纺织学报, 2024, 45(04): 41-49 doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20231000902



王宁1, 龚维2, 王宏志,1

1.东华大学 材料科学与工程学院, 上海 201620

2.安徽农业大学 安徽省汽车用高功能性纤维制品工程研究中心, 安徽 合肥 230036

Review on self-powered triboelectric textiles for wearable electronics

WANG Ning1, GONG Wei2, WANG Hongzhi,1

1. College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China

2. Anhui Engineering Research Center for Automotive Highly Functional Fiber Products, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui 230036, China

通讯作者: 王宏志(1970—),男,教授,博士。主要研究方向为纤维电子材料与器件。E-mail:wanghz@dhu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2023-10-7   修回日期: 2024-01-9  

基金资助: 安徽省自然科学基金项目(2308085QE147)

Received: 2023-10-7   Revised: 2024-01-9  

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 可穿戴电子产品; 摩擦起电; 摩擦电纺织品; 摩擦电纤维; 自供能


Significance Numerous energy conversion methods have evolved one after another to address the issue of energy supply for wearable electronic items as public demand for smart wear grows. Power plants' conventional energy delivery method is unsuitable for the development of functional electronics connected to wearable technology. The shortcomings in capacitance, safety risks, environmental risks, and inconvenience make rechargeable energy storage battery systems unsuitable for use in wearable electronics. Triboelectric textiles excel in low-frequency mechanical energy harvesting and self-driven sensors, making them a leader in the field of energy fabrics.

Progress Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENG) based on contact electrification and electrostatic induction effects have proliferated since researchers introduced an energy transfer technique that transforms kinetic energy into electrical energy. Multiple preparation procedures for triboelectric fabrics have been increasingly refined as a result of extensive research and development on the functionality and application of TENG. Triboelectric textiles are categorized into two primary types based on variations in their macroscopic morphology: fiber structure and fabric structure. Triboelectric fiber is the fundamental building block of triboelectric textiles, as well as the cornerstone of scientific research and industrial transformation of triboelectric textiles. Triboelectric fibers fall into three types: yarn-based TENG, fabric-based TENG, and nonwoven-based TENG. Tribostatic charges in yarn based TENGs can be produced by contact electrification of a single fiber alone, without the need for external media. The fabric based TENG is easy to integrate with conventional clothes because of its broad variety of material alternatives and relatively basic construction. More atomic-level contact area is available for triboelectric electrification in nonwoven-based TENGs due to their greater specific surface area.

Conclusion and Prospect There is still a long way to go before triboelectric textiles are used in commercial settings, despite tremendous advancements in theoretical research and practical demonstrations. The physical mechanism of contact electrification was addressed based on the theoretical basis of triboelectric technology to increase the energy conversion efficiency and comfortable and natural wearing feeling of triboelectric fabrics. The development in yarn-based TENGs, fabric-based TENGs, and nonwoven-based TENGs is outlined from the perspectives of materials, structures, operating modes, and functionality. Triboelectric fiber applications in flexible sensing, electronic skin, intelligent robots, and interactive devices are also discussed. The current obstacles and future potential for triboelectric textiles are highlighted to provide some theoretical reference for the high-value combination of triboelectric technology and the traditional textile sector.

Keywords: wearable electronics; triboelectrification; triboelectric textile; triboelectric fiber; self-powered

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王宁, 龚维, 王宏志. 面向可穿戴电子产品的自供能摩擦电纺织品研究进展[J]. 纺织学报, 2024, 45(04): 41-49 doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20231000902

WANG Ning, GONG Wei, WANG Hongzhi. Review on self-powered triboelectric textiles for wearable electronics[J]. Journal of Textile Research, 2024, 45(04): 41-49 doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20231000902




1 摩擦电技术的起源

从1820年奥斯特发现电流可以使小磁针偏转 [20]开始,到1861年麦克斯韦系统性地总结了前人的研究成果,提出了麦克斯韦方程组,自此进入电磁波时代。1885年,海维赛德将麦克斯韦方程组由20个方程简化为今天所熟知的4个矢量方程,揭示了变化的磁场如何产生电场,变化的电场又是如何产生磁场的。在之后的100多年中,麦克斯韦方程组的形式基本保持不变。



图1   电磁辐射与TENG的能量转换过程

图中:d为2个介电层之间的距离,cm; v为介电层张开的速度,cm/s。

Fig.1   Energy conversion process between electromagnetic radiation and TENG.

(a) Initial state; (b) Angle between dielectric layers increases; (c) Angle between dielectric layers reaches maximum state


2 摩擦起电的物理机制



图2   TENG的4种工作模式

Fig.2   Four operating modes of TENG. (a) Vertical contact separation mode; (b) Horizontal sliding mode; (c) Single electrode mode; (d) Independent layer mode

研究人员发现,在4种工作模式中,TENG均需要通过摩擦才可产生静电荷。这是因为2种摩擦极性材料间的接触距离只有小于原子斥力区时,电荷转移现象才会在2种材料界面间发生[27]。材料间的相互摩擦提供外界作用力,使得2个材料表面在原子或纳米尺度上产生局部高压,从而促使电子云或波函数发生重叠,此时电子可在不同材料表面间进行转移。图3示出2个原子间的原子相互作用势[28],其中F表示作用力。如图3(a)所示,当 2种不同材料的原子形成化学键时,它们的电子云有小部分发生重叠,此时原子处于平衡状态,其键长或原子间距离等于平衡距离a[28]。当2个原子的电子云重叠区域增加时,它们处于相互排斥状态,其键长或原子间距离d小于平衡距离a,此时材料间易发生电子转移(见图3(b))。一旦原子间距离d大于平衡距离a,2个原子处于相互吸引状态,它们的电子云将不再重叠,此时材料间难以发生电子转移(见图3(c)),因此,摩擦外力是不同材料界面间发生电子转移的必要条件。


图3   2个原子间的原子相互作用势

Fig.3   Interatomic interaction potential between two atoms. (a) Equilibrium position; (b) Repulsive region; (c) Attractive region



图4   用于解释2种不同材料间电子转移和释放的电子云势阱模型

Fig.4   Electron-cloud-potential-well model used to explain transfer and release of electrons between two different materials

3 摩擦电纺织品的研究进展


3.1 纱线基TENG


基于不同的材料组成和结构设计,包覆结构纱线基TENG可分为叠层包覆与蛇形结构2种情况。Fu等[29]利用层层叠加的聚氨酯(PU)/碳纳米管(CNTs)/龙皮硅胶(dragon skin)作为芯纤维,然后将还原氧化石墨烯(rGO)/聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)/银纳米线(AgNWs)作为鞘纤维管,从而制备得到叠层包覆的纱线基TENG。为提升纱线基TENG的输出与传感性能,研究人员在鞘纤维管内表面构建金字塔型微结构,使其可检测低至0.02 N的压力,并且灵敏度可达到26.75 V/N。由于结构的本征缺陷,叠层包覆的拉伸性一般较差。为进一步增强纱线基TENG的拉伸性能,Wang等[30]利用导电炭黑和CNTs在硅橡胶管壁上设计了一种蛇形附着电极结构,从而使得纱线基TENG具有高达150%的拉伸应变。该纤维可分别在拉伸、弯曲、扭转、压缩等变形方式下运行,在拉伸模式下,其最大开路电压可达63 V。

包覆结构纱线基TENG的电极材料一般使用金属或碳材料,在人体频繁运动时,其导电网格往往会被破坏,循环稳定性亟需进一步提升。与包覆结构相比,缠绕结构纱线基TENG常常利用弹性体作为基底,然后将功能纤维缠绕于其上,因此其耐用性一般较强。Chen等[31]以弹性体聚合物PU作为基底,以AgNWs包覆的锦纶(PA)作为内电极缠绕于基底上,以超弹性硅橡胶(Ecoflex)作为摩擦介质层共同构成了芯纤维;然后将铜(Cu)导线缠绕于芯纤维上构成了鞘纤维层。该缠绕结构纱线基TENG可长期在高应变的状态下运行,并且可以与人机交互系统相结合,精确控制商用灯、风扇、泵以及计算机软件。除使用上述宏观纤维进行缠绕以外,Zhang等[32]通过共轭静电纺丝法在芯纤维基底上进行纳米尺度加捻,从而制备了另一种缠绕结构纱线基TENG。该纱线基TENG以导电纤维包覆的PU作为芯层,以加捻的偏二氟乙烯-三氟乙烯共聚物(P(VDF-TrFE))纳米纤维作为鞘层,其拉伸应变高达200%。此外,这种纳米加捻促使该纱线基TENG具备超高的耐磨性,在5 000次马丁代尔磨损测试中表现出优异的稳定性。


3.2 织物基TENG


Zheng等[37]以Cu包覆的聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)纤维作为经纱,然后将聚酰亚胺(PI)包覆的这种纱线作为纬纱,最后通过机织法将这2种织物基TENG编织成织物。在该织物基TENG中,Cu既是摩擦介质层,也是电极层,而每处经纬纱交织点均为1个小的TENG,从而实现了对人体微弱运动信号的响应。此外,基于热拉伸工艺,Jia等[38]利用聚丙烯和金属钨丝制备了一种长达百米的包芯纱,并用此包芯纱和锦纶分别作为纬纱和经纱,制备了一种单电极的机织型TENG。该TENG的功率密度可达43 mW/kg,经过10万次循环测试和5次洗涤后,其电学输出性能依然保持稳定。随着摩擦电技术的日新月异,研究人员不再满足于仅获得交流电信号,希望得到实用性更强的直流电信号。为此,Chen等[39]巧妙地利用衣服中有害且烦人的静电击穿现象,制备得到了一种有趣的机织型直流TENG。该直流TENG由聚酰胺绝缘纱和聚酰胺镀银导电纱组成,其中经纱完全是绝缘纱,纬纱由绝缘纱和导电纱的复合纱线构成。在1根复合纱线中,2根导电纱分别作为摩擦极性材料和静电击穿电极,然后利用绝缘纱将2根导电纱物理隔离开。当直流TENG的长宽分别为3.5和 1.5 cm 时,其可以轻松点亮416个发光二极管;当直流TENG的长宽分别为7和6.8 cm时,其开路电压和短路电流分别高达4 500 V 和40 μA。优异的直流电性能促使该直流TENG可为温湿度计等电子元器件持续供电。

除上述织物中纤维间摩擦起电外,织物基TENG还可实现织物间摩擦起电。Chen等[40]以棉纱作为经纱分别织制了2块机织物,其中1块以棉纤维和聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)纤维区域交替形式构筑,另一块以棉纤维和碳纤维的的区域交替形式构筑。与接触分离式的TENG不同,织物基TENG组成的这种摩擦电纺织品是一种平面滑动TENG,其电流随滑动速率提升而增加,而开路电压和短路电荷则始终维持在118 V和48 nC。

与上述机织型TENG类似,针织型TENG也可分为纤维间摩擦起电和织物间摩擦起电。与机织型TENG不同的是,针织型TENG具有更优异的透气性、拉伸性以及柔软度,穿戴者的舒适感会更好。Fan等[41]分别以锦纶和涤纶包覆的导电纤维为摩擦介质层,从而制备得到单电极摩擦电纤维。然后,将该摩擦电纤维编织为开衫针织物,其具有极高的传感灵敏度(7.84 mV/Pa)和响应速度(20 ms),并且可以在10万次循环运行时保持稳定。此外,该针织型TENG可直接与颈部、手腕、脚踝、腹部和胸部等地方的织物相结合,其对普通织物的适应性和集成度非常高。在纤维间摩擦起电的针织型TENG中,除常见的二维结构,如今三维织物结构也越来越受到研究人员的青睐,采用双针床横机技术编织了一种三维双面互锁的针织型TENG[42]。该针织型TENG由棉纱和锦纶纱线复合而成,具有优异的弹性、透气性与拉伸性,可用作三维触觉传感器。

此外,在织物间摩擦起电的针织型TENG中,研究人员也开展了大量的研究工作。Dong等[43]分别利用锦纶66(PA66)缠绕的镀银导电纤维和PTFE缠绕的镀银导电纤维制备了2种摩擦电纤维,其中PA66和聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)分别为摩擦正极和负极材料,并使用这2种摩擦电纤维进一步构筑了针织物。当该针织物的面积达到64 cm2时,其内部将具有2 160个线圈,透气率可达到1 491.1 mm/s。此外,在拉伸和压缩期间,该针织物均可发电,在110%的拉伸应变下其开路电压可达32 V。除上述接触分离式的工作模式以外,科研人员也在滑动式的模型中进行了大量的研究工作。Huang等[44]以镀银锦纶纱线作为摩擦正极材料和电荷收集器,以棉纱线作为间隔材料,制备了一种滑动式的针织型TENG。该针织型TENG可完美融合进传统服装中,从而最大限度地保留服装的质量轻、可洗性好以及穿着舒适的优点。更重要的是,经过织物纹理的精心设计,该针织型TENG可以在工业生产线上放大生产。

3.3 非织造布基TENG

有别于上文所述的纱线基TENG和织物基TENG,非织造布基TENG具有更大的比表面积,因此对于摩擦起电来说其具有更多的原子级接触区域。根据非织造布基TENG的功能性差异,可将其分为防水透湿型、吸湿排汗型以及高效抗菌型3类。Li等[45]基于静电纺丝和炭化工艺分别制备了PU、碳以及聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)纤维膜,然后以聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)为黏合剂将上述3种纤维膜紧密贴合,最终制备得到柔软透气的非织造布基TENG。该TENG在50%的拉伸应变以内,其传感性能和力学性能均维持恒定,具有优异的柔软度和稳定性。此外,该TENG的孔径(1.08 μm)介于水滴(100 μm)和水分子(0.000 4 μm)之间,即水滴无法通过而水分子可以轻松穿透,因此其具有优异的防水透湿性。此外,该非织造布基TENG可以广泛地应用于智能机器人、交互式设备、人工假肢等领域。

防水透湿是非织造布基TENG的一个重要特性,但是对于流汗的皮肤而言却远远不够,大量汗液的出现可能会致使皮肤产生黏稠等不舒适的感觉。为克服这一难题,Yang等[46]分别使用P(VDF-TrFE) 和PA6作为摩擦负极和正极材料制备了吸湿排汗型非织造布基TENG。该TENG的吸湿排汗层由聚丙烯腈(PAN)和PA6纳米纤维组成,初步利用拉普拉斯压差促进体表汗液排放。为进一步提升非织造布基TENG的排汗能力,Gong等[47]以锦纶网、纤维素膜、PA6纤维膜、偏氟乙烯和三氟乙烯的共聚物P(VDF-TrFE)纤维膜以及多孔海绵制备了一种新型的芯吸极化型非织造布基TENG。该非织造布基TENG将主动摩擦电场极化与被动吸湿排汗相结合,可将大尺寸的水团簇转换为小尺寸的水团簇或水单体,极大地促进了汗液的扩散与蒸发,有力地保障了人体舒适性。此外,由该TENG制备得到的智能鞋垫,可迅速排干体表汗液,并实现0.8 ℃的降温效果。

除导致人体不舒适以外,汗液也可能造成皮肤瘙痒与炎症。为解决这一问题,Peng等[48]利用聚乙烯醇(PVA)、AgNWs以及聚乳酸-乙醇酸共聚物(PLGA)纳米纤维膜制备了一种抗菌非织造布基TENG。该TENG一方面为湿热传递提供了多级纤维毛细通道;另一方面对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌表现出显著的抗菌活性,灭杀效率分别达到54%和88%,可有效地抑制细菌生长。此外,该非织造布基TENG的峰值功率密度达到130 mW/m,压力灵敏度为0.011 kPa-1,是一种优异的可穿戴自供能传感器,可应用于电子皮肤、人工智能等领域。

4 结束语






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Wearable biosensors are garnering substantial interest due to their potential to provide continuous, real-time physiological information via dynamic, noninvasive measurements of biochemical markers in biofluids, such as sweat, tears, saliva and interstitial fluid. Recent developments have focused on electrochemical and optical biosensors, together with advances in the noninvasive monitoring of biomarkers including metabolites, bacteria and hormones. A combination of multiplexed biosensing, microfluidic sampling and transport systems have been integrated, miniaturized and combined with flexible materials for improved wearability and ease of operation. Although wearable biosensors hold promise, a better understanding of the correlations between analyte concentrations in the blood and noninvasive biofluids is needed to improve reliability. An expanded set of on-body bioaffinity assays and more sensing strategies are needed to make more biomarkers accessible to monitoring. Large-cohort validation studies of wearable biosensor performance will be needed to underpin clinical acceptance. Accurate and reliable real-time sensing of physiological information using wearable biosensor technologies would have a broad impact on our daily lives.


Lab-on-skin: a review of flexible and stretchable electronics for wearable health monitoring

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Skin is the largest organ of the human body, and it offers a diagnostic interface rich with vital biological signals from the inner organs, blood vessels, muscles, and dermis/epidermis. Soft, flexible, and stretchable electronic devices provide a novel platform to interface with soft tissues for robotic feedback and control, regenerative medicine, and continuous health monitoring. Here, we introduce the term "lab-on-skin" to describe a set of electronic devices that have physical properties, such as thickness, thermal mass, elastic modulus, and water-vapor permeability, which resemble those of the skin. These devices can conformally laminate on the epidermis to mitigate motion artifacts and mismatches in mechanical properties created by conventional, rigid electronics while simultaneously providing accurate, non-invasive, long-term, and continuous health monitoring. Recent progress in the design and fabrication of soft sensors with more advanced capabilities and enhanced reliability suggest an impending translation of these devices from the research lab to clinical environments. Regarding these advances, the first part of this manuscript reviews materials, design strategies, and powering systems used in soft electronics. Next, the paper provides an overview of applications of these devices in cardiology, dermatology, electrophysiology, and sweat diagnostics, with an emphasis on how these systems may replace conventional clinical tools. The review concludes with an outlook on current challenges and opportunities for future research directions in wearable health monitoring.

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Fabric-based self-pumping, single-stream microfluidic fuel cell

[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2023.142106.

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YUAN W, ZHOU B, HU J, et al.

Passive direct methanol fuel cell using woven carbon fiber fabric as mass transfer control medium

[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(5): 2326-2333.

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The advanced polymer composite coated fabrics as an anode electrode and photocatalytic glucose micro fuel cell design

[J]. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2023.115005.

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ZHI C, SHI S, SI Y, et al.

Recent progress of wearable piezoelectric pressure sensors based on nanofibers, yarns, and their fabrics via electrospinning

[J]. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/admt.202201161.

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WAN X, CONG H, JIANG G, et al.

A review on PVDF nanofibers in textiles for flexible piezoelectric sensors

[J]. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023, 6(3): 1522-1540.

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ZHANG C, FAN W, WANG S, et al.

Recent progress of wearable piezoelectric nanogenerators

[J]. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2021, 3(6): 2449-2467.

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The current development and future outlook of triboelectric nanogenerators: a survey of literature

[J]. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/admt.201800588.

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Triboelectric nanogenerators as a new energy technology: From fundamentals, devices, to applications

[J]. Nano Energy, 2015, 14: 126-138.

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Flexible triboelectric generator

[J]. Nano Energy, 2012, 1(2): 328-334.

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ZHOU T, ZHANG C, HAN C B, et al.

Woven structured triboelectric nanogenerator for wearable devices

[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6(16): 14695-14701.

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王中林, 邵佳佳.


[J]. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2022, 52(9): 1416-1433.

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WANG Zhonglin, SHAO Jiajia.

Dynamic Maxwell equations for engineering electromagnetics and their solution

[J]. Science in China:Technical Sciences, 2022, 52(9): 1416-1433.

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On Maxwell's displacement current for energy and sensors: the origin of nanogenerators

[J]. Materials Today, 2017, 20(2): 74-82.

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Toward the blue energy dream by triboelectric nanogenerator networks

[J]. Nano Energy, 2017, 39: 9-23.

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CHEN J, WEI X, WANG B, et al.

Design optimization of soft-contact freestanding rotary triboelectric nanogenerator for high-output performance

[J]. Advanced Energy Materials, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202102106.

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FANG Y, ZOU Y, XU J, et al.

Ambulatory cardiovascular monitoring via a machine-learning-assisted textile triboelectric sensor

[J]. Advanced Materials, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202104178.

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Advances of high-performance triboelectric nanogenerators for blue energy harvesting

[J]. Nanoenergy Advances, 2021, 1(1): 32-57.

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On the expanded Maxwell's equations for moving charged media system: general theory, mathematical solutions and applications in TENG

[J]. Materials Today, 2022, 52: 348-363.

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LI S, ZHOU Y, ZI Y, et al.

Excluding contact electrification in surface potential measurement using kelvin probe force microscopy

[J]. ACS Nano, 2016, 10(2): 2528-2535.

DOI:10.1021/acsnano.5b07418      PMID:26824304      [本文引用: 1]

Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), a characterization method that could image surface potentials of materials at the nanoscale, has extensive applications in characterizing the electric and electronic properties of metal, semiconductor, and insulator materials. However, it requires deep understanding of the physics of the measuring process and being able to rule out factors that may cause artifacts to obtain accurate results. In the most commonly used dual-pass KPFM, the probe works in tapping mode to obtain surface topography information in a first pass before lifting to a certain height to measure the surface potential. In this paper, we have demonstrated that the tapping-mode topography scan pass during the typical dual-pass KPFM measurement may trigger contact electrification between the probe and the sample, which leads to a charged sample surface and thus can introduce a significant error to the surface potential measurement. Contact electrification will happen when the probe enters into the repulsive force regime of a tip-sample interaction, and this can be detected by the phase shift of the probe vibration. In addition, the influences of scanning parameters, sample properties, and the probe's attributes have also been examined, in which lower free cantilever vibration amplitude, larger adhesion between the probe tip and the sample, and lower cantilever spring constant of the probe are less likely to trigger contact electrification. Finally, we have put forward a guideline to rationally decouple contact electrification from the surface potential measurement. They are decreasing the free amplitude, increasing the set-point amplitude, and using probes with a lower spring constant.


On the origin of contact-electrification

[J]. Materials Today, 2019, 30: 34-51.

DOI:10.1016/j.mattod.2019.05.016      [本文引用: 4]

Although contact electrification (triboelectrification) (CE) has been documented since 2600 years ago, its scientific understanding remains inconclusive, unclear, and un-unified. This paper reviews the updated progress for studying the fundamental mechanism of CE using Kelvin probe force microscopy for solid-solid cases. Our conclusion is that electron transfer is the dominant mechanism for CE between solid-solid pairs. Electron transfer occurs only when the interatomic distance between the two materials is shorter than the normal bonding length (typically similar to 0.2 nm) in the region of repulsive forces. A strong electron cloud overlap (or wave function overlap) between the two atoms/molecules in the repulsive region leads to electron transition between the atoms/molecules, owing to the reduced interatomic potential barrier. The role played by contact/friction force is to induce strong overlap between the electron clouds (or wave function in physics, bonding in chemistry). The electrostatic charges on the surfaces can be released from the surface by electron thermionic emission and/or photon excitation, so these electrostatic charges may not remain on the surface if sample temperature is higher than similar to 300-400 degrees C. The electron transfer model could be extended to liquid-solid, liquid-gas and even liquid-liquid cases. As for the liquid-solid case, molecules in the liquid would have electron cloud overlap with the atoms on the solid surface at the very first contact with a virginal solid surface, and electron transfer is required in order to create the first layer of electrostatic charges on the solid surface. This step only occurs for the very first contact of the liquid with the solid. Then, ion transfer is the second step and is the dominant process thereafter, which is a redistribution of the ions in solution considering electrostatic interactions with the charged solid surface. This is proposed as a two-step formation process of the electric double layer (EDL) at the liquid-solid interface. Charge transfer in the liquid-gas case is believed to be due to electron transfer once a gas molecule strikes the liquid surface to induce the overlapping electron cloud under pressure. In general, electron transfer due to the overlapping electron cloud under mechanical force/pressure is proposed as the dominant mechanism for initiating CE between solids, liquids and gases. This study provides not only the first systematic understanding about the physics of CE, but also demonstrates that the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is an effective method for studying the nature of CE between any materials.

FU K, ZHOU J, WU H, et al.

Fibrous self-powered sensor with high stretchability for physiological information monitoring

[J]. Nano Energy, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.106258.

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WANG J, LI S, YI F, et al.

Sustainably powering wearable electronics solely by biomechanical energy

[J]. Nature Communications, 2016. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12744.

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CHEN J, WEN X, LIU X, et al.

Flexible hierarchical helical yarn with broad strain range for self-powered motion signal monitoring and human-machine interac-tive

[J]. Nano Energy, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2020.105446.

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Abrasion resistant/waterproof stretchable triboelectric yarns based on fermat spirals

[J]. Advanced Materials, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202100782.

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GONG W, HOU C, GUO Y, et al.

A wearable, fibroid, self-powered active kinematic sensor based on stretchable sheath-core structural triboelectric fibers

[J]. Nano Energy, 2017, 39: 673-683.

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GONG W, HOU C, ZHOU J, et al.

Continuous and scalable manufacture of amphibious energy yarns and textiles

[J]. Nature Communications, 2019. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08846-2.

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YANG W, GONG W, GU W, et al.

Self-powered interactive fiber electronics with visual-digital synergies

[J]. Advanced Materials, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202104681.

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WANG J, YANG W, LIU Z, et al.

Ultra-fine self-powered interactive fiber electronics for smart cloth-ing

[J]. Nano Energy, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2023.108171.

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ZHAO Z, YAN C, LIU Z, et al.

Machine-washable textile triboelectric nanogenerators for effective human respiratory monitoring through loom weaving of metallic yarns

[J]. Advanced Materials, 2016, 28(46): 10267-10274.

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FENG Z, YANG S, JIA S, et al.

Scalable, washable and lightweight triboelectric-energy-generating fibers by the thermal drawing process for industrial loom weaving

[J]. Nano Energy, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2020.104805.

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CHEN C, GUO H, CHEN L, et al.

Direct current fabric triboelectric nanogenerator for biomotion energy harvesting

[J]. ACS Nano, 2020, 14: 4585-4594.

DOI:10.1021/acsnano.0c00138      PMID:32181639      [本文引用: 1]

Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) have demonstrated their promising potential in biomotion energy harvesting. A combination of the TENG and textile materials presents an effective approach toward smart fabric. However, most traditional fabric TENGs with an alternating current (AC) have to use a stiff, uncomfortable, and unfriendly rectifier bridge to obtain direct current (DC) to store and supply power for electronic devices. Here, a DC fabric TENG (DC F-TENG) with the most common plain structure is designed to harvest biomotion energy by tactfully taking advantage of the harmful and annoying electrostatic breakdown phenomenon of clothes. A small DC F-TENG (1.5 cm × 3.5 cm) can easily light up 416 serially connected light-emitting diodes. Furthermore, some yarn supercapacitors are fabricated and woven into the DC F-TENG to harvest and store energy and to power electronic devices, such as a hygrothermograph or a calculator, which shows great convenience and high efficiency in practice. This low-cost and efficient DC F-TENG which can directly generate DC energy without using the rectifier bridge by harvesting energy from unhealthy electrostatic breakdown has great potential as a lightweight, flexible, wearable, and comfortable energy-harvesting device in the future.

CHEN J, GUO H, PU X, et al.

Traditional weaving craft for one-piece self-charging power textile for wearable electronics

[J]. Nano Energy, 2018, 50: 536-543.

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FAN W, HE Q, MENG K, et al.

Machine-knitted washable sensor array textile for precise epidermal physiological signal monitoring

[J]. Science Advances, 2020. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aay2840.

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CHEN C, CHEN L, WU Z, et al.

3D double-faced interlock fabric triboelectric nanogenerator for bio-motion energy harvesting and as self-powered stretching and 3D tactile sensors

[J]. Materials Today, 2020, 32: 84-93.

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DONG S, XU F, SHENG Y, et al.

Seamlessly knitted stretchable comfortable textile triboelectric nanogenerators for E-textile power sources

[J]. Nano Energy, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2020.105327.

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HUANG T, ZHANG J, YU B, et al.

Fabric texture design for boosting the performance of a knitted washable textile triboelectric nanogenerator as wearable power

[J]. Nano Energy, 2019, 58: 375-383.

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LI Z, ZHU M, SHEN J, et al.

All-fiber structured electronic skin with high elasticity and breathabi-lity

[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201908411.

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YANG W, GONG W, HOU C, et al.

All-fiber tribo-ferroelectric synergistic electronics with high thermal-moisture stability and comfortability

[J]. Nature Communications, 2019. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-13569-5.

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GONG W, WANG X, YANG W, et al.

Wicking-polarization-induced water cluster size effect on triboelectric evaporation textiles

[J]. Advanced Materials, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202007352.

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PENG X, DONG K, YE C, et al.

A breathable, biodegradable, antibacterial, and self-powered electronic skin based on all-nanofiber triboelectric nanogenerators

[J]. Science Advances, 2020. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba9624.

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