的扫描电镜照片

Fig.1   SEM images of Lyocell fiber before (a) and after (b) carboxymethylation modification

2.2 纤维官能团组成分析

莱赛尔纤维和羧甲基化纤维的红外谱图如图2所示。可知,二者在3 300 cm-1处存在显著的羟基(—OH)伸缩振动特征峰,且经过改性的纤维在此处峰强度有所降低。改性纤维在 1 557 cm-1 和1 415 cm-1 处出现了羧羰基(C=O)的非对称和对称伸缩振动峰,说明纤维素纤维分子链中的部分羟基已经转变成羧基,成功制得羧甲基化的纤维素纤维[22]。由于2种纤维均具有一定的吸水性,所以在1 643 cm-1处均出现自由水的特征峰。


图2   莱赛尔纤维和羧甲基化纤维的红外谱图

Fig.2   FT-IR curves of Lyocell fiber and carboxymethylated fiber

2.3 纤维热稳定性分析

利用热重分析仪对莱赛尔纤维改性前后的热稳定性进行了测试,结果如图3所示。可见2种纤维均存在2个热质量损失平台。第1个热质量损失平台发生在100 ℃左右,这是由于测试样品中均含有一定质量的结晶水;随着温度升高,结晶水逐渐损失。原始莱赛尔纤维第2个质量损失阶段发生在230~380 ℃范围内,其中最大质量损失速率对应的温度为348 ℃;而改性后纤维的第2个热质量损失行为有所提前,发生在197~340 ℃温度区间内,最大质量损失速率对应的温度提前到297 ℃。这可能是因为莱赛尔纤维经过改性后,纤维分子链上大量羟基变成了羧基,且配位有大量钠离子(Na+)。Na+对纤维具有较强的催化降解作用,能促进纤维基体提前降解成炭,同时导致残炭量的增多[23-24]。在700 ℃时,原始莱赛尔纤维的残炭量仅为17.0%,而羧甲基化纤维的残炭量达到了24.4%,相较于原始莱赛尔纤维残炭量提升了43.5%。


图3   莱赛尔纤维和羧甲基化纤维在氮气氛围下的TG和DTG曲线

Fig.3   TG (a) and DTG (b) curves of Lyocell fiber and carboxymethylated fiber in nitrogen atmosphere

2.4 纤维极限氧指数分析

莱赛尔纤维由100%纤维素组成,仅含有C、H、O 3种元素,决定了其具有易燃属性,因此极限氧指数测试仅为(17.8±0.9)%;经过羧甲基化改性后,纤维素分子链上部分羟基变为羧基,且配位有大量Na+,极限氧指数提升至(35.3±0.9)%,金属离子阻燃效果显著。图4示出酒精灯燃烧测试照片。可看出,莱赛尔纤维束在3 s内即被引燃,随后快速燃烧殆尽;而含有金属离子的羧甲基纤维素纤维在持续点燃30 s后未发生燃烧,无连续火焰产生,仅存在微弱的阴燃现象,这可能与纤维密集程度有关:当纤维密集程度低时,纤维间热量传递较弱,火焰传播能力差;而当纤维密集程度高时,由于纤维排列紧密,热量传递连续性增强,因此产生一定的阴燃现象。


图4   酒精灯燃烧测试照片

Fig.4   Photos of alcohol lamp combustion test.

(a) Lyocell; (B) Carboxymethylated fiber

2.5 纤维燃烧性能分析

图5示出纤维样品的热释放速率(HRR)曲线。纯莱赛尔纤维热释放速率曲线峰值高且尖锐,说明在燃烧过程中其燃烧剧烈,在短时间内即可释放大量热量。经过羧甲基化改性的纤维热释放速率显著下降,热释放速率峰值从184.4 W/g下降到55.2 W/g,下降幅度为70.1%,且Lyocell-Na纤维呈现出双峰现象,表明其存在一定的凝聚相阻燃机制;第2个热释放速率峰相对平缓,表明Na+在燃烧初期可促进纤维基体炭化,于纤维表面形成致密屏障炭层;当炭层内部热量积累到一定量时会突破炭层,因而形成第2热释放峰。此外,总热释放量和热释放容量分别从8.3 kJ/g下降到4.2 kJ/g,从185.9 J/(g·K)降低到110.3 J/(g·K),降幅分别为49.4%和40.7%,阻燃效果明显。观察燃烧后残炭的形貌(见图6)可发现:Lyocell纤维的残炭松散无形,存在断裂状残炭,整体形貌不够连续;而Lyocell-Na燃烧后的炭层虽然存在一些孔洞,但整体形貌表现出相对致密的结构,具有一定的炭层保护作用,充分证明了羧甲基化改性对纤维素纤维抑制热量产生与释放、降低火灾危险性方面具有实际意义。


图5   莱赛尔纤维和羧甲基化纤维的HRR曲线

Fig.5   HRR of Lyocell fiber and carboxymethylated fiber


图6   莱赛尔纤维及羧甲基化纤维残炭的SEM照片

Fig.6   SEM images of Lyocell (a) and carboxymethylated fiber (b) carbon residue

2.6 纤维力学性能分析

利用单纤维拉伸测试仪对改性前后的莱赛尔纤维进行拉伸性能测试,结果如图7所示。与未改性的莱赛尔纤维相比,经羧甲基化改性后纤维的断裂强度稍有下降,从3.9 cN/dtex下降到3.2 cN/dtex,这可能是由于NaOH进入纤维内部造成部分分子链断裂,引起结晶度轻微下降,从而影响到力学性能。尽管纤维断裂强度有所下降,其整体强度仍可保持在80%以上,力学性能保持良好。


图7   莱赛尔纤维和羧甲基化纤维的拉伸性能曲线

Fig.7   Tensile properties of Lyocell fiber and carboxymethylated fiber

2.7 纤维传感性能分析



图8   莱赛尔水凝胶纤维对手指弯曲角度的响应性

Fig.8   Response ability of Lyocell hydrogel fiber to finger bending angle

当水凝胶纤维被贴合于手指关节处进行弯曲循环动作时,纤维随之产生一定的形变,得到不同电流信号波动,并且对不同弯曲角度具有不同的电流变化率。在样品两端施加电压为3 V时,电流可实现48~51 μA的实际变化值。当手指弯曲角度θ为45°时,电流变化率约为2%;随着弯曲角度增大为90°时,电流变化率随即增大到4%。



图9   莱赛尔水凝胶纤维对不同手势的识别能力

Fig.9   Ability of lyocell hydrogel fiber to recognition different gestures

图10示出水凝胶纤维在1 Hz频率下进行循环稳定性测试的结果。


图10   水凝胶纤维的循环稳定性

Fig.10   Cycle stability of hydrogel fiber

经过1 000 s的循环,水凝胶纤维电流变化率未出现明显衰减,说明该纤维具有较高的稳定性能。综上,莱赛尔水凝胶纤维能精确感应人体动作变化产生的物理形变,对不同形变具有对应的响应信号。

3 结论






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MA Zhewen, LIU Xiaochen, XU Xiaodong, et al.

Bioinspired,highly adhesive, nanostructured polymeric coatings for superhydrophobic fire-extinguishing thermal insulation foam

[J]. ACS Nano, 2021, 15: 11667-11680.

DOI:10.1021/acsnano.1c02254      PMID:34170679      [本文引用: 1]

Lightweight polymeric foam is highly attractive as thermal insulation materials for energy-saving buildings but is plagued by its inherent flammability. Fire-retardant coatings are suggested as an effective means to solve this problem. However, most of the existing fire-retardant coatings suffer from poor interfacial adhesion to polymeric foam during use. In nature, snails and tree frogs exhibit strong adhesion to a variety of surfaces by interfacial hydrogen-bonding and mechanical interlocking, respectively. Inspired by their adhesion mechanisms, we herein rationally design fire-retardant polymeric coatings with phase-separated micro/nanostructures a facile radical copolymerization of hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) and sodium vinylsulfonate (VS). The resultant waterborne poly(VS--HEA) copolymers exhibit strong interfacial adhesion to rigid polyurethane (PU) foam and other substrates, better than most of the current adhesives because of the combination of interfacial hydrogen-bonding and mechanical interlocking. Besides a superhydrophobic feature, the poly(VS--HEA)-coated PU foam can self-extinguish a flame, exhibiting a desired V-0 rating during vertical burning and low heat and smoke release due to its high charring capability, which is superior to its previous counterparts. Moreover, the foam thermal insulation is well-preserved and agrees well with theoretical calculations. This work offers a facile biomimetic strategy for creating advanced adhesive fire-retardant polymeric coatings for many flammable substrates.

QIAN Xue, LIU Qiang, LI Hui, et al.

Combining inherent and additive phosphorus-containing flame retardants for enhancing flame retardancy and smoke suppression effects on polyisocyanurate-polyurethane foam

[J]. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2023.110351.

[本文引用: 1]

YANG Gesheng, PENG Kang, ZHANG Huihui, et al.

Structure and properties of flame-retardant Lyocell fibers prepared by blending method

[J]. Polymer Engineering and Science, 2022, 62: 3476-3486.

[本文引用: 1]

任嘉玮, 张圣明, 吉鹏, .


[J]. 纺织学报, 2023, 44(2): 1-10.

[本文引用: 1]

REN Jiawei, ZHANG Shengming, JI Peng, et al.

Preparation and properties of phosphorus-silicon modified flame retardant and anti-dripping polyester fiber

[J]. Journal of Textile Research, 2023, 44(2): 1-10.

[本文引用: 1]

宫芳芳, 陶梦伟, 王靖宇, .


[J]. 中国塑料, 2023, 37(6): 123-130.

DOI:10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2023.06.017      [本文引用: 1]


GONG Fangfang, TAO Mengwei, WANG Jingyu, et al.

Research progress in halogen-free flame-retardant thermoplastic polyolefin materials

[J]. China Plastics, 2023, 37(6): 123-130.

DOI:10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2023.06.017      [本文引用: 1]

This paper reviewed the research progress in halogen⁃free flame⁃retardant thermoplastic polyolefin materials in recent years, and the effect of various flame retardants on the flame⁃retardant and mechanical properties of polyolefin materials were analyzed. These halogen⁃free flame retardants for thermoplastic polyolefin mainly included metal hydroxide flame retardants and intumescent flame retardants, in which phosphate intumescent flame retardants were the most widely used. Nevertheless, the new type of one⁃component intumescent flame retardants has become a trend in future development.

LV Jingchun, DAI Yamin, XU Hong, et al.

Transforming commercial regenerated cellulose yarns into multifunctional wearable electronic textiles

[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8: 1309-1318.

[本文引用: 1]

DING Lan, SUN Ling, WANG Ziwei, et al.

Multifunctional 2D-3D heterogeneous MXene@ZIF-8 coated cotton/lyocell blended fabrics for fire protection, motion detection and UV-resistance

[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.145859.

[本文引用: 1]

ZHANG Yating, TAN Wei, ZUO Chunlong, et al.

A cleaner and sustainable preparation of green flame retardant and antibacterial lyocell fabric

[J]. Cellulose, 2023, 30: 6081-6097.

[本文引用: 1]

王柱, 陈洋, 李兴华, .


[J]. 造纸科学与技术, 2022, 41(4): 14-18, 46.

[本文引用: 1]

WANG Zhu, CHEN Yang, LI Xinghua, et al.

Optimization and charaterization of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose with a high degree of substitution from salix psammophila

[J]. Paper Science & Technology, 2022, 41(4): 14-18, 46.

[本文引用: 1]

LIU Yide, YAO Jiuyong, LI Kai, et al.

Enhanced flame retardant performance of poly(vinyl alcohol) composites based on phosphorus-metal ion synergistic effect

[J]. New Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 47: 15942-15950.

[本文引用: 1]

WANG Lili, ZHANG Tao, YAN Hongqiang, et al.

Modification of ramie fabric with a metal-ion-doped flame-retardant coating

[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 129: 2986-2997.

[本文引用: 1]
