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    15 July 2018, Volume 39 Issue 07
    • Synthesis kinetics of polyester by organic titanium-silicon catalysts
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  1-7.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170901207
      Abstract ( 1287 )   PDF (1867KB) ( 268 )   Save
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      In order to prepare stable and highly active titanium catalyst, a series of titanium silicon (Ti-Si) composite catalysts were prepared and the best catalyst was selected. By employing this catalyst in preparation of polyethylene glycol terephthalate (PET), the influence of catalysts dosage and polycondensation temeffect temperature on polymerization reaction and the properties of polyester chips were investigated. In addition, kinetics for polymerization was studied. Polymerization results were also compared with classical antimony catalyst (Sb2O3) and titanium catalyst (Ti(X)). Results show that the optimized dosage of catalyst is 19 μg/g and the suitable polycondensation temperature is 281℃ under the testing condition. Ti-Si catalyst played an effective role both in esterification and polycondensation. Ti-Si catalyst has much lower esterification activation energy which is only 42.49 kJ/mol, and it accelerated the esterification reaction. The polycondensation time by Ti-Si is much shorter (40min) than other catalysts Sb2O3 and Ti(X). The kinetic data for polycondensation demonstrated that the condensation activation energy by Ti-Si is similar to Ti(X), but lower than Sb2O3. The resultant PET chips by Ti-Si catalyst has similar thermal and mechanical properties with those by Ti(X), but better than those by Sb2O3. In addition, the chips by Ti-Si possessed brighter chroma than those by Sb2O3, and have the similar b value with Ti(X).

      Preparation and properties of orientation reinforced composite separator for lithium-ion battery
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  8-14.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170804207
      Abstract ( 1023 )   PDF (2053KB) ( 160 )   Save
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      In order to fabricate the electrospinning Lithium-ion battery separator which possessed excellent mechanical properties in lengthways direction, polyacrylonitrile (PAN) membrane were fabricated at different rotational speeds, concluding that the PAN membrane showed best orientation effect at 700 r/min. Then middle-orientation reinforced PAN membrane which was collected at 700 r/min and two layers of disordered polyester (PET) membrane were combined to pripare orientation reinforced compositeseparators.  Meanwhile, isotropous PET/PAN/PET membrane was fabricated at 100 r/min as contrast membrane. The mechanical and electrochemical properties were evaluated. The results show that the electrolyte uptake is 371%, and the thermal shrinkage is 4.1%. The ionic conductivity at room tempertature reaches 0.553 mS/cm and electrochemical stability was 5.27 V. The initial discharge capacity of battery is 138.2 mA?h/g. The breaking strength of the orientation reinforced composite separators is 9.2 MPa in lengthways direction, which is 130% higher than contrast membrane. The mechanical strength of the orientation reinforced composite separator increases observably, and its overall properties are superior to isotropous PET/PAN/PET membranes.

      Preparation and properties of electrospun polyacrylonitrile / copper sulfate nanofibrous membrane
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  15-20.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170900706
      Abstract ( 784 )   PDF (1857KB) ( 194 )   Save
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      In order to develop a copper ion nanlfiber membrane used for dressings, polyacrylonitrile (PAN) with anhydrous copper sulfate (CuSO4) composite nanofiberus membrane was prepared by electrospinning. The influence of spinning solution mass fraction, viscosity and conductivity on the spinning process and fiber appearance morphology were discussed. The elements and particle size distribution test were carried out. The results show that copper ion exists in the nanofiber membrane. With the set spinning parameters, when the amount of polyacrylonitrile in the spinning solution increases, the solution viscosity increases and the diameter of the fiber becomesat thicker. When the amount of anhydrous copper sulfate in the spinning solution increases, the solution conductivity increases, the diameter of the fiber increases, and the fiber fineness and beading tend to appear. When the spinning solution mass ratio of PAN to CuSO4 is 8:3, the appearance of the fiber is the best, and the diameter is about 300 nm.

      Preparation and properties of laminated nanofiber-based separator with over-temperature protection function
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  21-26.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20171009506
      Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (1930KB) ( 131 )   Save
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      In order to overcome the low porosity and thermal instability of current separator, the polyacrylonitrile (PAN) with high temperature resistance and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) with good mechanical properties as raw materials, PAN/PVDF/PAN laminated nanofiber separator with high porous ratio and good thermal stability was fabricated by electrospinning technology equipped with multi-neelle and roller receiver device. The morphology and relative properties of PAN/PVDF/PAN laminated nanofiber separators with 3 types of thickness ratio were investigated and analyzed. The resultant separator achieved 75.42% of porosity, and keeps dimensional stability. It is exhibited over-temperature protection function over 160°C.

      Application and process optimization of false twist in ring spinning machine
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  27-31.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170905806
      Abstract ( 887 )   PDF (1784KB) ( 121 )   Save
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      In order to improve the spinning performance of cotton fiber, 28.1 tex yarn was spun by controlling the speed, position and spinning mode of the device on the rung spinning machine equipped with false twisting device. The quality of the yarn was tested and analyzed. The experimental result shows that the optimal speed of the false twister is 300 r/min during spinning. The strength and hairiness of the yarn will be affected if the speed is too large or too small. When the tangent between the false twisting point and front roller nip connection and horzontal line is 0.7, yarn eith the optimal quality can be spun. False twister position can change the yaran path, thus affecting the size and state of the twisting triangle. Preferred position of the false twister during spinning is beneficial to improve yarn quality. The combinationof false twister and oblique spinning improves the yarn performance under the condition of single false twist spinning.

      Analysis on blending effect of colored fiber in digital rotor spun yarn
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  32-38.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170606007
      Abstract ( 370 )   PDF (2344KB) ( 173 )   Save
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      In order to study the influence of blending ratio and feed positions on fiber blending in digital rotor spun yarn, five kinds of cotton color blended yarn were produced and the slices of the yarn cross-sections were prepared. The vertical and horizontal microstructure of the yarns were observed. The fiber Hamilton indices were calculated. Considering the surface structure of the cloth, fiber blending effects of digital rotor spun yarn were analyzied in different ways . The results show that the blending ratio and the feeding position have no significant effect on the fiber blending; the Hamiltonian index of each colored fiber is from - 25% to 25%, showing a normal distribution trend, and the actual content of the fiber varies within the range of  ± 10% of the design content, so the yarn and cloth surface show gorgeous colors.

      Development of self-coated dual protective fabric
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  39-43.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170303805
      Abstract ( 346 )   PDF (1366KB) ( 306 )   Save
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      A functional protective clothing fabric composed of a fabric layer, a protective layer and a nano-TiO2 coating layer with good anti-ultraviolet and anti-electromagnetic radiation properties was developed. Specifically, the superfine silver plating polyester filament was used to fabricate the protective layer according to the reinforced twill weave. The peotective layer was conneced with the fabric layer according to the specially designed double layer weave. Nano-TiO2 was coated on the surface of the protective layer to form the anti-ultraviolet coating layer. The ultraviolet protection and anti-electromagnetic radiation performance of the fabric were tested, respectively. According to the principle of orthogonal test, grey cluster analysis was adopted to determine the optimal processing parameters. The results show that the ultraviolet protection coefficient, the average shielding effectiveness, the maximum shielding effectiveness and the corresponding frequency, the minimum shielding effectiveness and the corresponding frequency of the designed functional protective clothing fabric are 60.1, 99.992 0%, 99.998 9% and 120 MHz, 99.958 6% and 205 MHz, respectively.

      Multi-layer design of multi-bar Raschel laces
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  44-49.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170603107
      Abstract ( 836 )   PDF (2842KB) ( 204 )   Save
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      Due to complicated and challenging design techniques of multi-bar Raschel laces, a specific design method was presented for the multi-layer visual effect, which was a key element for the quality evaluation. Based on knitting material, knitting method, color combination and shape composition visual features of laces, factors on the multi-layer visual effect are primarily analyzed, including the yarn fineness, yarn illumination, structures combination, pattern colors and their layout. Based on these factors, a detailed design method of multi-layer effect was proposed which is practical for designing main patterns in the forms of physical figures, geometries and abstract shapes. Moreover, attention was also paid to the differences between multi-layer design techniques when designing patterns with different spatial layouts, structure combinations and layer arrangements. By illustrating two design examples, the proposed design method is proved to be practical and efficient on enhancing multi-layer visualization.

      Development of new fluoroethylene vinyl ether reinforcement membrane and its mechanical properties
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  50-54.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170800705
      Abstract ( 759 )   PDF (1579KB) ( 127 )   Save
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      Aiming at the problems of high temperature, high energy consumption and high safety requirements of poly (fluoroethylene) (PTFE) membrane, a low temperature-forming fluoroethylene vinyl ether (FEVE) membrane taken into account all aspects of PTFE membrane was developed. The manual coating method in laboratory and the low temperature curing process within 200 ℃ with polyester fabric as reforcement material and FEVE resin as matrix were developed. The mechanical properties and self cleaning properties of the FEVE/polyester reinforcement membrane material and the widely used PTFE/glass fiber membrane were also compared. It is concluded that the developed FEVE membrane materials have the tensile strength up to 99.6% of the PTFE membrane, the tear properties up to 1.3 times after impregnation coating to PTFE membrane, and it has good contamination resistance with the contact angle up to 100.4°, which meets the hydrophobic requirement of membrane contact angle greater than or equal to 90°. These conclusions confirmed the feasibility of low temperature forming of FEVE membranes.

      Air filtration performance of polyether sulfone nonwoven composite membranes
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  55-62.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20171009608
      Abstract ( 768 )   PDF (2565KB) ( 153 )   Save
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      In order to obtain membranes with better performance for air quality detection, a polyether sulfone (PES) membrane was coated on the fusible nonwoven fabric by combining. The influence of PES mass fraction, additive TiO2, condition bath temperature, and film thickness on the structure and properties of the membranes was investigated. With th mass fraction of PVP fixed at 10% and PES increased from 6% to 20%, the permeability of the composite membranes reduced from 119.65 L/(m2?s) to 12.04 L/(m2?s), the  filtration efficiency increased from 67.06% to 92.38%, and the breaking strength increases first and then decreases. With the increase of the dosage of TiO2 as additive, the permeability of the composite membranes increases first and then decreases, filtration efficiency rises from 82.73% to 87.10% and the breaking strength increases. As the coagulation bath temperature increased, the permeability of the composite membrane changed from 13.61 L/(m2?s) to 34.22 L/(m2?s) , filtration efficiency changed from 90.62% to 83.47% and the breaking strength increases significantly. With the composite membrane thickess increases, the permeability changes from 34.5 L/(m2?s) to 28.5 L/(m2?s), the filtration efficiency increases and the composite membrane improves.

      Model establishment and validation of waste polyester fiber products based on near infrared quantitative analysis
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  63-68.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20171006706
      Abstract ( 644 )   PDF (1560KB) ( 112 )   Save
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      In order to solve the sorting peoblem of pure polyester from the waste textiles, a total of 276 sample including pure polyester textile, pure cotton textile, pure nylon textile, pure wool textile, polyester/cotton textile, polyester/nylon textile and polyester/wool textile were studied. The composition of fabric was determined by Fourier transform mid-infrared spectrometer, and the accurate content of each component was measured by national standard method. Then the original infrared spectroscopy (NFRS) spectra of the samples were acquired. The original NIRS of samples was pretreated by chemometrics software CM-2000, and the near infrared quantitative analysis model of waste polyester fiber products was established by partial least squares as a correction method. The correlation coefficient of calibration and the correlation coefficient of prediction was 0.994 and 0.989, the standard errors of calibration and the standard errors of prediction are 1.832 and 2.065, respectively. The polyester content of the above fabric was predicted by the established model, and the correct rate of internal prediction is 90.58%. 173 samples not involved in the modeling were used for external verification. The validation accuracy is 88.44%, and the external prediction rate for pure polyester fabrics is 96%. The result shows that the model can be used to identify pure polyester fabric from waste textiles.

      Effect of crystal form on dyeing behavior of disperse dyes
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  69-73.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170710305
      Abstract ( 1185 )   PDF (1561KB) ( 317 )   Save
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      Aiming at the problem of low dye uptake of disperse dye and large consumption of auxiliaries in the dyeing of hydrophobic fibers, the crystalline form of disperse dye was modified by solvent method to obtain the crystal forms of dyes, which were more easily dispersed and adsorbed, so as to improve dyeing efficiency. The crystal form of disperse red 73 was changed by recrystallization using N,N-dimethyl formamide and benzene, respectively. The crystal form I and II from original form were obtained respectively. The different crystal forms of dye dispersions were prepared by grinding the mixture of the dye and polymer dispersing and the micro-polyester fabric was dyed by using dispersion of the different crystal forms. The effect of crystal forms on the grinding efficiency and stability of the dye dispersion and dyeing property of fabric was studied, compared with the original crystal form of disperse dye. The results show that when dyes of different crystal forms are dispersed to about the same diameter size, the dye of crystal form I has the highest grinding efficiency, the highest stability of dispersion and the optimum dyeing bihavior.

      Synthesis and dyeing properties of nevel fluorescent dyes based on naphthalimide
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  74-81.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170801109
      Abstract ( 986 )   PDF (2307KB) ( 305 )   Save
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      In order to study the relationship between dye chemical structure and its properties, three naphthalimide-based fluorescent dyes were synthesized from 4-bromo-1, 8-naphthalic anhydride and different substituted o-phenylenediamine. The structures were characterized, and the UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectra, UV-Vis absorption spectra and single-photon fluorescent spectra were investigated. The UV-Vis absorption spectra and single-photon fluorescent emission spectra wavelengths based on the optimized structures were obtained by the time-dependent density function theory. The calculated results well agree with the experimental data, where bathochromic shifts of absorption spectra happened and fluorescent intensity decreased with the electron-donating capability(-H < -CH3 < -OCH3) of the substituents. The fluorescence and fastness properties of dyed polyester fabrics using these three dyes are also determined, and dye b had the best dyeing property.

      Effect of modified by β-cyclodextrin derivatives of aldehydes crosslinked chitosan on hydrophilicity of polyester fabric
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  82-88.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170604107
      Abstract ( 1039 )   PDF (1998KB) ( 124 )   Save
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      In order to improve the hydrophilic property of polyester fabrics, cyclodextrin as raw material was oxidized by oxidant sodium periodate into aldehyde derivatives, and polyester fabrics were successively rolled-baked-cured through the solution of chitosan and cyclodextrin dialdehyde. The influence fo different mass concentration and molar ratio of reactants on the hydrohilic property of polyester fabric was investigated. The results show that when the chitosan mass concentration is 3%, cyclodextrin derivatives mass concentration is 80 g/L, the mole ratio of cyclodextrin units of glucose and sodium periodate is 1:1, the modified polyester fabric moisture regain rate reach 2.28%, and compared to original cloth, it has been improved 1.88%. The contact angle dropped to 0 within 2 s. The weight loss ratio of modified fabric was controlled under 7% after washing for 30 cycles.

      Application of carbohydrate additives in 1, 2, 3, 4-butanetetracarboxylic acid anti-wrinkle finishing of cotton fabrics
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  89-94.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170704806
      Abstract ( 981 )   PDF (1704KB) ( 131 )   Save
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      Due to the strength loss of cotton fabrics treated with 1, 2, 3, 4-butaneletracarboxylic acid (BTCA), different carbohydrates additives were added into the finishing bath to improve the anti-wrinkle properties of treated fabrics. The action mechanism was analyzed by molecular size calculation and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IT). The results show that glucose, sucrose and maltose can further increase the wrinkle recovery angle (WRA) of the treated fabric and reduce the fabric strength loss. Glucose shows the greatest effect on WRA increasing, and WRA of the treated fabrics reaches the maximum value of 260° when the dosage is 10.0 g/L, increasing by 22° compared with those without glucose. However, taking the whiteness index into consideration, maltose was selected as the most appropriate carbohydrate addictive here. According to the calculation of connolly solvent excluded volume and radius of carbohydrate additives and based on the diffusion equation, it can be concluded that the molecule with smaller molecular radirs can spread into the deeper section of the fiber and the effect on WRA improvement is more significant. FT-IR test shows that the mechanism of WRA enhancement is because of the covalent bridging through glucose between different BTCA moleclles just grafted onto the fibers.

      Preparation of waterborne polyurethane coating by mechanical foaming based on response surface methodology
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  95-099.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20171006605
      Abstract ( 774 )   PDF (1483KB) ( 151 )   Save
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      In order to prepare waterborne polyurethane coating with high water vapor transmission rate and tensile strength by mechanical foaming, the factors of coating-forming temperature, foaming agent concentration and foaming ratio in mechanical foaming were optimized by the response surface methodology. The results showed that the regression of the quadratic polynomial model is significant while the lack of fit is not significant, demonstrating the good fitness of the model. The order of their effects on water vapor transmission rate is coating-forming temperature, foaming ratio and foaming agent concentration in sequence, while the order of their effects on tensile strength is foaming ratio, coating-forming temperature, and foaming agent concentration in seqyebce. Based on the maximum value of water vapor transmission rate and the tensile strength the optimum conditions are coating-forming temperature of 120°C, foaming agent concentration of 5.56 % and foaming ratio of 319.17%. Under these conditions, the experimental yields of water vapor transmission rate is 6088.71 g/(m2?24h) and the tensile strength is 1.51 MPa, which are substantially consistent with the predicted values. Thus,  the regression equation is valid and reliable. By taking the waterborne polyurethane coating as the foam layer of microfiber synthetic leather, the water vapor transmission rate is 2070.24 g/(m2?24h) and the perpendicular and lateral tensile forces of the obtained microfiber synthetic leather are 161.50/112.38 N.

      Extraction of 4- aminoazobenzene by acetonitrile-salt aqueous two-phase system
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  100-104.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170707405
      Abstract ( 605 )   PDF (1432KB) ( 103 )   Save
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      In order to solve the problems of long extraction time, volatilization of ether, environment pollution and poor result accuracy during the extraction of 4- aminoazobenzene, the acetonitrile-salt aquatic two phase system was established, and an environment-friendly and efficient sample treatment method was developed for detection of 4- aminoazobenzene in textiles. Based on phase capability difference of inorganic salts, several common salts on the phase separation in acetonitrile – water were examined. According to the extraction rate, mass fraction of NaOH, dosage of organic, researched recovery ratio of acetonitrile and 4- aminoazobenzene,  the optimum system for extraction of 4- aminoazobenzene was screened. The result show acetonitrile-potassium carbonate is the optimum system,  which is 2% sodium hydroxide solution 10 mL, acetonitrile 4 mL and anhydrous potassium carbonate 4.0 g. The liner range is 0~20 mg/kg with correlation coefficient of 0.999 9. Limit of detection is 0.036 mg/kg. Recovery rate of 4- aminoazobenzene is 89.71%~101.6%. relative standarddeviation (RSD) is 1.40%~3.86%. Extraction rate of acetonitrile is  96.25%~101.00%, RSD is 0.63%~1.27%

      Design and knitting shaping method of fully –fashioned Knitwear
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  105-110.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170801806
      Abstract ( 831 )   PDF (2051KB) ( 174 )   Save
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      For the fully-fashioned knitwear, upper garments of typical style were taken as research object to improve its fundamental pattern design accuracy and its manujacturing efficiency, based on in-depth research on theory of fully-fashioned knitting process, as well as the requirements of human body characteristics on the functionality and design of fully-fashioned Knitwear. On the basis of clothing pattern theory combined with the design principal of fully-fashioned knitwear, the fundamental pattern applicable for four-bed computerized flat knitting machine in both horizontal and vertical knitting was obtained by combining two-dimensional and three-dimensional design. Examples of the fundamental pattern and practically knitted clothing demonstrate that the pattern conforms to the design and forming requirements of the fully-fashioned knitwear. According to the practice, application of the fundamental pattern in fully-fashioned knitwear can realize various design of jully-fashioned knitwear quickly by pattern exchange and modification, which offers an effective approach to develop new style knitwear.

      Relationship between static and dynamic thermal insulation of local or whole body and its model
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  111-115.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170903005
      Abstract ( 1178 )   PDF (1425KB) ( 200 )   Save
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      In order to study the relationship of local thermal insulation between standing and walking states and the relationship of the total thermal insulation between the human testing and thermal manikin testing, the heat flow density of the 10 parts of human body were measured by the heat flow meter method. Firstly, the thermal insulation of standing and walking were calcuated by the area coefficient. The average value of the radio of four ensembles was calculated as the final radio of thermal insulation. Secondly, the dynamic and static thermal insulationof each part were linearly fitted. The relationship between the thermal resistance ratio and the slope of the fitted straight line was evaluated. The results show that the dynamic thermal resistance is significantly lower than the static thermal resistance, and the radio of dynamic and static follows by 0.72,0.75,0.87,0.74,0.75,0.83,0.82,0.95,0.61,0.64. The parts that the slope smaller than or equal to 0.76 is significantly affected by the moving. Finally, the digital model between static and dynamic thermal insulation of the human testing, the relationship between the human testing and thermal manikin testing under dynamic condition were obtained.

      Generation of intelligent fitting pattern based on BP neural network
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  116-121.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170901006
      Abstract ( 1080 )   PDF (1906KB) ( 300 )   Save
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      In order to quickly obtain a clothing model fitting the customer's body shape, the men's trousers were used as the reference model, and the rules for changing the waist and hip areas were used as research subjects. Gerber CAD was used as a technology development platform. Based on a large quantity of human body data, the original change rules of the templates were optimized and reconstructed.The BP neural network algorithm was used to establish the waist and hip circumference size changes. By kirectly using the matching of data and tata, the parametric design of men's waistband, abdomen and hip modification rules was realized. In other words, in a given amount of waist and hip circumference, a corresponding change rule can be acquired. By calling the chaneg rule a sample coming in line with the size will the size will be automatically achived, initially realizing one person and one board. The clothing fitting is improved and the dependence on modelers is reduced.

      Movement rule of yarn in incongruous jet flow with pure pneumatic tucker
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  122-129.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170707608
      Abstract ( 410 )   PDF (2849KB) ( 153 )   Save
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      In order to improve the folding efficiency and stability of a pure pneumatic tucker,invagination theory of a pure pneumatic tuker was studied, and a 2 - D yarn-airflow field coupling model with a pure pneumatic tucker was established to simulate the folding process of the length of 10 mm yarn. The final folding process of yarnin the comparison experiment could be used to analyze interaction of yarn and airflow field and comprehend yarn's mowement rule under the oblique and folding airflow. In the simulation, the oblique airflow has an effect on the yarn and drives yarn to move to the direction of - y. When the yarn is bent to a certain degree, the folding airflow is opened, the oblique air flow is closed and driven yarn moves to the direction of - x, then the folding is finished. The results show that with the function of incongruous jet flows field, the 10 mm yarn can complete the folding process within 5.7 ms, which can be used for the optical edge processing of the shuttleless loom with the rotation speed of 800 r/min.

      Design method for weft insertion mechanism of super width automatic loom based on electromagnetic launch
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  130-136.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170202607
      Abstract ( 628 )   PDF (2010KB) ( 120 )   Save
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      In order to solve the problem that the weft insertion is difficult in the development of the super width automatic loom, the weft insertion design method based on the coil electromagnetic launch for the super width automatic loom was proposed innovatively. According to weft insertion process requirements on the super width automatic loom, the analysis and calculation model of the maximum flight speed of the clip weft device was established. The composition and working principle of the coil electromagnetic launch weft insertion mechanism were analyzed. The magnetic field characteristics of the coil electromagnetic launch weft insertion mechanism were analyzed. The magnetic field characteristics of the coil electromagnetic launch weft insertion mechanism were researched. The weft insertion electromagnetic force was calculated by different methods, and was simulated by computer. The results of analysis and calculation show that the 7 stages coil launch work is 182.21 N?m, which can meet the requirement of 174.64 N?m of the weft insertion of the super width automatic loom.

      Intelligent control model for spinning quality based on multi-process hierarchy
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  137-147.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170804111
      Abstract ( 528 )   PDF (3153KB) ( 184 )   Save
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      To solve the problem of difficult control on yarn quality accurately because of the nonlinear input-output relationships among the spinning quality, key indexes injluencing spinning quality fluctuation were identified and the index fracture strength was abstracted. The quality control point and quality loss function based on fracture strength were designed, A knowledge correlation analysis method was proposed. Then, a spinning quality control model based on hierarchical multi-process was built, and it was solved by multi-object firework algorithm. The verification results show that the proposed control model realizes accurate control on yarn quality, and it is suitable for solving the nonlinear problem of the input-output relationship in spinning quality output characteristic value. Meanwhile, by comparing the control results with the model ignoring the knowledge relation among the multi-process and the results before the control, it is found that the fracture strength is improved by 1.27% and 3.40%, and the nonconforming rate of the yarn production result from the nonqualified fracture strength decerases by 23.48% and 50.00%.

      Digital yarn appearance simulation
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  148-152.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170705805
      Abstract ( 592 )   PDF (1894KB) ( 138 )   Save
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      Aiming at the problems that the digital yarn has various colors, complex changes and long color change cycles, causing the difficult reflecting on the characteristics of digital yarn for the conventional yarn simulation method, which is usually used in short cycle yarn simualtion. Therefore, a digital blackboard yarn simulation method reflecting the long-cycle digital yarn’s features was proposed. The simulation method took the most representative gradient color yarn as the simulated example, used different color patches as the basic unit and arranged these units in series according to the gradient color yarn color ratio change regulation to form the entire yarn. Finally, the simulated digital yarn was segmented into the digital blackboard to show the overall appearance of the gradient color yarn color change feature. This simulation method can accurately reflect the long-cycle digital yarn change feature, and give the yarn a certain sense of reality.

      Algorithm of processing code generation for pattern spline curves
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  153-158.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170906906
      Abstract ( 1126 )   PDF (1557KB) ( 117 )   Save
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      In order to simplify the design of pattern outline of the automatic equipment such as quilting, jacquard, knitting and so on, make up the defect that the complex curve in the existing textile equipment cannot be directly implanted, and increase the interpolation function of the B spline curve, the method for separating the spline curve into micro segment line or circle was used to obtain the simple pattern data containing only micro-segment straight line and micro-segment arc information. The line interpolation algorithm and circular interpolation were adopted to distribute stitching points on the pattern data uniformly. Programming simulation was carried out to verify validity using MatLab. The application results show that the approximate double circular arc can be smooth connected at the connection point together with first distributed continity and the number of fitting segments is least. The stitches of the pattern are evenly distributed together with the small error. The complex patterns interpolation can reach the requirements for processing and the numerical calculation is simplified. This method realizes complex curve application in computer numerical xintrol weaving engineering.

      Evaluation index system and comprehensive evaluation model of clothing electronic-commerce seller
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  159-164.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170700406
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      In order to analyze the main factors influencing online evaluation of clothing electromic-commerce (e-commerce) customer and to construct the comprehensive evaluation model, based on collection and identification of online comment elements in clothing e-commerce, the evaluation scale of clothing e-commerce seller was designed and developed. The theoretical framework was fuzzy set theory. By means of questionnaire survey and data analysis, the measurement index system of clothing e-commerce seller was constructed. It includes 4 primary indexes and 24 secondary indexes. The weights of indexes at all levels were analyzed by modified principal component analysis method.  According to weight, the 4 primary indexes are product, value, service and feature in descending order. By applying the fuzzy set theory, the comprehensive evaluation model was established. The practicability of the model is empirically validated by evaluating a clothing e-commerce seller.

      Preparation technology and application progress of solution blown nanofibers
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  165-173.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170802509
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      In order to further promote the solution blowing process, and provide valuable theoretical and practical reference to many researchers, preparation mechanisms and fundamental research of solution blowing process and the applications of solution blown nanofibers home and abroad were reviewed. The preparation mechanism and process research of solution blowing process were compared with those of melt blowing and electrospinning, and it is shown that the solution blowing process has the characteristics of wide application and high production efficiency. Furthermore, nanofibers with some special morphological structures could be prepared by the development of novel solution blowing process, which was reviewed based on the perspective of fiber morphology and structure control. Finally, the application prospects of solution blown nanofibers including medical materials, filter materials, electrode materials and diaphragm materials were introduced. Meanwhile, the shortage of current development and the future perspectives for solution blowing process were prospected.

      Review of cooling and heating garments
      JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH. 2018, 39(07):  174-180.  doi:10.13475/j.fzxb.20170902407
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      Based on the problems that person working in the extremely hot or cold environment may suffer from injuries like heat strke, heat cramps and hypothermia, the basic principle of human thermal regulation was reviewed, and the advantages and disadvantages were compared. On the aspect of personal cooling garments, the air cooling, phase change microcapsule (PCM) cooling, ice pack cooling and liquid cooling method were introduced. For the personal heating garments, the electrical heating, PCM heating, and chemical heating method were introduced. Based on the current research trend, the outlook for the emerging trend of personal garments and wearable technologies were also discussed. A new type of personal cool/heating garment which is integrated with life monitoring function was also proposed.